This pass performs loop invariant code motion, attempting to remove as much code from the body of a loop as possible. It does this by either hoisting code into the preheader block, or by sinking code to the exit blocks if it is safe. This pass also promotes must-aliased memory locations in the loop to live in registers, thus hoisting and sinking “invariant” loads and stores.
This pass uses alias analysis for two purposes:
Moving loop invariant loads and calls out of loops. If we can determine that a load or call inside of a loop never aliases anything stored to, we can hoist it or sink it like any other instruction.
Scalar Promotion of Memory. If there is a store instruction inside of the loop, we try to move the store to happen AFTER the loop instead of inside of the loop. This can only happen if a few conditions are true:
The pointer stored through is loop invariant.
There are no stores or loads in the loop which may alias the pointer. There are no calls in the loop which mod/ref the pointer.
If these conditions are true, we can promote the loads and stores in the loop of the pointer to use a temporary alloca’d variable. We then use the mem2reg functionality to construct the appropriate SSA form for the variable.
快速高效用:SET SQL_SAFE_UPDATES = 0;下面的就不要看了!
今日用MySQL Workbench进行数据库的管理更新时,执行一个更新的语句碰到以下错误提示:
Error Code: 1175
You are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that
Given two sorted integer arrays nums1 and nums2, merge nums2 into nums1 as one sorted array.
Note:You may assume that nums1 has enough space (size that is