新冠全球超3000万,人类决战病毒胜算几何?| 双语封面

新冠全球超3000万,人类决战病毒胜算几何?| 双语封面_第1张图片

根据美国约翰斯·霍普金斯大学发布的新冠疫情最新统计数据,全球累计新冠确诊病例已于今天突破3000万大关。世卫组织官员周四表示,随着西班牙和法国的新增发病率大增,欧洲疫情正面临“非常严峻的局势”,病例回升的美国同样有可能在未来数月经历第二波疫情。同时,疫苗研发频频受阻让美国疾控中心再次追加7亿美元。这场人类与病毒的竞赛来到关键时期,要攻克敌人,首先需要知己知彼。实际上,病毒是地球生物进化的推进器。而人类与病毒的深度博弈恰恰为应对和利用病毒开辟了多种新途径。此次疫情推动的新研究将提高人类的研判能力,加强人体能够调集的最佳响应,把病毒防御提升到一个新水平。与40亿岁的病毒对弈是所有地球生物的宿命,人类胜算几何? 上方扫码直接订阅商论,即可双语对照阅读《经济学人》双语封面文章

新冠全球超3000万,人类决战病毒胜算几何?| 双语封面_第2张图片

《经济学人·商论》 九月刊

《我们当中的异类》(The aliens among us)



The aliens among us


Viruses cause pandemics. They also shape the world


HUMANS THINK of themselves as the world’s apex predators. Hence the silence of sabre-tooth tigers, the absence of moas from New Zealand and the long list of endangered megafauna. But SARS-CoV-2 shows how people can also end up as prey. Viruses have caused a litany of modern pandemics, from covid-19, to HIV/AIDS tothe influenza outbreak in 1918-20, which killed many more people than the first world war. Before that, the colonisation of the Americas by Europeans was abetted—and perhaps made possible—by epidemics of smallpox, measles and influenza brought unwittingly by the invaders, which annihilated many of the original inhabitants. 人类自认为是世界上的顶级捕食者。所以剑齿虎湮灭、新西兰恐鸟绝迹,还有许多其他巨型动物濒临灭绝。但此次新冠病毒表明,人类最终也可能成为猎物。病毒在近现代引发了一系列全球大流行病,如新冠肺炎、艾滋病,以及1918年至1920年爆发的致死人数超过一战的大流感等。在此之前,欧洲入侵者无意中带去的让很多原住民丧生的天花、麻疹和流感等区域流行病推动了——或者甚至是促成了——他们对美洲的殖民。
The influence of viruses on life on Earth, though, goes far beyond the past andpresent tragedies of a single species, however pressing they seem. Though the study of viruses began as an investigation into what appeared to be a strange subset of pathogens, recent research puts them at the heart of an explanationof the strategies of genes, both selfish and otherwise. 然而,病毒对地球生物的影响远远不止单个物种在过去和现在遭遇的灾难,不管这些灾难看起来有多紧迫。尽管最初的病毒研究是在调查一类看似是病原体一个奇怪分支的东西,但近些年的研究已把病毒视为理解基因策略的关键,不管是自私的还是利他的基因。
Viruses are unimaginably varied and ubiquitous. And it is becoming clear justhow much they have shaped the evolution of all organisms since the very beginnings of life. In this, they demonstrate the blind, pitiless power of natural selection at its most dramatic. And—for one group of brainy bipedal mammals that viruses helped create—they also present a heady mix of threat and opportunity. 病毒种类繁多又无处不在的程度令人难以想象。人们逐渐认识到,自生命诞生之初,病毒就在很大程度上影响了所有生物的进化。在此过程中,它们以最剧烈的方式展现了自然选择那盲目而无情的力量。而且,对于人类这种在病毒的帮助下形成的有智慧的两足哺乳动物来说,它们令人晕眩地同时带来了“危”与“机”。
Viruses are best thought of as packages of genetic material that exploit another organism’s metabolism in order to reproduce. They are parasites of the purest kind: they borrow everything from the host except the genetic code that makes them what they are. They strip down life itself to the bare essentials of information and its replication. If the abundance of viruses is anything to go by, that is a very successful strategy indeed. 对病毒的最好理解方式是它们是利用另一种有机体的新陈代谢来繁殖的遗传物质组装体。它们是最纯种的寄生生物:除了令它们获得自身特性的遗传密码以外,其他一切都借自宿主。它们将自身生命剥离得只剩下遗传信息及其复制品的最基本要素。从病毒数量之多这一点来看,这确实是非常有效的策略。

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