FFmpeg 3.0 计算视频时长


1、问题:AVFormatContextAVStream都有duration: int64_t字段,调用av_dump_format()打印的多媒体文件时长是怎么算出来的呢?


    major_brand     : qt  
    minor_version   : 0
    compatible_brands: qt  
    creation_time   : 2014-01-26 20:14:21
  Duration: 00:00:04.00, start: 0.063733, bitrate: 7987 kb/s


 * Decoding: duration of the stream, in stream time base.
 * If a source file does not specify a duration, but does specify
 * a bitrate, this value will be estimated from bitrate and file size.
int64_t duration;


 * Duration of the stream, in AV_TIME_BASE fractional
 * seconds. Only set this value if you know none of the individual stream
 * durations and also do not set any of them. This is deduced from the
 * AVStream values if not set.
 * Demuxing only, set by libavformat.
int64_t duration;

5、int av_read_frame(AVFormatContext *s, AVPacket *pkt);有如下描述:

 * pkt->pts, pkt->dts and pkt->duration are always set to correct
 * values in AVStream.time_base units (and guessed if the format cannot
 * provide them). pkt->pts can be AV_NOPTS_VALUE if the video format
 * has B-frames, so it is better to rely on pkt->dts if you do not
 * decompress the payload.
 * @return 0 if OK, < 0 on error or end of file
int av_read_frame(AVFormatContext *s, AVPacket *pkt);


 * AVPacket.pts, AVPacket.dts and AVPacket.duration timing information will be
 * set if known. They may also be unset (i.e. AV_NOPTS_VALUE for
 * pts/dts, 0 for duration) if the stream does not provide them. The timing
 * information will be in AVStream.time_base units, i.e. it has to be
 * multiplied by the timebase to convert them to seconds.



IF AVFormatContext.duration != AV_NOPTS_VALUE
    time = AVFormatContext.duration * (1.0 * AVStream.num / AVStream.den)
    time = AVStream.duration * (1.0 * AVStream.num / AVStream.den)

time 的组成为123...n,从右往左数三个位为毫秒,剩余值为秒。


AVStream *videoStream = fmtCtx->streams[videoStreamIndex];
int den = videoStream->time_base.den;
int num = videoStream->time_base.num;
printf("\nfmtContext->duration = %lld, stream->duration = %lld",
       fmtCtx->duration == AV_NOPTS_VALUE ? -1 : fmtCtx->duration ,
       videoStream->duration == AV_NOPTS_VALUE ? -1 : videoStream->duration);
printf("\nstream->numerator = %d, stream->denominator = %d", num, den);
if (fmtCtx->duration != AV_NOPTS_VALUE) {
    printf("\nfmtContext->duration = %lf, fmtContext->duration = %d(s)%3d(ms)",
           fmtCtx->duration * (num * 1.0 / den),
           (int)(fmtCtx->duration * (num * 1.0 / den) / 1000),
           ((int)(fmtCtx->duration * (num * 1.0 / den))) % 1000);
} else {
    printf("\nstream->duration = %lf",
           videoStream->duration * (num * 1.0 / den));


  • 样本1:
    Duration: 00:00:16.16
    fmtContext->duration = 16160000, stream->duration = -1
    stream->numerator = 1, stream->denominator = 1000
    fmtContext->duration = 16160.000000, fmtContext->duration = 16(s)160(ms)
  • 样本2:
    Duration: 00:03:01.39
    fmtContext->duration = 181389622, stream->duration = 16325066
    stream->numerator = 1, stream->denominator = 90000
    // AVFormatContext的计算结果
    fmtContext->duration = 2015.440244, fmtContext->duration = 2(s)15(ms)
    // AVStream的计算结果
    stream->duration = 181.389622
  • 样本3:
    Duration: 00:00:04.00
    fmtContext->duration = 4004967, stream->duration = 123123
    stream->numerator = 1, stream->denominator = 30000
    // AVFormatContext的计算结果
    fmtContext->duration = 133.498900, fmtContext->duration = 0(s)133(ms)
    // AVStream的计算结果
    stream->duration = 4.104100



int hours, mins, secs, us;
int64_t duration = fmtCtx->duration + (fmtCtx->duration <= INT64_MAX - 5000 ? 5000 : 0);
secs  = duration / AV_TIME_BASE;
us    = duration % AV_TIME_BASE;
mins  = secs / 60;
secs %= 60;
hours = mins / 60;
mins %= 60;
av_log(NULL, AV_LOG_INFO, "%02d:%02d:%02d.%02d", hours, mins, secs,
       (100 * us) / AV_TIME_BASE);


 * Internal time base represented as integer
#define AV_TIME_BASE            1000000




 * Internal time base represented as fractional value
#define AV_TIME_BASE_Q          (AVRational){1, AV_TIME_BASE}


 * rational number numerator/denominator
typedef struct AVRational{
    int num; ///< numerator
    int den; ///< denominator
} AVRational;


 * Convert rational to double.
 * @param a rational to convert
 * @return (double) a
static inline double av_q2d(AVRational a){
    return a.num / (double) a.den;


double totalSeconds = videoStream->duration * av_q2d(videoStream->time_base);
printf("totalSeconds = %lf\n", totalSeconds);

执行结果为totalSeconds = 181.389622。
