
Recently i wanted to implement contextmenu withanimation(progress) though there is no direct api or way to do it after hoursof searching on the net i finally found a hack to do it by using win32 dll byP/invoking SHRecognizeGesture in aygshell.dll below pic shows the example ofcontext menu in calendar week view

// Initialize the below code snippet in thebeginning of the class
     internal struct SHRGINFO
         public int cbSize;
         public IntPtr hwndClient;
         public int ptDownX;
         public int ptDownY;
         public SHRGFLags dwFlags;
     internal enum SHRGFLags
         SHRG_RETURNCMD = 0x00000001,
         SHRG_NOTIFYPARENT = 0x00000002,
         SHRG_LONGDELAY = 0x00000008,
         SHRG_NOANIMATION = 0x00000010,
     extern private static intSHRecognizeGesture(ref SHRGINFO shr);

     [DllImport("coredll.dll",SetLastError = true)]
     public static extern IntPtr GetActiveWindow();

     //call the showContMenu() method inMouseup or MouseDown event
     public void showContMenu(int x, inty)
         SHRGINFO shr = new SHRGINFO();
         shr.cbSize =Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SHRGINFO));
         shr.dwFlags = SHRGFLags.SHRG_RETURNCMD;
         shr.ptDownX = x;
         shr.ptDownY = y;
         shr.hwndClient =GetActiveWindow();

         int ret = SHRecognizeGesture(refshr);

         if (ret == 1000)
             contextMenu1.Show(this, newSystem.Drawing.Point(x, y));


I have used above method in more than two views and it works awesome, if youhave any problem with above snippet you can reach me through email at thebottom of the page and if there is a better way or if managed code exists sharewith us.
