

public class XmlHelper
        public XmlHelper()
        public enum XmlType
        /// 创建XML文档
        /// 根节点名称
        /// 根节点的一个属性值
        /// .net中调用方法:写入文件中,则:
        ///          document = XmlOperate.CreateXmlDocument("sex", "sexy");
        ///          document.Save("c:/bookstore.xml");        
        public static XmlDocument CreateXmlDocument( string name, string type )
            XmlDocument doc = null;
            XmlElement rootEle = null;
                doc = new XmlDocument();
                doc.LoadXml( "<" + name + "/>" );
                rootEle = doc.DocumentElement;
                rootEle.SetAttribute( "type", type );
            catch (Exception er)
                throw er;
            return doc;
        /// 读取数据
        /// 路径
        /// 节点
        /// 属性名,非空时返回该属性值,否则返回串联值
        /// string
         * 使用示列:
         * XmlHelper.Read(path, "/Node", "")
         * XmlHelper.Read(path, "/Node/Element[@Attribute='Name']", "Attribute")
        public static string Read( string path, string node, string attribute )
            string value = "";
                XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                doc.Load( path );
                XmlNode xn = doc.SelectSingleNode( node );
                value = (attribute.Equals( "" ) ? xn.InnerText : xn.Attributes[attribute].Value);
            catch { }
            return value;
        /// 插入数据
        /// 路径
        /// 节点
        /// 元素名,非空时插入新元素,否则在该元素中插入属性
        /// 属性名,非空时插入该元素属性值,否则插入元素值
         * 使用示列:
         * XmlHelper.Insert(path, "/Node", "Element", "", "Value")
         * XmlHelper.Insert(path, "/Node", "Element", "Attribute", "Value")
         * XmlHelper.Insert(path, "/Node", "", "Attribute", "Value")
        public static void Insert( string path, string node, string element, string attribute, string value )
                XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                doc.Load( path );
                XmlNode xn = doc.SelectSingleNode( node );
                if (element.Equals( "" ))
                    if (!attribute.Equals( "" ))
                        XmlElement xe = (XmlElement)xn;
                        xe.SetAttribute( attribute, value );
                    XmlElement xe = doc.CreateElement( element );
                    if (attribute.Equals( "" ))
                        xe.InnerText = value;
                        xe.SetAttribute( attribute, value );
                    xn.AppendChild( xe );
                doc.Save( path );
            catch { }
        /// 修改数据
        /// 路径
        /// 节点
        /// 属性名,非空时修改该节点属性值,否则修改节点值
         * 使用示列:
         * XmlHelper.Insert(path, "/Node", "", "Value")
         * XmlHelper.Insert(path, "/Node", "Attribute", "Value")
        public static void Update( string path, string node, string attribute, string value )
                XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                doc.Load( path );
                XmlNode xn = doc.SelectSingleNode( node );
                XmlElement xe = (XmlElement)xn;
                if (attribute.Equals( "" ))
                    xe.InnerText = value;
                    xe.SetAttribute( attribute, value );
                doc.Save( path );
            catch { }
        /// 删除数据
        /// 路径
        /// 节点
        /// 属性名,非空时删除该节点属性值,否则删除节点值
         * 使用示列:
         * XmlHelper.Delete(path, "/Node", "")
         * XmlHelper.Delete(path, "/Node", "Attribute")
        public static void Delete( string path, string node, string attribute )
                XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                doc.Load( path );
                XmlNode xn = doc.SelectSingleNode( node );
                XmlElement xe = (XmlElement)xn;
                if (attribute.Equals( "" ))
                    xn.ParentNode.RemoveChild( xn );
                    xe.RemoveAttribute( attribute );
                doc.Save( path );
            catch { }
        #region 读取XML资源到DataSet中
        /// 读取XML资源到DataSet中
        /// XML资源,文件为路径,否则为XML字符串
        /// XML资源类型
        /// DataSet
        public static DataSet GetDataSet( string source, XmlType xmlType )
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            if (xmlType == XmlType.File)
                ds.ReadXml( source );
                XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument();
                xd.LoadXml( source );
                XmlNodeReader xnr = new XmlNodeReader( xd );
                ds.ReadXml( xnr );
            return ds;
        #region 操作xml文件中指定节点的数据
        /// 获得xml文件中指定节点的节点数据
        public static string GetNodeInfoByNodeName( string path, string nodeName )
            string XmlString = "";
            XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument();
            xml.Load( path );
            System.Xml.XmlElement root = xml.DocumentElement;
            System.Xml.XmlNode node = root.SelectSingleNode( "//" + nodeName );
            if (node != null)
                XmlString = node.InnerText;
            return XmlString;
        #region 获取一个字符串xml文档中的ds
        /// 获取一个字符串xml文档中的ds
        /// 含有xml信息的字符串
        public static void get_XmlValue_ds( string xml_string, ref DataSet ds )
            System.Xml.XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument();
            xd.LoadXml( xml_string );
            XmlNodeReader xnr = new XmlNodeReader( xd );
            ds.ReadXml( xnr );
            int a = ds.Tables.Count;
        #region 读取XML资源到DataTable中
        /// 读取XML资源到DataTable中
        /// XML资源,文件为路径,否则为XML字符串
        /// XML资源类型:文件,字符串
        /// 表名称
        /// DataTable
        public static DataTable GetTable( string source, XmlType xmlType, string tableName )
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            if (xmlType == XmlType.File)
                ds.ReadXml( source );
                XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument();
                xd.LoadXml( source );
                XmlNodeReader xnr = new XmlNodeReader( xd );
                ds.ReadXml( xnr );
            return ds.Tables[tableName];
        #region 读取XML资源中指定的DataTable的指定行指定列的值
        /// 读取XML资源中指定的DataTable的指定行指定列的值
        /// XML资源
        /// XML资源类型:文件,字符串
        /// 表名
        /// 行号
        /// 列名
        /// 值,不存在时返回Null
        public static object GetTableCell( string source, XmlType xmlType, string tableName, int rowIndex, string colName )
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            if (xmlType == XmlType.File)
                ds.ReadXml( source );
                XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument();
                xd.LoadXml( source );
                XmlNodeReader xnr = new XmlNodeReader( xd );
                ds.ReadXml( xnr );
            return ds.Tables[tableName].Rows[rowIndex][colName];
        #region 读取XML资源中指定的DataTable的指定行指定列的值
        /// 读取XML资源中指定的DataTable的指定行指定列的值
        /// XML资源
        /// XML资源类型:文件,字符串
        /// 表名
        /// 行号
        /// 列号
        /// 值,不存在时返回Null
        public static object GetTableCell( string source, XmlType xmlType, string tableName, int rowIndex, int colIndex )
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            if (xmlType == XmlType.File)
                ds.ReadXml( source );
                XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument();
                xd.LoadXml( source );
                XmlNodeReader xnr = new XmlNodeReader( xd );
                ds.ReadXml( xnr );
            return ds.Tables[tableName].Rows[rowIndex][colIndex];
        #region 将DataTable写入XML文件中
        /// 将DataTable写入XML文件中
        /// 含有数据的DataTable
        /// 文件路径
        public static void SaveTableToFile( DataTable dt, string filePath )
            DataSet ds = new DataSet( "Config" );
            ds.Tables.Add( dt.Copy() );
            ds.WriteXml( filePath );
        #region 将DataTable以指定的根结点名称写入文件
        /// 将DataTable以指定的根结点名称写入文件
        /// 含有数据的DataTable
        /// 根结点名称
        /// 文件路径
        public static void SaveTableToFile( DataTable dt, string rootName, string filePath )
            DataSet ds = new DataSet( rootName );
            ds.Tables.Add( dt.Copy() );
            ds.WriteXml( filePath );
        #region 使用DataSet方式更新XML文件节点
        /// 使用DataSet方式更新XML文件节点
        /// XML文件路径
        /// 表名称
        /// 行号
        /// 列名
        /// 更新值
        /// 更新是否成功
        public static bool UpdateTableCell( string filePath, string tableName, int rowIndex, string colName, string content )
            bool flag = false;
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            ds.ReadXml( filePath );
            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[tableName];
            if (dt.Rows[rowIndex][colName] != null)
                dt.Rows[rowIndex][colName] = content;
                ds.WriteXml( filePath );
                flag = true;
                flag = false;
            return flag;
        #region 使用DataSet方式更新XML文件节点
        /// 使用DataSet方式更新XML文件节点
        /// XML文件路径
        /// 表名称
        /// 行号
        /// 列号
        /// 更新值
        /// 更新是否成功
        public static bool UpdateTableCell( string filePath, string tableName, int rowIndex, int colIndex, string content )
            bool flag = false;
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            ds.ReadXml( filePath );
            DataTable dt = ds.Tables[tableName];
            if (dt.Rows[rowIndex][colIndex] != null)
                dt.Rows[rowIndex][colIndex] = content;
                ds.WriteXml( filePath );
                flag = true;
                flag = false;
            return flag;
        #region 读取XML资源中的指定节点内容
        /// 读取XML资源中的指定节点内容
        /// XML资源
        /// XML资源类型:文件,字符串
        /// 节点名称
        /// 节点内容
        public static object GetNodeValue( string source, XmlType xmlType, string nodeName )
            XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument();
            if (xmlType == XmlType.File)
                xd.Load( source );
                xd.LoadXml( source );
            XmlElement xe = xd.DocumentElement;
            XmlNode xn = xe.SelectSingleNode( "//" + nodeName );
            if (xn != null)
                return xn.InnerText;
                return null;
        /// 读取XML资源中的指定节点内容
        /// XML资源
        /// 节点名称
        /// 节点内容
        public static object GetNodeValue( string source, string nodeName )
            if (source == null || nodeName == null || source == "" || nodeName == "" || source.Length < nodeName.Length * 2)
                return null;
                int start = source.IndexOf( "<" + nodeName + ">" ) + nodeName.Length + 2;
                int end = source.IndexOf( " + nodeName + ">" );
                if (start == -1 || end == -1)
                    return null;
                else if (start >= end)
                    return null;
                    return source.Substring( start, end - start );
        #region 更新XML文件中的指定节点内容
        /// 更新XML文件中的指定节点内容
        /// 文件路径
        /// 节点名称
        /// 更新内容
        /// 更新是否成功
        public static bool UpdateNode( string filePath, string nodeName, string nodeValue )
            bool flag = false;
            XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument();
            xd.Load( filePath );
            XmlElement xe = xd.DocumentElement;
            XmlNode xn = xe.SelectSingleNode( "//" + nodeName );
            if (xn != null)
                xn.InnerText = nodeValue;
                flag = true;
                flag = false;
            return flag;
        /// 读取xml文件,并将文件序列化为类
        public static T ReadXML( string path )
            XmlSerializer reader = new XmlSerializer( typeof( JJDB ) );
            StreamReader file = new StreamReader( @path );
            return (T)reader.Deserialize( file );
        /// 将对象写入XML文件
        /// C#对象名
        /// 对象实例
        /// 路径
        /// 标号
        /// 结束符号(整个xml的路径类似如下:C:\xmltest\201111send.xml,其中path=C:\xmltest,jjdbh=201111,ends=send)
        public static string WriteXML( T item, string path, string jjdbh, string ends )
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( ends ))
                ends = "send";
            int i = 0;//控制写入文件的次数,
            XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer( item.GetType() );
            object[] obj = new object[] { path, "\\", jjdbh, ends, ".xml" };
            string xmlPath = String.Concat( obj );
            while (true)
                    FileStream fs;
                    fs = File.Create( xmlPath );
                    TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter( xmlPath, false, Encoding.UTF8 );
                    XmlSerializerNamespaces xml = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
                    xml.Add( string.Empty, string.Empty );
                    serializer.Serialize( writer, item, xml );
                catch (Exception exec)
                    if (i < 5)
                    { break; }
            return SerializeToXmlStr( item, true );
        /// 静态扩展
        /// 需要序列化的对象类型,必须声明[Serializable]特征
        /// 需要序列化的对象
        /// true:省略XML声明;否则为false.默认false,即编写 XML 声明。
        public static string SerializeToXmlStr( T obj, bool omitXmlDeclaration )
            return XmlSerialize( obj, omitXmlDeclaration );
        #region XML序列化反序列化相关的静态方法
        /// 使用XmlSerializer序列化对象
        /// 需要序列化的对象类型,必须声明[Serializable]特征
        /// 需要序列化的对象
        /// true:省略XML声明;否则为false.默认false,即编写 XML 声明。
        /// 序列化后的字符串
        public static string XmlSerialize( T obj, bool omitXmlDeclaration )
            /* This property only applies to XmlWriter instances that output text content to a stream; otherwise, this setting is ignored.
            可能很多朋友遇见过 不能转换成Xml不能反序列化成为UTF8XML声明的情况,就是这个原因。
            XmlWriterSettings xmlSettings = new XmlWriterSettings();
            xmlSettings.OmitXmlDeclaration = omitXmlDeclaration;
            xmlSettings.Encoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding( false );
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();//var writer = new StringWriter();
            XmlWriter xmlwriter = XmlWriter.Create( stream/*writer*/, xmlSettings ); //这里如果直接写成:Encoding = Encoding.UTF8 会在生成的xml中加入BOM(Byte-order Mark) 信息(Unicode 字节顺序标记) , 所以new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(false)是最佳方式,省得再做替换的麻烦
            XmlSerializerNamespaces xmlns = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
            xmlns.Add( String.Empty, String.Empty ); //在XML序列化时去除默认命名空间xmlns:xsd和xmlns:xsi
            XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer( typeof( T ) );
            ser.Serialize( xmlwriter, obj, xmlns );
            return Encoding.UTF8.GetString( stream.ToArray() );//writer.ToString();
        /// 使用XmlSerializer序列化对象
        /// 文件路径
        /// 需要序列化的对象
        /// true:省略XML声明;否则为false.默认false,即编写 XML 声明。
        /// 是否移除默认名称空间(如果对象定义时指定了:XmlRoot(Namespace = "http://www.xxx.com/xsd")则需要传false值进来)
        /// 序列化后的字符串
        public static void XmlSerialize( string path, T obj, bool omitXmlDeclaration, bool removeDefaultNamespace )
            XmlWriterSettings xmlSetings = new XmlWriterSettings();
            xmlSetings.OmitXmlDeclaration = omitXmlDeclaration;
            using (XmlWriter xmlwriter = XmlWriter.Create( path, xmlSetings ))
                XmlSerializerNamespaces xmlns = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
                if (removeDefaultNamespace)
                    xmlns.Add( String.Empty, String.Empty ); //在XML序列化时去除默认命名空间xmlns:xsd和xmlns:xsi
                XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer( typeof( T ) );
                ser.Serialize( xmlwriter, obj, xmlns );
        private static byte[] ShareReadFile( string filePath )
            byte[] bytes;
            //避免"正由另一进程使用,因此该进程无法访问此文件"造成异常 共享锁 flieShare必须为ReadWrite,但是如果文件不存在的话,还是会出现异常,所以这里不能吃掉任何异常,但是需要考虑到这些问题
            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream( filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite ))
                bytes = new byte[fs.Length];
                int numBytesToRead = (int)fs.Length;
                int numBytesRead = 0;
                while (numBytesToRead > 0)
                    int n = fs.Read( bytes, numBytesRead, numBytesToRead );
                    if (n == 0)
                    numBytesRead += n;
                    numBytesToRead -= n;
            return bytes;
        /// 从文件读取并反序列化为对象 (解决: 多线程或多进程下读写并发问题)
        /// 返回的对象类型
        /// 文件地址
        public static T XmlFileDeserialize( string path )
            byte[] bytes = ShareReadFile( path );
            if (bytes.Length < 1)//当文件正在被写入数据时,可能读出为0
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                { //5次机会
                    bytes = ShareReadFile( path ); // 采用这样诡异的做法避免独占文件和文件正在被写入时读出来的数据为0字节的问题。
                    if (bytes.Length > 0) break;
                    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( 50 ); //悲观情况下总共最多消耗1/4秒,读取文件
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            doc.Load( new MemoryStream( bytes ) );
            if (doc.DocumentElement != null)
                return (T)new XmlSerializer( typeof( T ) ).Deserialize( new XmlNodeReader( doc.DocumentElement ) );
            return default( T );
            XmlReaderSettings xmlReaderSettings = new XmlReaderSettings();
            xmlReaderSettings.CloseInput = true;
            using (XmlReader xmlReader = XmlReader.Create( path, xmlReaderSettings ))
                T obj = (T)new XmlSerializer( typeof( T ) ).Deserialize( xmlReader );
                return obj;
        /// 使用XmlSerializer反序列化对象
        /// 需要反序列化的xml字符串
        /// 反序列化后的对象
        public static T XmlDeserialize( string xmlOfObject ) where T : class
            XmlReader xmlReader = XmlReader.Create( new StringReader( xmlOfObject ), new XmlReaderSettings() );
            return (T)new XmlSerializer( typeof( T ) ).Deserialize( xmlReader );
