最近学习QGIS,参照网上一些资料编译了一下,就是利用OSGEOW库文件进行编译,问题不大直接编译通过,后来发现globe插件启动不了,报“bad alloction ”错误,后来一看,QGISrelease installer中Globe Plugin同样启动不了,最后查了一下,一切根源是GDAL依赖库的问题,因为GLobe依赖的OE的第三方库也是依赖gdal,但是其gdal是应该09编译的,但是QGISrelease installer依赖的GDAL是10版本编译的,我把OE重新编译一边就OK了,也就是将两者依赖库对应上就行。
View data
l PostGis,MSSQL,Oracacle、由OGR库支持的矢量数据、包括ESRI shp、Mapinfo、SDTS、GML等等
l GDAL支持的栅格和图像格式,比如GeoTiff、Erdas Img、ArcInfo Ascii Grid、JPEG、png等等
l Grass栅格于矢量数据
l 在线数据服务,OGC Web服务,WMS, WMTS, WCS, WFS, WFS-T, ….
l OpenStreetMap数据
Explore data and compose maps
l QGIS browser
l On-the-fly reprojection
l DB Manager
l Map composer
l Overview panel
l Spatial bookmarks
l Annotation tools
l Identify/select features
l Edit/view/search attributes
l Feature labeling also data defined
l Change vector and raster symbology also data defined
l Add a graticule layers to create an atlas map composition
l Decorate your map with a north arrow scale bar and copyright label
l Save and restore projects
Create, edit, manage and export data
l 对OGR支持的格式和GRASS的矢量数据进行数字化
l 创建,编辑shp文件和GRASS矢量数据图层
l 对影像进行几何校正
l GPS工具,支持输入和输出GPX格式,或者转换、上传、现在到GPS unit
l 对OpenStreetMap数据进行可视化和编辑
l 利用DB Manger plugin,将shp文件创建成空间数据库
l 强大的空间数据表的处理功能
l 利用最新的属性管理表或者表管理插件管理矢量属性表
l 保存成具有地理坐标系的图像
Analyse data
Publish maps on the Internet
Extend QGIS functionality through plugins
Core Plugins
1) Coordinate Capture (Capture mouse coordinates in different CRS)
2) DB Manager (Exchange, edit and view layers and tables; execute SQL queries)
3) Diagram Overlay (Placing diagrams on vector layer)
4) Dxf2Shp Converter (Convert DXF to Shape)
5) eVIS (Event Visualization Tool)
6) fTools (Tools for vector data analysis and management)
7) GDALTools (Integrate GDAL Tools into QGIS)
8) Georeferencer GDAL (Adding projection information to raster using GDAL)
9) GPS Tools (Loading and importing GPS data)
10) GRASS (GRASS GIS integration)
11) Heatmap (Generating raster heatmaps from point data)
12) Interpolation plugin (interpolate based on vertices of a vector layer)
13) Mapserver Export (Export QGIS project file to a MapServer map file)
14) Offline Editing (Allow offline editing and synchronizing with database)
15) Open Layers plugin (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, Bing Maps layers and more)
16) Oracle Spatial GeoRaster
17) Processing (formerly SEXTANTE)
18) Raster terrain analysis (Raster based terrain analysis)
19) Road graph plugin (Shortest Path network analysis)
20) Spatial Query Plugin
21) SPIT (Import Shapefile to PostgreSQL/PostGIS)
22) SQL Anywhere Plugin (Store vector layers within a SQL Anywhere database)
23) Topology Checker (Finding topological errors in vector layers)
24) Zonal statistics plugin (Calculate count, sum, mean of raster for each polygon of a vector layer)
External Python Plugins
QGIS提供了一些外置python的插件,这些插件有community提供,这些插件放在官方的插件知识库里,用Python Plugin Installer进行简单的安装就行了。这些都是很宝贵的资源。
Python Console
为了方便脚本,可以利用集成Python console的方法。在菜单中直接打开,console是一个非模态窗口,可以通过qgis.utils.iface与QGIS环境进行交互,这些变量是QgsInterface的实例化,这个接允许访问map canvas, menus, toolbars 等其他的qgis组件。
更进步了解refer to:http://www.qgis.org/html/en/docs/pyqgis_developer_cookbook/index.html.
QGIS Browser
QGIS Brower 是QGIS中的一个小工具,以便于管理和浏览数据库。通过QGIS Browser可以访问比如ESRI的shp文件或MapInfo的文件、数据库(PostGIS、Oracle、Spatialite、MSSQL Spatial)和WMS/WFS连接。也可以浏览GRASS数据。