

  1 <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Video.aspx.cs" Inherits="BPMS.WEB.Video" %>


  3 <!DOCTYPE html>


  5 <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

  6 <head runat="server">

  7     <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

  8     <meta name="renderer" content="webkit" />

  9     <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge,chrome=1" />

 10     <title></title>

 11     <script src="/Themes/Scripts/jquery-1.8.2.min.js"></script>

 12     <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/ddUpload/css/style.css" />

 13     <script src="/ddUpload/js/resumable.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

 14 </head>

 15 <body>


 17      <div id="frame">

 18             &nbsp;<br />

 19             <span style="color: red; font-size: 12px;" id="spanerr"></span>

 20             <div class="resumable-drop" ondragenter="jQuery(this).addClass('resumable-dragover');" ondragend="jQuery(this).removeClass('resumable-dragover');" ondrop="jQuery(this).removeClass('resumable-dragover');">

 21                 <a class="resumable-browse" href="#" style="text-decoration: none;">选择视频</a>

 22             </div>

 23             <div class="resumable-progress">

 24                 <table>

 25                     <tr>

 26                         <td width="100%">

 27                             <div class="progress-container">

 28                                 <div class="progress-bar"></div>

 29                             </div>

 30                         </td>

 31                         <td class="progress-text" nowrap="nowrap"></td>

 32                         <td class="progress-pause" nowrap="nowrap">

 33                             <a href="#" onclick="r.upload(); return(false);" class="progress-resume-link">

 34                                 <img src="/ddUpload/css/resume.png" title="Resume upload" /></a>

 35                             <a href="#" onclick="r.pause(); return(false);" class="progress-pause-link">

 36                                 <img src="/ddUpload/css/pause.png" title="Pause upload" /></a>

 37                         </td>

 38                     </tr>

 39                 </table>

 40             </div>

 41             <ul class="resumable-list"></ul>

 42             <script>

 43                 var r = new Resumable({

 44                     target: '/ddUpload/savefile.aspx',

 45                     chunkSize: 1 * 1024 * 1024,

 46                     simultaneousUploads: 1,

 47                     testChunks: false,

 48                     throttleProgressCallbacks: 1,

 49                     method: "octet"

 50                 });

 51                 // Resumable.js isn't supported, fall back on a different method

 52                 if (!r.support) {

 53                     $('.resumable-error').show();


 55                 } else {

 56                     // Show a place for dropping/selecting files

 57                     $('.resumable-drop').show();

 58                     r.assignDrop($('.resumable-drop')[0]);

 59                     r.assignBrowse($('.resumable-browse')[0]);

 60                     var objName = "";

 61                     // Handle file add event

 62                     r.on('fileAdded', function (file) {

 63                         file.startchunkindex = 0; // 设置当前文件开始上传的块数

 64                         // Show progress pabr

 65                         $('.resumable-progress, .resumable-list').show();

 66                         // Show pause, hide resume

 67                         $('.resumable-progress .progress-resume-link').hide();

 68                         $('.resumable-progress .progress-pause-link').show();

 69                         // Add the file to the list

 70                         $('.resumable-list').append('<li class="resumable-file-' + file.uniqueIdentifier + '">Uploading <span class="resumable-file-name"></span> <span class="resumable-file-progress"></span>');

 71                         $('.resumable-file-' + file.uniqueIdentifier + ' .resumable-file-name').html(file.fileName);

 72                         objName = file.fileName;

 73                         // Actually start the upload

 74                         r.upload();

 75                     });


 77                     r.on('uploadStart', function () {

 78                         $('.resumable-progress .progress-resume-link').hide();

 79                         $('.resumable-progress .progress-pause-link').show();

 80                     });

 81                     r.on('pause', function () {

 82                         // Show resume, hide pause

 83                         $('.resumable-progress .progress-resume-link').show();

 84                         $('.resumable-progress .progress-pause-link').hide();

 85                     });

 86                     r.on('complete', function () {

 87                         // Hide pause/resume when the upload has completed

 88                         $('.resumable-progress .progress-resume-link, .resumable-progress .progress-pause-link').hide();

 89                         $("#spanjindu").html("文件上传完成正在转码!请耐心等候!");

 90                         $.ajax({

 91                             //请求的路径

 92                             url: "/CommonModule/TB_Video/UploadHandler.ashx?action=VideoConvert&FilePath=" + objName,

 93                             //请求的方法

 94                             type: "post",

 95                             dataType: "json",

 96                             //请求成功时调用

 97                             success: function (msg) {

 98                                 if (msg["msg"] != "0") {

 99                                     $("#spanjindu").html("转码完成!请保存数据!");

100                                     window.location = "/Video.aspx";

101                                 } else {

102                                     $("#spanjindu").html("转码失败!请联系相关人员");

103                                 }

104                             },

105                             //请求失败时调用

106                             error: function (msg) {

107                                 alert(msg);

108                             }

109                         });



112                     });

113                     r.on('fileSuccess', function (file, message) {

114                         // Reflect that the file upload has completed

115                         $('.resumable-file-' + file.uniqueIdentifier + ' .resumable-file-progress').html('(completed)');

116                     });

117                     r.on('fileError', function (file, message) {

118                         // Reflect that the file upload has resulted in error

119                         $('.resumable-file-' + file.uniqueIdentifier + ' .resumable-file-progress').html('(file could not be uploaded: ' + message + ')');

120                     });

121                     r.on('fileProgress', function (file) {

122                         //alert(file.progress());

123                         // Handle progress for both the file and the overall upload


125                         $('.resumable-file-' + file.uniqueIdentifier + ' .resumable-file-progress').html(Math.floor(file.progress() * 100) + '%');

126                         $('.progress-bar').css({ width: Math.floor(r.progress() * 100) + '%' });

127                     });

128                 }

129             </script>

130         </div>

131         <div style="padding-top: 50px; padding-left: 200px;">

132             <span style="color: blue; font-size: 16px" id="spanjindu"></span>

133             <br />

134             视频列表:<br />

135             <ul>

136                 <asp:Literal ID="Literal1" runat="server"></asp:Literal>

137             </ul>

138         </div>


140 </body>

141 </html>
View Code


 1 using System;

 2 using System.Collections.Generic;

 3 using System.Data;

 4 using System.Linq;

 5 using System.Text;

 6 using System.Web;

 7 using System.Web.UI;

 8 using System.Web.UI.WebControls;


10 namespace BPMS.WEB

11 {

12     public partial class Video : System.Web.UI.Page

13     {

14         protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

15         {

16             load(); 

17         }

18         public void load() 

19         {

20             int TotalRecord = 0; int TotalPage = 0;

21             DataTable dt = new BPMS.Business.GetPageTab().GetTab("SELECT *  FROM TB_Video" , 1, 100, "ID", "ID", out TotalRecord, out TotalPage);

22              StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

23             foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)

24             {

25                sb.Append("<li style=\"padding:4px 7px 2px 4px\"><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/play/WebForm1.aspx?path=" +  HttpUtility.UrlEncode((row["FilePath"].ToString())) + "\">" + row["FilePath"] + "   观看</a></li>");

26             }

27             this.Literal1.Text = sb.ToString();

28         }

29     }

30 }
View Code


 1 using System;

 2 using System.Collections.Generic;

 3 using System.IO;

 4 using System.Linq;

 5 using System.Web;

 6 using System.Web.UI;

 7 using System.Web.UI.WebControls;


 9 namespace Html5Upload

10 {

11     public partial class savefile : System.Web.UI.Page

12     {

13         protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

14         {

15             System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000);

16             Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");


18             if (Request.QueryString["resumableChunkNumber"] != null)

19             {

20                 string filedir = Request.MapPath("/ddUpload/temp/");

21                 string savefile =  filedir+ Request.QueryString["resumableChunkNumber"] + ".lzp";

22                 //Request.Files[0].SaveAs(savefile);

23                 byte[] data = Request.BinaryRead(Request.ContentLength);

24                 using (Stream file = File.Create(savefile))

25                 {

26                     file.Write(data, 0, data.Length);

27                     file.Close();

28                 }


30                 if (Request.QueryString["resumableChunkNumber"] == Request.QueryString["resumableTotalChunks"])

31                 {

32                     MergeFile(filedir, ".lzp", Request.QueryString["resumableFilename"]);

33                 }

34             }


36             Response.Write("die('{\"jsonrpc\" : \"2.0\", \"result\" : null, \"id\" : \"id\"}');");


38         }


40         /// <summary>

41         /// 要合并的文件夹目录

42         /// </summary>

43         /// <param name="filePath">文件目录</param>

44         /// <param name="Extension">扩展名</param>

45         /// <param name="filename">合并文件名</param>

46         bool MergeFile(string filePath, string Extension,string filename)

47         {

48             bool rBool = false;

49             //获得当前目录下文件夹列表,按文件名排序

50             SortedList<int, string> FileList = new SortedList<int, string>();

51             DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new DirectoryInfo(filePath);


53             foreach (FileSystemInfo var in dirInfo.GetFileSystemInfos())

54             {

55                 if (var.Attributes != FileAttributes.Directory)

56                 {

57                     if (var.Extension == Extension)

58                     {

59                         FileList.Add(Convert.ToInt32(var.Name.Replace(Extension, "")), var.Name);

60                     }

61                 }

62             }


64             if (FileList.Count > 0) //存在文件

65             {

66                 FileStream outFile = new FileStream(filePath + "\\" + filename, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write);

67                 using (outFile)

68                 {

69                     foreach (int item in FileList.Keys)

70                     {

71                         int data = 0;

72                         byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];


74                         FileStream inFile = new FileStream(filePath + "\\" + FileList[item], FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Read);

75                         using (inFile)

76                         {

77                             while ((data = inFile.Read(buffer, 0, 1024)) > 0)

78                             {

79                                 outFile.Write(buffer, 0, data);

80                             }

81                             inFile.Close();

82                         }

83                     }

84                     outFile.Close();

85                     rBool = true; //合并成功

86                 }

87             }


89             return rBool;

90         }

91     }

92 }
View Code


  1 using DotNet.Utilities;

  2 using System;

  3 using System.Collections.Generic;

  4 using System.IO;

  5 using System.Linq;

  6 using System.Web;


  8 namespace BPMS.WEB.CommonModule.TB_Video

  9 {

 10     /// <summary>

 11     /// UploadHandler 的摘要说明

 12     /// </summary>

 13     public class UploadHandler : IHttpHandler

 14     {


 16         public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)

 17         {

 18             context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";

 19             context.Response.Buffer = true;

 20             context.Response.ExpiresAbsolute = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);

 21             context.Response.AddHeader("pragma", "no-cache");

 22             context.Response.AddHeader("cache-control", "");

 23             context.Response.CacheControl = "no-cache";

 24             string active = HttpContext.Current.Request["action"];


 26             switch (active)

 27             {

 28                 //case "Uploadify": //上传文件

 29                 //    HttpPostedFile file = context.Request.Files["Filedata"];

 30                 //    string uploadPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@context.Request["folder"]) + "\\";

 31                 //    if (file != null)

 32                 //    {

 33                 //        string _FileName = file.FileName;

 34                 //        string _FileSize = FileHelper.CountSize(file.ContentLength);

 35                 //        string _Extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(file.FileName).ToLower();


 37                 //        if (!Directory.Exists(uploadPath))

 38                 //        {

 39                 //            Directory.CreateDirectory(uploadPath);

 40                 //        }

 41                 //        //+ _Extension

 42                 //        file.SaveAs(uploadPath + _FileName );

 43                 //        context.Response.Write("1");

 44                 // }

 45                 //    else

 46                 //    {

 47                 //        context.Response.Write("0");

 48                 //    }

 49                 //    break;

 50                 //case "Delete"://删除文件

 51                 //    break;

 52                 //case "download"://下载


 54                 //    break;

 55                 case "VideoConvert":

 56                     VideoConvert(context);

 57                     break;

 58                 default:

 59                     break;

 60             }

 61         }


 63         public void VideoConvert(HttpContext context) 

 64         {

 65             string FilePath = context.Request["FilePath"];

 66             string path1 = "/ddUpload/temp/" + FilePath;

 67             string path2Name = FilePath.Substring(0,FilePath.LastIndexOf('.'))+DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");

 68             string path2 = "/shuchu/"+path2Name+".flv";

 69             BPMS.WEB.Common.VideoConvert con = new Common.VideoConvert();


 71             bool isok = false;

 72             string houzhui = FilePath.Substring(FilePath.LastIndexOf('.'));

 73             if (houzhui.ToLower() == ".flv")

 74             {

 75                 File.Copy(context.Server.MapPath(path1),context.Server.MapPath(path2));

 76                 isok = true;

 77             }

 78             else 

 79             {

 80                 isok = con.ConvertFlv(path1, path2);

 81             }


 83             if (isok)

 84             {

 85                 BPMS.Business.TB_Video bll = new Business.TB_Video();

 86                 BPMS.Entity.TB_Video entity = new BPMS.Entity.TB_Video();

 87                 entity.FilePath = path2Name;

 88                 //entity.UserID = RequestSession.GetSessionUser().UserId;

 89                 //entity.UserName = RequestSession.GetSessionUser().UserName;

 90                 bll.Add(entity) ;

 91                 context.Response.Write("{\"msg\":\""+path2Name+"\"}");

 92                 DeleteSignedFile(context.Server.MapPath("/ddUpload/temp/"), "lzp");

 93             }

 94             else 

 95             {

 96                 context.Response.Write("{\"msg\":\"0\"}");

 97             }

 98             context.Response.End();


100         }


102         /// <summary>

103         /// 删除给定路径下的给定后缀名的文件

104         /// </summary>

105         /// <param name="path">传入路径</param>

106         /// <param name="suffixName">传入后缀名</param>

107         /// <returns>删除文件列表</returns>

108         private static string[] DeleteSignedFile(string path, string suffixName)

109         {

110             string deletefiles = "";  //记录删除的文件名称


112             DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(path);

113             //遍历该路径下的所有文件

114             foreach (FileInfo fi in di.GetFiles())

115             {

116                 string exname = fi.Name.Substring(fi.Name.LastIndexOf(".") + 1);//得到后缀名

117                 //判断当前文件后缀名是否与给定后缀名一样

118                 if (exname == suffixName)

119                 {

120                     File.Delete(path + "\\" + fi.Name);//删除当前文件

121                     deletefiles += fi.Name + ",";//追加删除文件列表

122                 }

123             }


125             if (deletefiles != "")

126                 deletefiles = deletefiles.Substring(0, deletefiles.Length - 1);

127             return deletefiles.Split(',');//以数组形式返回删除文件列表


129         }


131         public bool IsReusable

132         {

133             get

134             {

135                 return false;

136             }

137         }

138     }

139 }
View Code


  1 /*

  2  * MIT Licensed

  3  * http://www.23developer.com/opensource

  4  * http://github.com/23/resumable.js

  5  * Steffen Tiedemann Christensen, [email protected]

  6  */


  8 (function () {

  9     "use strict";


 11     var Resumable = function (opts) {

 12         if (!(this instanceof Resumable)) {

 13             return new Resumable(opts);

 14         }

 15         this.version = 1.0;

 16         // SUPPORTED BY BROWSER?

 17         // Check if these features are support by the browser:

 18         // - File object type

 19         // - Blob object type

 20         // - FileList object type

 21         // - slicing files

 22         this.support = (

 23           (typeof (File) !== 'undefined') &&

 24           (typeof (Blob) !== 'undefined') &&

 25           (typeof (FileList) !== 'undefined') &&

 26           (!!Blob.prototype.webkitSlice || !!Blob.prototype.mozSlice || !!Blob.prototype.slice || false)

 27         );

 28         if (!this.support) {

 29             //alert("此上传控件兼容 火狐firefox, 谷歌Google Chrome,IE10 以上等浏览器!你的浏览器不支持此上传!");

 30             document.getElementById('spanerr').innerHTML = "提示:此上传控件兼容 火狐firefox, 谷歌Google Chrome,IE10 以上等浏览器!如果是双核模式浏览器,如360,百度,搜狗等浏览器!可切换成谷歌内核(极速模式)!<img src='/ddUpload/css/err.png'/>";

 31             return (false);

 32         }



 35         // PROPERTIES

 36         var $ = this;

 37         $.files = [];

 38         $.defaults = {

 39             chunkSize: 1 * 1024 * 1024,

 40             forceChunkSize: false,

 41             simultaneousUploads: 3,

 42             fileParameterName: 'file',

 43             throttleProgressCallbacks: 0.5,

 44             query: {},

 45             headers: {},

 46             preprocess: null,

 47             method: 'multipart',

 48             prioritizeFirstAndLastChunk: false,

 49             target: '/',

 50             testChunks: true,

 51             generateUniqueIdentifier: null,

 52             maxChunkRetries: undefined,

 53             chunkRetryInterval: undefined,

 54             permanentErrors: [404, 415, 500, 501],

 55             maxFiles:1,//undefined,

 56             withCredentials: false,

 57             xhrTimeout: 0,

 58             maxFilesErrorCallback: function (files, errorCount) {

 59                 var maxFiles = $.getOpt('maxFiles');

 60                 alert('Please upload ' + maxFiles + ' file' + (maxFiles === 1 ? '' : 's') + ' at a time.');

 61             },

 62             minFileSize: 1,

 63             minFileSizeErrorCallback: function (file, errorCount) {

 64                 alert(file.fileName || file.name + ' is too small, please upload files larger than ' + $h.formatSize($.getOpt('minFileSize')) + '.');

 65             },

 66             maxFileSize: undefined,

 67             maxFileSizeErrorCallback: function (file, errorCount) {

 68                 alert(file.fileName || file.name + ' is too large, please upload files less than ' + $h.formatSize($.getOpt('maxFileSize')) + '.');

 69             },

 70             fileType: ['mp4', 'flv', 'rm', 'rmvb', 'avi', 'wmv', 'mpg', 'mpeg', '3gp', 'swf', 'asf', 'divx', 'xvid', '3gp2', 'flv1', 'mpeg1', 'mpeg2', 'mpeg3', 'mpeg4', 'h264'],

 71             fileTypeErrorCallback: function (file, errorCount) {

 72                 //alert(file.fileName || file.name + '' + $.getOpt('fileType') + '.');

 73                 document.getElementById('spanjindu').innerHTML = "请上传视频文件!";

 74                 //$("#spanjindu").html("请上传视频文件!");

 75             }

 76         };

 77         $.opts = opts || {};

 78         $.getOpt = function (o) {

 79             var $opt = this;

 80             // Get multiple option if passed an array

 81             if (o instanceof Array) {

 82                 var options = {};

 83                 $h.each(o, function (option) {

 84                     options[option] = $opt.getOpt(option);

 85                 });

 86                 return options;

 87             }

 88             // Otherwise, just return a simple option

 89             if ($opt instanceof ResumableChunk) {

 90                 if (typeof $opt.opts[o] !== 'undefined') {

 91                     return $opt.opts[o];

 92                 } else {

 93                     $opt = $opt.fileObj;

 94                 }

 95             }

 96             if ($opt instanceof ResumableFile) {

 97                 if (typeof $opt.opts[o] !== 'undefined') {

 98                     return $opt.opts[o];

 99                 } else {

100                     $opt = $opt.resumableObj;

101                 }

102             }

103             if ($opt instanceof Resumable) {

104                 if (typeof $opt.opts[o] !== 'undefined') {

105                     return $opt.opts[o];

106                 } else {

107                     return $opt.defaults[o];

108                 }

109             }

110         };


112         // EVENTS

113         // catchAll(event, ...)

114         // fileSuccess(file), fileProgress(file), fileAdded(file, event), fileRetry(file), fileError(file, message),

115         // complete(), progress(), error(message, file), pause()

116         $.events = [];

117         $.on = function (event, callback) {

118             $.events.push(event.toLowerCase(), callback);

119         };

120         $.fire = function () {

121             // `arguments` is an object, not array, in FF, so:

122             var args = [];

123             for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) args.push(arguments[i]);

124             // Find event listeners, and support pseudo-event `catchAll`

125             var event = args[0].toLowerCase();

126             for (var i = 0; i <= $.events.length; i += 2) {

127                 if ($.events[i] == event) $.events[i + 1].apply($, args.slice(1));

128                 if ($.events[i] == 'catchall') $.events[i + 1].apply(null, args);

129             }

130             if (event == 'fileerror') $.fire('error', args[2], args[1]);

131             if (event == 'fileprogress') $.fire('progress');

132         };



135         // INTERNAL HELPER METHODS (handy, but ultimately not part of uploading)

136         var $h = {

137             stopEvent: function (e) {

138                 e.stopPropagation();

139                 e.preventDefault();

140             },

141             each: function (o, callback) {

142                 if (typeof (o.length) !== 'undefined') {

143                     for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i++) {

144                         // Array or FileList

145                         if (callback(o[i]) === false) return;

146                     }

147                 } else {

148                     for (i in o) {

149                         // Object

150                         if (callback(i, o[i]) === false) return;

151                     }

152                 }

153             },

154             generateUniqueIdentifier: function (file) {

155                 var custom = $.getOpt('generateUniqueIdentifier');

156                 if (typeof custom === 'function') {

157                     return custom(file);

158                 }

159                 var relativePath = file.webkitRelativePath || file.fileName || file.name; // Some confusion in different versions of Firefox

160                 var size = file.size;

161                 return (size + '-' + relativePath.replace(/[^0-9a-zA-Z_-]/img, ''));

162             },

163             contains: function (array, test) {

164                 var result = false;


166                 $h.each(array, function (value) {

167                     if (value == test) {

168                         result = true;

169                         return false;

170                     }

171                     return true;

172                 });


174                 return result;

175             },

176             formatSize: function (size) {

177                 if (size < 1024) {

178                     return size + ' bytes';

179                 } else if (size < 1024 * 1024) {

180                     return (size / 1024.0).toFixed(0) + ' KB';

181                 } else if (size < 1024 * 1024 * 1024) {

182                     return (size / 1024.0 / 1024.0).toFixed(1) + ' MB';

183                 } else {

184                     return (size / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0).toFixed(1) + ' GB';

185                 }

186             },

187             getTarget: function (params) {

188                 var target = $.getOpt('target');

189                 if (target.indexOf('?') < 0) {

190                     target += '?';

191                 } else {

192                     target += '&';

193                 }

194                 return target + params.join('&');

195             }

196         };


198         var onDrop = function (event) {

199             $h.stopEvent(event);

200             appendFilesFromFileList(event.dataTransfer.files, event);

201         };

202         var onDragOver = function (e) {

203             e.preventDefault();

204         };


206         // INTERNAL METHODS (both handy and responsible for the heavy load)

207         var appendFilesFromFileList = function (fileList, event) {

208             // check for uploading too many files

209             var errorCount = 0;

210             var o = $.getOpt(['maxFiles', 'minFileSize', 'maxFileSize', 'maxFilesErrorCallback', 'minFileSizeErrorCallback', 'maxFileSizeErrorCallback', 'fileType', 'fileTypeErrorCallback']);

211             if (typeof (o.maxFiles) !== 'undefined' && o.maxFiles < (fileList.length + $.files.length)) {

212                 // if single-file upload, file is already added, and trying to add 1 new file, simply replace the already-added file 

213                 if (o.maxFiles === 1 && $.files.length === 1 && fileList.length === 1) {

214                     $.removeFile($.files[0]);

215                 } else {

216                     o.maxFilesErrorCallback(fileList, errorCount++);

217                     return false;

218                 }

219             }

220             var files = [];

221             $h.each(fileList, function (file) {

222                 var fileName = file.name.split('.');

223                 var fileType = fileName[fileName.length - 1].toLowerCase();


225                 if (o.fileType.length > 0 && !$h.contains(o.fileType, fileType)) {

226                     o.fileTypeErrorCallback(file, errorCount++);

227                     return false;

228                 }


230                 if (typeof (o.minFileSize) !== 'undefined' && file.size < o.minFileSize) {

231                     o.minFileSizeErrorCallback(file, errorCount++);

232                     return false;

233                 }

234                 if (typeof (o.maxFileSize) !== 'undefined' && file.size > o.maxFileSize) {

235                     o.maxFileSizeErrorCallback(file, errorCount++);

236                     return false;

237                 }


239                 // directories have size == 0

240                 if (!$.getFromUniqueIdentifier($h.generateUniqueIdentifier(file))) {

241                     (function () {

242                         var f = new ResumableFile($, file);

243                         window.setTimeout(function () {

244                             $.files.push(f);

245                             files.push(f);

246                             f.container = (typeof event != 'undefined' ? event.srcElement : null);

247                             $.fire('fileAdded', f, event)

248                         }, 0);

249                     })()

250                 };

251             });

252             window.setTimeout(function () {

253                 $.fire('filesAdded', files)

254             }, 0);

255         };



258         function ResumableFile(resumableObj, file) {

259             var $ = this;

260             $.opts = {};

261             $.getOpt = resumableObj.getOpt;

262             $._prevProgress = 0;

263             $.resumableObj = resumableObj;

264             $.file = file;

265             $.fileName = file.fileName || file.name; // Some confusion in different versions of Firefox

266             $.size = file.size;

267             $.relativePath = file.webkitRelativePath || $.fileName;

268             $.uniqueIdentifier = $h.generateUniqueIdentifier(file);

269             $._pause = false;

270             $.container = '';

271             $.startchunkindex = 0;


273             var _error = false;


275             // Callback when something happens within the chunk

276             var chunkEvent = function (event, message) {

277                 // event can be 'progress', 'success', 'error' or 'retry'

278                 switch (event) {

279                     case 'progress':

280                         $.resumableObj.fire('fileProgress', $);

281                         break;

282                     case 'error':

283                         $.abort();

284                         _error = true;

285                         $.chunks = [];

286                         $.resumableObj.fire('fileError', $, message);

287                         break;

288                     case 'success':

289                         if (_error) return;

290                         $.resumableObj.fire('fileProgress', $); // it's at least progress

291                         if ($.isComplete()) {

292                             $.resumableObj.fire('fileSuccess', $, message);

293                         }

294                         break;

295                     case 'retry':

296                         $.resumableObj.fire('fileRetry', $);

297                         break;

298                 }

299             };


301             // Main code to set up a file object with chunks,

302             // packaged to be able to handle retries if needed.

303             $.chunks = [];

304             $.abort = function () {

305                 // Stop current uploads

306                 var abortCount = 0;

307                 $h.each($.chunks, function (c) {

308                     if (c.status() == 'uploading') {

309                         c.abort();

310                         abortCount++;

311                     }

312                 });

313                 if (abortCount > 0) $.resumableObj.fire('fileProgress', $);

314             };

315             $.cancel = function () {

316                 // Reset this file to be void

317                 var _chunks = $.chunks;

318                 $.chunks = [];

319                 // Stop current uploads

320                 $h.each(_chunks, function (c) {

321                     if (c.status() == 'uploading') {

322                         c.abort();

323                         $.resumableObj.uploadNextChunk();

324                     }

325                 });

326                 $.resumableObj.removeFile($);

327                 $.resumableObj.fire('fileProgress', $);

328             };

329             $.retry = function () {

330                 $.bootstrap();

331                 var firedRetry = false;

332                 $.resumableObj.on('chunkingComplete', function () {

333                     if (!firedRetry) $.resumableObj.upload();

334                     firedRetry = true;

335                 });

336             };

337             $.bootstrap = function () {

338                 $.abort();

339                 _error = false;

340                 // Rebuild stack of chunks from file

341                 $.chunks = [];

342                 $._prevProgress = 0;

343                 var round = $.getOpt('forceChunkSize') ? Math.ceil : Math.floor;

344                 var maxOffset = Math.max(round($.file.size / $.getOpt('chunkSize')), 1);

345                 for (var offset = 0; offset < maxOffset; offset++) {

346                     (function (offset) {

347                         window.setTimeout(function () {

348                             $.chunks.push(new ResumableChunk($.resumableObj, $, offset, chunkEvent));

349                             $.resumableObj.fire('chunkingProgress', $, offset / maxOffset);

350                         }, 0);

351                     })(offset)

352                 }

353                 window.setTimeout(function () {

354                     $.resumableObj.fire('chunkingComplete', $);

355                 }, 0);

356             };

357             $.progress = function () {

358                 if (_error) return (1);

359                 // Sum up progress across everything

360                 var ret = 0;

361                 var error = false;

362                 $h.each($.chunks, function (c) {

363                     if (c.status($.startchunkindex) == 'error') error = true;

364                     ret += c.progress(true, $.startchunkindex); // get chunk progress relative to entire file

365                     //console.info(c.progress(true,$.startchunkindex));

366                 });

367                 ret = (error ? 1 : (ret > 0.999 ? 1 : ret));

368                 ret = Math.max($._prevProgress, ret); // We don't want to lose percentages when an upload is paused

369                 $._prevProgress = ret;

370                 return (ret);

371             };

372             $.isUploading = function () {

373                 var uploading = false;

374                 $h.each($.chunks, function (chunk) {

375                     if (chunk.status() == 'uploading') {

376                         uploading = true;

377                         return (false);

378                     }

379                 });

380                 return (uploading);

381             };

382             $.isComplete = function () {

383                 var outstanding = false;

384                 $h.each($.chunks, function (chunk) {

385                     var status = chunk.status();

386                     if (status == 'pending' || status == 'uploading' || chunk.preprocessState === 1) {

387                         outstanding = true;

388                         return (false);

389                     }

390                 });

391                 return (!outstanding);

392             };

393             $.pause = function (pause) {

394                 if (typeof (pause) === 'undefined') {

395                     $._pause = ($._pause ? false : true);

396                 } else {

397                     $._pause = pause;

398                 }

399             };

400             $.isPaused = function () {

401                 return $._pause;

402             };



405             // Bootstrap and return

406             $.resumableObj.fire('chunkingStart', $);

407             $.bootstrap();

408             return (this);

409         }


411         function ResumableChunk(resumableObj, fileObj, offset, callback) {

412             var $ = this;

413             $.opts = {};

414             $.getOpt = resumableObj.getOpt;

415             $.resumableObj = resumableObj;

416             $.fileObj = fileObj;

417             $.fileObjSize = fileObj.size;

418             $.fileObjType = fileObj.file.type;

419             $.offset = offset;

420             $.callback = callback;

421             $.lastProgressCallback = (new Date);

422             $.tested = false;

423             $.retries = 0;

424             $.pendingRetry = false;

425             $.preprocessState = 0; // 0 = unprocessed, 1 = processing, 2 = finished      


427             // Computed properties

428             var chunkSize = $.getOpt('chunkSize');

429             $.loaded = 0;

430             $.startByte = $.offset * chunkSize;

431             $.endByte = Math.min($.fileObjSize, ($.offset + 1) * chunkSize);

432             if ($.fileObjSize - $.endByte < chunkSize && !$.getOpt('forceChunkSize')) {

433                 // The last chunk will be bigger than the chunk size, but less than 2*chunkSize

434                 $.endByte = $.fileObjSize;

435             }

436             $.xhr = null;


438             // test() makes a GET request without any data to see if the chunk has already been uploaded in a previous session

439             $.test = function () {

440                 // Set up request and listen for event

441                 $.xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();


443                 var testHandler = function (e) {

444                     $.tested = true;

445                     var status = $.status();

446                     if (status == 'success') {

447                         $.callback(status, $.message());

448                         $.resumableObj.uploadNextChunk();

449                     } else {

450                         $.send();

451                     }

452                 };

453                 $.xhr.addEventListener('load', testHandler, false);

454                 $.xhr.addEventListener('error', testHandler, false);


456                 // Add data from the query options

457                 var params = [];

458                 var customQuery = $.getOpt('query');

459                 if (typeof customQuery == 'function') customQuery = customQuery($.fileObj, $);

460                 $h.each(customQuery, function (k, v) {

461                     params.push([encodeURIComponent(k), encodeURIComponent(v)].join('='));

462                 });

463                 // Add extra data to identify chunk

464                 params.push(['resumableChunkNumber', encodeURIComponent($.offset + 1)].join('='));

465                 params.push(['resumableChunkSize', encodeURIComponent($.getOpt('chunkSize'))].join('='));

466                 params.push(['resumableCurrentChunkSize', encodeURIComponent($.endByte - $.startByte)].join('='));

467                 params.push(['resumableTotalSize', encodeURIComponent($.fileObjSize)].join('='));

468                 params.push(['resumableType', encodeURIComponent($.fileObjType)].join('='));

469                 params.push(['resumableIdentifier', encodeURIComponent($.fileObj.uniqueIdentifier)].join('='));

470                 params.push(['resumableFilename', encodeURIComponent($.fileObj.fileName)].join('='));

471                 params.push(['resumableRelativePath', encodeURIComponent($.fileObj.relativePath)].join('='));

472                 params.push(['resumableTotalChunks', encodeURIComponent($.fileObj.chunks.length)].join('='));

473                 // Append the relevant chunk and send it

474                 $.xhr.open('GET', $h.getTarget(params));

475                 $.xhr.timeout = $.getOpt('xhrTimeout');

476                 $.xhr.withCredentials = $.getOpt('withCredentials');

477                 // Add data from header options

478                 $h.each($.getOpt('headers'), function (k, v) {

479                     $.xhr.setRequestHeader(k, v);

480                 });

481                 $.xhr.send(null);

482             };


484             $.preprocessFinished = function () {

485                 $.preprocessState = 2;

486                 $.send();

487             };


489             // send() uploads the actual data in a POST call

490             $.send = function () {

491                 var preprocess = $.getOpt('preprocess');

492                 if (typeof preprocess === 'function') {

493                     switch ($.preprocessState) {

494                         case 0:

495                             preprocess($);

496                             $.preprocessState = 1;

497                             return;

498                         case 1:

499                             return;

500                         case 2:

501                             break;

502                     }

503                 }

504                 if ($.getOpt('testChunks') && !$.tested) {

505                     $.test();

506                     return;

507                 }


509                 // Set up request and listen for event

510                 $.xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();


512                 // Progress

513                 $.xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', function (e) {

514                     if ((new Date) - $.lastProgressCallback > $.getOpt('throttleProgressCallbacks') * 1000) {

515                         $.callback('progress');

516                         $.lastProgressCallback = (new Date);

517                     }

518                     $.loaded = e.loaded || 0;

519                 }, false);

520                 $.loaded = 0;

521                 $.pendingRetry = false;

522                 $.callback('progress');


524                 // Done (either done, failed or retry)

525                 var doneHandler = function (e) {

526                     var status = $.status();

527                     if (status == 'success' || status == 'error') {

528                         $.callback(status, $.message());

529                         $.resumableObj.uploadNextChunk();

530                     } else {

531                         $.callback('retry', $.message());

532                         $.abort();

533                         $.retries++;

534                         var retryInterval = $.getOpt('chunkRetryInterval');

535                         if (retryInterval !== undefined) {

536                             $.pendingRetry = true;

537                             setTimeout($.send, retryInterval);

538                         } else {

539                             $.send();

540                         }

541                     }

542                 };

543                 $.xhr.addEventListener('load', doneHandler, false);

544                 $.xhr.addEventListener('error', doneHandler, false);


546                 // Set up the basic query data from Resumable

547                 var query = {

548                     resumableChunkNumber: $.offset + 1,

549                     resumableChunkSize: $.getOpt('chunkSize'),

550                     resumableCurrentChunkSize: $.endByte - $.startByte,

551                     resumableTotalSize: $.fileObjSize,

552                     resumableType: $.fileObjType,

553                     resumableIdentifier: $.fileObj.uniqueIdentifier,

554                     resumableFilename: $.fileObj.fileName,

555                     resumableRelativePath: $.fileObj.relativePath,

556                     resumableTotalChunks: $.fileObj.chunks.length

557                 };

558                 // Mix in custom data

559                 var customQuery = $.getOpt('query');

560                 if (typeof customQuery == 'function') customQuery = customQuery($.fileObj, $);

561                 $h.each(customQuery, function (k, v) {

562                     query[k] = v;

563                 });


565                 var func = ($.fileObj.file.slice ? 'slice' : ($.fileObj.file.mozSlice ? 'mozSlice' : ($.fileObj.file.webkitSlice ? 'webkitSlice' : 'slice'))),

566                   bytes = $.fileObj.file[func]($.startByte, $.endByte),

567                   data = null,

568                   target = $.getOpt('target');


570                 if ($.getOpt('method') === 'octet') {

571                     // Add data from the query options

572                     data = bytes;

573                     var params = [];

574                     $h.each(query, function (k, v) {

575                         params.push([encodeURIComponent(k), encodeURIComponent(v)].join('='));

576                     });

577                     target = $h.getTarget(params);

578                 } else {

579                     // Add data from the query options

580                     data = new FormData();

581                     $h.each(query, function (k, v) {

582                         data.append(k, v);

583                     });

584                     data.append($.getOpt('fileParameterName'), bytes);

585                 }


587                 $.xhr.open('POST', target);

588                 $.xhr.timeout = $.getOpt('xhrTimeout');

589                 $.xhr.withCredentials = $.getOpt('withCredentials');

590                 // Add data from header options

591                 $h.each($.getOpt('headers'), function (k, v) {

592                     $.xhr.setRequestHeader(k, v);

593                 });

594                 $.xhr.send(data);

595             };

596             $.abort = function () {

597                 // Abort and reset

598                 if ($.xhr) $.xhr.abort();

599                 $.xhr = null;

600             };

601             $.status = function (startchunkindex) {


603                 if ($.offset < startchunkindex) {

604                     // console.info($.offset+'success');

605                     return ('success');


607                 }



610                 // Returns: 'pending', 'uploading', 'success', 'error'

611                 if ($.pendingRetry) {

612                     // if pending retry then that's effectively the same as actively uploading,

613                     // there might just be a slight delay before the retry starts

614                     return ('uploading');

615                 } else if (!$.xhr) {

616                     return ('pending');

617                 } else if ($.xhr.readyState < 4) {

618                     // Status is really 'OPENED', 'HEADERS_RECEIVED' or 'LOADING' - meaning that stuff is happening

619                     return ('uploading');

620                 } else {



623                     if ($.xhr.status == 200) {

624                         // HTTP 200, perfect

625                         return ('success');

626                     } else if ($h.contains($.getOpt('permanentErrors'), $.xhr.status) || $.retries >= $.getOpt('maxChunkRetries')) {

627                         // HTTP 415/500/501, permanent error

628                         return ('error');

629                     } else {

630                         // this should never happen, but we'll reset and queue a retry

631                         // a likely case for this would be 503 service unavailable

632                         $.abort();

633                         return ('pending');

634                     }

635                 }

636             };

637             $.message = function () {

638                 return ($.xhr ? $.xhr.responseText : '');

639             };

640             $.progress = function (relative, startchunkindex) {

641                 if (typeof (relative) === 'undefined') relative = false;

642                 var factor = (relative ? ($.endByte - $.startByte) / $.fileObjSize : 1);

643                 if ($.pendingRetry) return (0);

644                 var s = $.status(startchunkindex);

645                 switch (s) {

646                     case 'success':

647                     case 'error':

648                         return (1 * factor);

649                     case 'pending':

650                         return (0 * factor);

651                     default:

652                         return ($.loaded / ($.endByte - $.startByte) * factor);

653                 }

654             };

655             return (this);

656         }


658         // QUEUE

659         $.uploadNextChunk = function () {

660             var found = false;


662             // In some cases (such as videos) it's really handy to upload the first

663             // and last chunk of a file quickly; this let's the server check the file's

664             // metadata and determine if there's even a point in continuing.

665             if ($.getOpt('prioritizeFirstAndLastChunk')) {

666                 $h.each($.files, function (file) {

667                     if (file.chunks.length && file.chunks[0].status() == 'pending' && file.chunks[0].preprocessState === 0) {

668                         file.chunks[0].send();

669                         found = true;

670                         return (false);

671                     }

672                     if (file.chunks.length > 1 && file.chunks[file.chunks.length - 1].status() == 'pending' && file.chunks[file.chunks.length - 1].preprocessState === 0) {

673                         file.chunks[file.chunks.length - 1].send();

674                         found = true;

675                         return (false);

676                     }

677                 });

678                 if (found) return (true);

679             }


681             // Now, simply look for the next, best thing to upload

682             $h.each($.files, function (file) {

683                 if (file.isPaused() === false) {

684                     // $h.each(file.chunks, function(chunk){

685                     //   if(chunk.status()=='pending' && chunk.preprocessState === 0) {

686                     //     chunk.send();

687                     //     found = true;

688                     //     return(false);

689                     //   }

690                     //  });

691                     for (var i = file.startchunkindex; i < file.chunks.length; i++) {


693                         if (file.chunks[i].status() == 'pending' && file.chunks[i].preprocessState === 0) {

694                             file.chunks[i].send();

695                             found = true;

696                             return (false);

697                         }


699                     };


701                 }

702                 if (found) return (false);

703             });

704             if (found) return (true);


706             // The are no more outstanding chunks to upload, check is everything is done

707             var outstanding = false;

708             $h.each($.files, function (file) {

709                 if (!file.isComplete()) {

710                     outstanding = true;

711                     return (false);

712                 }

713             });

714             if (!outstanding) {

715                 // All chunks have been uploaded, complete

716                 $.fire('complete');

717             }

718             return (false);

719         };




723         $.assignBrowse = function (domNodes, isDirectory) {

724             if (typeof (domNodes.length) == 'undefined') domNodes = [domNodes];


726             $h.each(domNodes, function (domNode) {

727                 var input;

728                 if (domNode.tagName === 'INPUT' && domNode.type === 'file') {

729                     input = domNode;

730                 } else {

731                     input = document.createElement('input');

732                     input.setAttribute('type', 'file');

733                     input.style.display = 'none';

734                     domNode.addEventListener('click', function () {

735                         input.style.opacity = 0;

736                         input.style.display = 'block';

737                         input.focus();

738                         input.click();

739                         input.style.display = 'none';

740                     }, false);

741                     domNode.appendChild(input);

742                 }

743                 var maxFiles = $.getOpt('maxFiles');

744                 if (typeof (maxFiles) === 'undefined' || maxFiles != 1) {

745                     input.setAttribute('multiple', 'multiple');

746                 } else {

747                     input.removeAttribute('multiple');

748                 }

749                 if (isDirectory) {

750                     input.setAttribute('webkitdirectory', 'webkitdirectory');

751                 } else {

752                     input.removeAttribute('webkitdirectory');

753                 }

754                 // When new files are added, simply append them to the overall list

755                 input.addEventListener('change', function (e) {

756                     appendFilesFromFileList(e.target.files, e);

757                     e.target.value = '';

758                 }, false);

759             });

760         };

761         $.assignDrop = function (domNodes) {

762             if (typeof (domNodes.length) == 'undefined') domNodes = [domNodes];


764             $h.each(domNodes, function (domNode) {

765                 domNode.addEventListener('dragover', onDragOver, false);

766                 domNode.addEventListener('drop', onDrop, false);

767             });

768         };

769         $.unAssignDrop = function (domNodes) {

770             if (typeof (domNodes.length) == 'undefined') domNodes = [domNodes];


772             $h.each(domNodes, function (domNode) {

773                 domNode.removeEventListener('dragover', onDragOver);

774                 domNode.removeEventListener('drop', onDrop);

775             });

776         };

777         $.isUploading = function () {

778             var uploading = false;

779             $h.each($.files, function (file) {

780                 if (file.isUploading()) {

781                     uploading = true;

782                     return (false);

783                 }

784             });

785             return (uploading);

786         };

787         $.upload = function () {

788             // Make sure we don't start too many uploads at once

789             if ($.isUploading()) return;

790             // Kick off the queue

791             $.fire('uploadStart');

792             for (var num = 1; num <= $.getOpt('simultaneousUploads') ; num++) {

793                 $.uploadNextChunk();

794             }

795         };

796         $.pause = function () {

797             // Resume all chunks currently being uploaded

798             $h.each($.files, function (file) {

799                 file.abort();

800             });

801             $.fire('pause');

802         };

803         $.cancel = function () {

804             for (var i = $.files.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

805                 $.files[i].cancel();

806             }

807             $.fire('cancel');

808         };

809         $.progress = function () {

810             var totalDone = 0;

811             var totalSize = 0;

812             // Resume all chunks currently being uploaded

813             $h.each($.files, function (file) {

814                 totalDone += file.progress() * file.size;

815                 totalSize += file.size;

816             });

817             return (totalSize > 0 ? totalDone / totalSize : 0);

818         };

819         $.addFile = function (file, event) {

820             appendFilesFromFileList([file], event);

821         };

822         $.removeFile = function (file) {

823             for (var i = $.files.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

824                 if ($.files[i] === file) {

825                     $.files.splice(i, 1);

826                 }

827             }

828         };

829         $.getFromUniqueIdentifier = function (uniqueIdentifier) {

830             var ret = false;

831             $h.each($.files, function (f) {

832                 if (f.uniqueIdentifier == uniqueIdentifier) ret = f;

833             });

834             return (ret);

835         };

836         $.getSize = function () {

837             var totalSize = 0;

838             $h.each($.files, function (file) {

839                 totalSize += file.size;

840             });

841             return (totalSize);

842         };


844         return (this);

845     };



848     // Node.js-style export for Node and Component

849     if (typeof module != 'undefined') {

850         module.exports = Resumable;

851     } else if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {

852         // AMD/requirejs: Define the module

853         define(function () {

854             return Resumable;

855         });

856     } else {

857         // Browser: Expose to window

858         window.Resumable = Resumable;

859     }


861 })();
View Code

css 代码

 1 /* Reset */

 2 body,div,dl,dt,dd,ul,ol,li,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre,form,fieldset,input,textarea,p,blockquote,th,td{margin:0;padding:0;}table{border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;}fieldset,img{border:0;}address,caption,cite,code,dfn,th,var{font-style:normal;font-weight:normal;}ol,ul {list-style:none;}caption,th {text-align:left;}h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{font-size:100%;font-weight:normal;}q:before,q:after{content:'';}abbr,acronym {border:0;}


 4 /* Baseline */

 5 body, p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {font:normal 12px/1.3em Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; color:#333; }

 6 h1 {font-size:22px; font-weight:bold;}

 7 h2 {font-size:19px; font-weight:bold;}

 8 h3 {font-size:16px; font-weight:bold;}

 9 h4 {font-size:14px; font-weight:bold;}

10 h5 {font-size:12px; font-weight:bold;}

11 p {margin:10px 0;}



14 /*body {text-align:center; margin:40px;}*/

15 #frame {margin:0 auto; width:560px; text-align:left;}




19 /* Uploader: Drag & Drop */

20 .resumable-error {display:none; font-size:14px; font-style:italic;}

21 .resumable-drop {padding:10px; font-size:16px; text-align:left; color:#666; font-weight:bold;background-color:#eee; border:2px dashed #aaa; border-radius:10px; margin-top:20px; z-index:9999;  height:20px; width:70px;}

22 .resumable-dragover {padding:30px; color:#555; background-color:#ddd; border:1px solid #999;}


24 /* Uploader: Progress bar */

25 .resumable-progress {margin:30px 0 30px 0; width:100%; display:none;}

26 .progress-container {height:7px; background:#9CBD94; position:relative; }

27 .progress-bar {position:absolute; top:0; left:0; bottom:0; background:#45913A; width:0;}

28 .progress-text {font-size:11px; line-height:9px; padding-left:10px;}

29 .progress-pause {padding:0 0 0 7px;}

30 .progress-resume-link {display:none;}

31 .is-paused .progress-resume-link {display:inline;}

32 .is-paused .progress-pause-link {display:none;}

33 .is-complete .progress-pause {display:none;}


35 /* Uploader: List of items being uploaded */

36 .resumable-list {overflow:auto; margin-right:-20px; display:none;}

37 .uploader-item {width:148px; height:90px; background-color:#666; position:relative; border:2px solid black; float:left; margin:0 6px 6px 0;}

38 .uploader-item-thumbnail {width:100%; height:100%; position:absolute; top:0; left:0;}

39 .uploader-item img.uploader-item-thumbnail {opacity:0;}

40 .uploader-item-creating-thumbnail {padding:0 5px; font-size:9px; color:white;}

41 .uploader-item-title {position:absolute; font-size:9px; line-height:11px; padding:3px 50px 3px 5px; bottom:0; left:0; right:0; color:white; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.6); min-height:27px;}

42 .uploader-item-status {position:absolute; bottom:3px; right:3px;}


44 /* Uploader: Hover & Active status */

45 .uploader-item:hover, .is-active .uploader-item {border-color:#4a873c; cursor:pointer; }

46 .uploader-item:hover .uploader-item-title, .is-active .uploader-item .uploader-item-title {background-color:rgba(74,135,60,0.8);}


48 /* Uploader: Error status */

49 .is-error .uploader-item:hover, .is-active.is-error .uploader-item {border-color:#900;}

50 .is-error .uploader-item:hover .uploader-item-title, .is-active.is-error .uploader-item .uploader-item-title {background-color:rgba(153,0,0,0.6);}

51 .is-error .uploader-item-creating-thumbnail {display:none;}
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