React Native 热更新

CodePush 是微软提供的一套用于热更新 React Native 和 Cordova 应用的服务。现在已经开源,可以依据源代码自己搭建一套属于自己的code push server,可以通过npm安装。

  • 安装code-push-server
    1. git clone
    2. cd code-push-server
    3. npm install
    4. 初始化数据库
    5. 修改config.js配置
  • 启动code-push-server
    • 切换到work账户,nohup /home/work/code-push-server/bin/www &
    • 在浏览器中打开,到此服务器端到配置就完成了。
    • 使用admin/123456登录,获取access_token。
  • 安装code-push客户端
    1. npm install -g code-push-cli,等待运行完即可。

                                                  CODE PUSH 相关操作

  • 登录code-push客户端
    • code-push login,然后输入浏览器获取到的access-key。
      Successfully logged-in. Your session file was written to /Users/XX/.code-push.config. You can run the code-push logout command at any time to delete this file and terminate your session.
  • 注册APP
    1. code-push app ls
    2. code-push app ls -help
    3. code-push app add hluser-app-ios-rn ios react-native
    4. code-push app add hluser-app-android-rn android react-native
  • 发布bundle

    1. code-push release -help
    2. code-push release hluser-app-ios-rn /home/work/ios "*" --des "base" -m true
    3. code-push release hluser-app-ios-rn -d Production /home/work/ios "*" --des "base" -m true
  • 查看
    1. code-push deployment ls -help
    2. code-push deployment ls hluser-app-ios-rn --displayKeys
    3. code-push deployment ls hluser-app-ios-rn -k
  • 回滚
    1. code-push rollback hluser-app-ios-rn Staging --targetRelease v3
  • 清除
    1. code-push deployment clear hluser-app-ios-rn Staging
