Oracel 导入和导出


impdp phuser1/kingdee directory=dir_dump dumpfile=web2012.dmp REMAP_SCHEMA=web:phuser1 table_exists_action=replace


create tablespace EAS_D_WEB_STANDARD datafile 'D:\oracledata\EAS_D_WEB_STANDARD.dbf' size 1024M autoextend on;

create temporary tablespace EAS_T_WEB_TEMP tempfile 'D:\oracledata\EAS_T_WEB_TEMP.dbf' size 512M autoextend on;

create user phuser1 identified by kingdee default tablespace EAS_D_WEB_STANDARD temporary tablespace EAS_T_WEB_TEMP;

grant dba to phuser1;

create directory dir_dump as 'D:/oracle';

grant read, write on directory dir_dump to phuser1;

