


  • 什么是函数
    • lower(),upper(),replace(),count(),rstrip(" "), rstrip(),find(),split(),len(),index()
  • 总结


点这里:链接: Python函数.

lower(),upper(),replace(),count(),rstrip(" "), rstrip(),find(),split(),len(),index()

String Method Description
count(“a”) Counts the number of occurences of the symbol “a” in a string
find() only returns the index of the first occurrence of the letter
index For lists, each entry in the list gets assigned an index, which, as before, we start counting from zero.
join() join can be used to create strings from lists, and is therefore complementary to the split method
len() find out how many elements a list
lower() Converts a string to lower case
replace(“a”,“b”) Replaces a given part of a string (“a”) with a new one (“b”)
split() creates a list of substrings by splitting up the full string at each whitespace
rstrip(“a”) Strips the symbol “a” off the end of a string
rstrip() Strips any trailing whitespace, newline, or carriage return characters off the end of a string
upper() Converts a string to upper case


