
RTSPServer::createNew(UsageEnvironment& env, Port ourPort,
		      UserAuthenticationDatabase* authDatabase,
		      unsigned reclamationTestSeconds) {
  //建立TCP Socket
  int ourSocket = setUpOurSocket(env, ourPort);
  if (ourSocket == -1) return NULL;
  //创建RTSPServer 侦听客户端的socket连接
  return new RTSPServer(env, ourSocket, ourPort, authDatabase, reclamationTestSeconds);

RTSPServer::RTSPServer(UsageEnvironment& env,
		       int ourSocket, Port ourPort,
		       UserAuthenticationDatabase* authDatabase,
		       unsigned reclamationTestSeconds)
  : Medium(env),
    fRTSPServerSocket(ourSocket), fRTSPServerPort(ourPort),
    fHTTPServerSocket(-1), fHTTPServerPort(0), fClientSessionsForHTTPTunneling(NULL),
    fAuthDB(authDatabase), fReclamationTestSeconds(reclamationTestSeconds),
  ignoreSigPipeOnSocket(ourSocket); // so that clients on the same host that are killed don't also kill us

  // Arrange to handle connections from others:
void RTSPServer::incomingConnectionHandlerRTSP(void* instance, int /*mask*/) {
  RTSPServer* server = (RTSPServer*)instance;

void RTSPServer::incomingConnectionHandlerRTSP1() {

当收到客户的连接时(accept接收),需保存下代表客户端的新socket ,以后用这个 socket 与这个客户通讯。
每个客户将来会对应一个rtp 会话,而且各客户的RTSP 请求只控制自己的 rtp 会话,那么
最好建立一个会话类,代表各客户的rtsp 会话。于是类 RTSPServer::RTSPClientSession

产生,它保存的代表客户的socket 。下为RTSPClientSession 的创建过程 。   

void RTSPServer::incomingConnectionHandler(int serverSocket) 
  struct sockaddr_in clientAddr;
  SOCKLEN_T clientAddrLen = sizeof clientAddr;
    // 接受连接 
  int clientSocket = accept(serverSocket, (struct sockaddr*)&clientAddr, &clientAddrLen);
  if (clientSocket < 0) 
    int err = envir().getErrno();
    if (err != EWOULDBLOCK) 
        envir().setResultErrMsg("accept() failed: ");
   //设置 socket 的参数    
  increaseSendBufferTo(envir(), clientSocket, 50*1024);
#ifdef DEBUG
  envir() << "accept()ed connection from " << AddressString(clientAddr).val() << "\n";
  // Create a new object for this RTSP session.
  // (Choose a random 32-bit integer for the session id (it will be encoded as a 8-digit hex number).  We don't bother checking for
  //  a collision; the probability of two concurrent sessions getting the same session id is very low.)
  // (We do, however, avoid choosing session id 0, because that has a special use (by "OnDemandServerMediaSubsession").)
  unsigned sessionId;
   sessionId = (unsigned)our_random32(); 
  } while (sessionId == 0);
  //创建 RTSPClientSession ,注意传入的参数    
  (void)createNewClientSession(sessionId, clientSocket, clientAddr);

RTSPServer::createNewClientSession(unsigned sessionId, int clientSocket, struct sockaddr_in clientAddr) {
  return new RTSPClientSession(*this, sessionId, clientSocket, clientAddr);

RTSPClientSession 要提供什么功能呢?可以想象:需要监听客户端的rtsp 请求并回应它,
需要在TEARDOWN 请求中关闭RTP 会话,等等... 
RTSPClientSession 要侦听客户端的请求,就需把自己的 socket handler 加入计划任务。

::RTSPClientSession(RTSPServer& ourServer, unsigned sessionId, int clientSocket, struct sockaddr_in clientAddr)
  : fOurServer(ourServer), fOurSessionId(sessionId),
    fClientInputSocket(clientSocket), fClientOutputSocket(clientSocket), fClientAddr(clientAddr),
    fSessionCookie(NULL), fLivenessCheckTask(NULL),
    fIsMulticast(False), fSessionIsActive(True), fStreamAfterSETUP(False),
    fTCPStreamIdCount(0), fNumStreamStates(0), fStreamStates(NULL), fRecursionCount(0) 
  // Arrange to handle incoming requests:
     (TaskScheduler::BackgroundHandlerProc*)&incomingRequestHandler, this);

void RTSPServer::RTSPClientSession::incomingRequestHandler(void* instance, int /*mask*/) {
  RTSPClientSession* session = (RTSPClientSession*)instance;
void RTSPServer::RTSPClientSession::incomingRequestHandler1() {
  struct sockaddr_in dummy; // 'from' address, meaningless in this case
  int bytesRead = readSocket(envir(), fClientInputSocket, &fRequestBuffer[fRequestBytesAlreadySeen], fRequestBufferBytesLeft, dummy);

void RTSPServer::RTSPClientSession::handleRequestBytes(int newBytesRead) 
  int numBytesRemaining = 0;

    if (newBytesRead <= 0 || (unsigned)newBytesRead >= fRequestBufferBytesLeft) 
      // Either the client socket has died, or the request was too big for us.
      // Terminate this connection:
      #ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "RTSPClientSession[%p]::handleRequestBytes() read %d new bytes (of %d); terminating connection!\n", this, newBytesRead, fRequestBufferBytesLeft);
      fSessionIsActive = False;
    Boolean endOfMsg = False;
    unsigned char* ptr = &fRequestBuffer[fRequestBytesAlreadySeen];
    #ifdef DEBUG
    ptr[newBytesRead] = '\0';
    fprintf(stderr, "RTSPClientSession[%p]::handleRequestBytes() %s %d new bytes:%s\n",
	    this, numBytesRemaining > 0 ? "processing" : "read", newBytesRead, ptr);
    if (fClientOutputSocket != fClientInputSocket) {
      // We're doing RTSP-over-HTTP tunneling, and input commands are assumed to have been Base64-encoded.
      // We therefore Base64-decode as much of this new data as we can (i.e., up to a multiple of 4 bytes):
      unsigned numBytesToDecode = fBase64RemainderCount + newBytesRead;
      unsigned newBase64RemainderCount = numBytesToDecode%4;
      numBytesToDecode -= newBase64RemainderCount;
      if (numBytesToDecode > 0) {
	  ptr[newBytesRead] = '\0';
	  unsigned decodedSize;
	  unsigned char* decodedBytes = base64Decode((char const*)(ptr-fBase64RemainderCount), decodedSize);
      #ifdef DEBUG
	  fprintf(stderr, "Base64-decoded %d input bytes into %d new bytes:", numBytesToDecode, decodedSize);
	  for (unsigned k = 0; k < decodedSize; ++k) fprintf(stderr, "%c", decodedBytes[k]);
	  fprintf(stderr, "\n");
	  // Copy the new decoded bytes in place of the old ones (we can do this because there are fewer decoded bytes than original):
	  unsigned char* to = ptr-fBase64RemainderCount;
	  for (unsigned i = 0; i < decodedSize; ++i) *to++ = decodedBytes[i];
	  // Then copy any remaining (undecoded) bytes to the end:
	  for (unsigned j = 0; j < newBase64RemainderCount; ++j) *to++ = (ptr-fBase64RemainderCount+numBytesToDecode)[j];
	  newBytesRead = decodedSize + newBase64RemainderCount; // adjust to allow for the size of the new decoded data (+ remainder)
	  delete[] decodedBytes;
      fBase64RemainderCount = newBase64RemainderCount;
      if (fBase64RemainderCount > 0) break; // because we know that we have more input bytes still to receive
    // Look for the end of the message: 
    unsigned char *tmpPtr = fLastCRLF + 2;
    if (tmpPtr < fRequestBuffer) tmpPtr = fRequestBuffer;
    while (tmpPtr < &ptr[newBytesRead-1]) {
      if (*tmpPtr == '\r' && *(tmpPtr+1) == '\n') {
	if (tmpPtr - fLastCRLF == 2) { // This is it:
	  endOfMsg = True;
	fLastCRLF = tmpPtr;
    fRequestBufferBytesLeft -= newBytesRead;
    fRequestBytesAlreadySeen += newBytesRead;
    if (!endOfMsg) break; // subsequent reads will be needed to complete the request

	//解析客户端的RTSP会话命令,DESCRIBE 等等。。。
    // Parse the request string into command name and 'CSeq', then handle the command:
    fRequestBuffer[fRequestBytesAlreadySeen] = '\0';
    char cmdName[RTSP_PARAM_STRING_MAX];
    char urlPreSuffix[RTSP_PARAM_STRING_MAX];
    char urlSuffix[RTSP_PARAM_STRING_MAX];
    char cseq[RTSP_PARAM_STRING_MAX];
    unsigned contentLength;
    *fLastCRLF = '\0'; // temporarily, for parsing
    Boolean parseSucceeded = parseRTSPRequestString((char*)fRequestBuffer, fRequestBytesAlreadySeen,
						    cmdName, sizeof cmdName,
						    urlPreSuffix, sizeof urlPreSuffix,
						    urlSuffix, sizeof urlSuffix,
						    cseq, sizeof cseq,
    *fLastCRLF = '\r';
    if (parseSucceeded) {
#ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "parseRTSPRequestString() succeeded, returning cmdName \"%s\", urlPreSuffix \"%s\", urlSuffix \"%s\", CSeq \"%s\", Content-Length %u, with %d bytes following the message.\n", cmdName, urlPreSuffix, urlSuffix, cseq, contentLength, ptr + newBytesRead - (tmpPtr + 2));
      // If there was a "Content-Length:" header, then make sure we've received all of the data that it specified:
      if (ptr + newBytesRead < tmpPtr + 2 + contentLength) break; // we still need more data; subsequent reads will give it to us 
      if (strcmp(cmdName, "OPTIONS") == 0) {
      } else if (strcmp(cmdName, "DESCRIBE") == 0) {
	handleCmd_DESCRIBE(cseq, urlPreSuffix, urlSuffix, (char const*)fRequestBuffer);
      } else if (strcmp(cmdName, "SETUP") == 0) {
	handleCmd_SETUP(cseq, urlPreSuffix, urlSuffix, (char const*)fRequestBuffer);
      } else if (strcmp(cmdName, "TEARDOWN") == 0
		 || strcmp(cmdName, "PLAY") == 0
		 || strcmp(cmdName, "PAUSE") == 0
		 || strcmp(cmdName, "GET_PARAMETER") == 0
		 || strcmp(cmdName, "SET_PARAMETER") == 0) {
	handleCmd_withinSession(cmdName, urlPreSuffix, urlSuffix, cseq, (char const*)fRequestBuffer);
      } else {
    } else {
#ifdef DEBUG
      fprintf(stderr, "parseRTSPRequestString() failed\n");
      // The request was not (valid) RTSP, but check for a special case: HTTP commands (for setting up RTSP-over-HTTP tunneling):
      char sessionCookie[RTSP_PARAM_STRING_MAX];
      char acceptStr[RTSP_PARAM_STRING_MAX];
      *fLastCRLF = '\0'; // temporarily, for parsing
      parseSucceeded = parseHTTPRequestString(cmdName, sizeof cmdName,
					      urlSuffix, sizeof urlPreSuffix,
					      sessionCookie, sizeof sessionCookie,
					      acceptStr, sizeof acceptStr);
      *fLastCRLF = '\r';
      if (parseSucceeded) {
#ifdef DEBUG
	fprintf(stderr, "parseHTTPRequestString() succeeded, returning cmdName \"%s\", urlSuffix \"%s\", sessionCookie \"%s\", acceptStr \"%s\"\n", cmdName, urlSuffix, sessionCookie, acceptStr);
	// Check that the HTTP command is valid for RTSP-over-HTTP tunneling: There must be a 'session cookie'.
	Boolean isValidHTTPCmd = True;
	if (sessionCookie[0] == '\0') {
	  // There was no "x-sessionCookie:" header.  If there was an "Accept: application/x-rtsp-tunnelled" header,
	  // then this is a bad tunneling request.  Otherwise, assume that it's an attempt to access the stream via HTTP.
	  if (strcmp(acceptStr, "application/x-rtsp-tunnelled") == 0) {
	    isValidHTTPCmd = False;
	  } else {
	    handleHTTPCmd_StreamingGET(urlSuffix, (char const*)fRequestBuffer);
	} else if (strcmp(cmdName, "GET") == 0) {
	} else if (strcmp(cmdName, "POST") == 0) {
	  // We might have received additional data following the HTTP "POST" command - i.e., the first Base64-encoded RTSP command.
	  // Check for this, and handle it if it exists:
	  unsigned char const* extraData = fLastCRLF+4;
	  unsigned extraDataSize = &fRequestBuffer[fRequestBytesAlreadySeen] - extraData;
	  if (handleHTTPCmd_TunnelingPOST(sessionCookie, extraData, extraDataSize)) {
	    // We don't respond to the "POST" command, and we go away:
	    fSessionIsActive = False;
	} else {
	  isValidHTTPCmd = False;
	if (!isValidHTTPCmd) {
      } else {
#ifdef DEBUG
	fprintf(stderr, "parseHTTPRequestString() failed!\n");
#ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "sending response: %s", fResponseBuffer);
    send(fClientOutputSocket, (char const*)fResponseBuffer, strlen((char*)fResponseBuffer), 0);
    if (strcmp(cmdName, "SETUP") == 0 && fStreamAfterSETUP) {
      // The client has asked for streaming to commence now, rather than after a
      // subsequent "PLAY" command.  So, simulate the effect of a "PLAY" command:
      handleCmd_withinSession("PLAY", urlPreSuffix, urlSuffix, cseq,
			      (char const*)fRequestBuffer);
    // Check whether there are extra bytes remaining in the buffer, after the end of the request (a rare case).
    // If so, move them to the front of our buffer, and keep processing it, because it might be a following, pipelined request.
    unsigned requestSize = (fLastCRLF+4-fRequestBuffer) + contentLength;
    numBytesRemaining = fRequestBytesAlreadySeen - requestSize;
    resetRequestBuffer(); // to prepare for any subsequent request

    if (numBytesRemaining > 0) {
      memmove(fRequestBuffer, &fRequestBuffer[requestSize], numBytesRemaining);
      newBytesRead = numBytesRemaining;
  } while (numBytesRemaining > 0);

  if (!fSessionIsActive) {
    if (fRecursionCount > 0) closeSockets(); else delete this;
    // Note: The "fRecursionCount" test is for a pathological situation where we got called recursively while handling a command.
    // In such a case we don't want to actually delete ourself until we leave the outermost call.

void RTSPServer::RTSPClientSession
::handleCmd_DESCRIBE(char const* cseq,
		     char const* urlPreSuffix, char const* urlSuffix,
		     char const* fullRequestStr) 
  char* sdpDescription = NULL;
  char* rtspURL = NULL;
    char urlTotalSuffix[RTSP_PARAM_STRING_MAX];
    if (strlen(urlPreSuffix) + strlen(urlSuffix) + 2 > sizeof urlTotalSuffix) 
    urlTotalSuffix[0] = '\0';
    if (urlPreSuffix[0] != '\0') {
      strcat(urlTotalSuffix, urlPreSuffix);
      strcat(urlTotalSuffix, "/");
    strcat(urlTotalSuffix, urlSuffix);
      //验证用户名 密码
    if (!authenticationOK("DESCRIBE", cseq, urlTotalSuffix, fullRequestStr)) break;
    // We should really check that the request contains an "Accept:" #####
    // for "application/sdp", because that's what we're sending back #####
    // Begin by looking up the "ServerMediaSession" object for the specified "urlTotalSuffix":
	 /*跟据流的名字查找 ServerMediaSession,如果找不到,会创建一个。每
//一个serverMediaSession中至少要包含一个   ServerMediaSubsession。一个ServerMediaSession对应一个媒体,可
//以认为是Server 上的一个文件,或一个实时获取设备。其包含的每个
//StreamState,StreamState 与ServerMediaSubsession 相关,但代表的是动态
//的,而ServerMediaSubsession 代表静态的。*/

	ServerMediaSession* session = fOurServer.lookupServerMediaSession(urlTotalSuffix);
    if (session == NULL) {
    // Then, assemble a SDP description for this session:
     //获取SDP字符串,在函数内会依次获取每个 ServerMediaSubSession的
    sdpDescription = session->generateSDPDescription();
    if (sdpDescription == NULL) {
      // This usually means that a file name that was specified for a
      // "ServerMediaSubsession" does not exist.
      snprintf((char*)fResponseBuffer, sizeof fResponseBuffer,
	       "RTSP/1.0 404 File Not Found, Or In Incorrect Format\r\n"
	       "CSeq: %s\r\n"
    unsigned sdpDescriptionSize = strlen(sdpDescription);
    // Also, generate our RTSP URL, for the "Content-Base:" header
    // (which is necessary to ensure that the correct URL gets used in
    // subsequent "SETUP" requests).
    rtspURL = fOurServer.rtspURL(session, fClientInputSocket);
      //形成响应 DESCRIBE请求的RTSP 字符串。     
    snprintf((char*)fResponseBuffer, sizeof fResponseBuffer,
	     "RTSP/1.0 200 OK\r\nCSeq: %s\r\n"
	     "Content-Base: %s/\r\n"
	     "Content-Type: application/sdp\r\n"
	     "Content-Length: %d\r\n\r\n"
  } while (0);

  delete[] sdpDescription;
  delete[] rtspURL;



           RTSP服务端(RTSPServer),在侦听到客户端的socket请求时,会创建一个RTSPClientSession类与客户端进行RTSP会话,包括"OPTIONS, DESCRIBE, SETUP, TEARDOWN, PLAY, PAUSE, GET_PARAMETER, SET_PARAMETER"。而且会在DESCRIBE中创建serverMediaSession提供媒体服务。
