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比如,A*算法是一个拥有主循环的算法,它拥有一个open list来记录它没有处理到的节点,那么我们为了不影响帧率,可以让A*算法在每个逻辑帧中只处理open list中一部分节点,来保证帧率不被影响(这种做法叫做time slicing)。
private IEnumerator Test() { WWW www = new WWW(ASSEST_URL); yield return www; AssetBundle bundle = www.assetBundle; }
IEnumerator LongComputation() { while(someCondition) { /* 做一系列的工作 */ // 在这里暂停然后在下一帧继续执行
yield return null; } }
通常,如果你想实现一个接口,你可以写一个类,实现成员,等等。迭代器块(iterator block)是一个方便的方式实现IEnumerator没有任何麻烦-你只是遵循一些规则,并实现IEnumerator由编译器自动生成。
所以yield关键词是干啥的?它声明序列中的下一个值或者是一个无意义的值。如果使用yield x(x是指一个具体的对象或数值)的话,那么movenext返回为true并且current被赋值为x,如果使用yield break使得movenext()返回false。
public void Consumer() { foreach(int i in Integers()) { Console.WriteLine(i.ToString()); } } public IEnumerable<int> Integers() { yield return 1; yield return 2; yield return 4; yield return 8; yield return 16; yield return 16777216; }
IEnumerator TellMeASecret(){ PlayAnimation("LeanInConspiratorially"); while(playingAnimation) yield return null; Say("I stole the cookie from the cookie jar!"); while(speaking) yield return null; PlayAnimation("LeanOutRelieved"); while(playingAnimation) yield return null; }
IEnumerator e = TellMeASecret();
while(e.MoveNext()) { // do whatever you like }
如你所见,yield return返回的值并不一定是有意义的,如null,但是我们更感兴趣的是,如何使用这个yield return的返回值来实现一些有趣的效果。
Unity声明了YieldInstruction来作为所有返回值的基类,并且提供了几种常用的继承类,如WaitForSeconds(暂停一段时间继续执行),WaitForEndOfFrame(暂停到下一帧继续执行)等等。更巧妙的是yield 也可以返回一个Coroutine真身,Coroutine A返回一个Coroutine B本身的时候,即等到B做完了再执行A。下面有详细说明:
Normal coroutine updates are run after the Update function returns. A coroutine is a function that can suspend its execution (yield) until the given YieldInstruction finishes. Different uses of Coroutines: yield; The coroutine will continue after all Update functions have been called on the next frame. yield WaitForSeconds(2); Continue after a specified time delay, after all Update functions have been called for the frame yield WaitForFixedUpdate(); Continue after all FixedUpdate has been called on all scripts yield WWW Continue after a WWW download has completed. yield StartCoroutine(MyFunc); Chains the coroutine, and will wait for the MyFunc coroutine to complete first.
List<IEnumerator> unblockedCoroutines; List<IEnumerator> shouldRunNextFrame; List<IEnumerator> shouldRunAtEndOfFrame; SortedList<float, IEnumerator> shouldRunAfterTimes; foreach(IEnumerator coroutine in unblockedCoroutines){ if(!coroutine.MoveNext()) // This coroutine has finished continue; if(!coroutine.Current is YieldInstruction) { // This coroutine yielded null, or some other value we don't understand; run it next frame. shouldRunNextFrame.Add(coroutine); continue; } if(coroutine.Current is WaitForSeconds) { WaitForSeconds wait = (WaitForSeconds)coroutine.Current; shouldRunAfterTimes.Add(Time.time + wait.duration, coroutine); } else if(coroutine.Current is WaitForEndOfFrame) { shouldRunAtEndOfFrame.Add(coroutine); } else /* similar stuff for other YieldInstruction subtypes */} unblockedCoroutines = shouldRunNextFrame;
当然了,我们还可以为YieldInstruction添加各种的子类,比如一个很容易想到的就是yield return new WaitForNotification(“GameOver”)来等待某个消息的触发,关于Unity的消息机制可以参考这篇文章:【Unity3D技巧】在Unity中使用事件/委托机制(event/delegate)进行GameObject之间的通信 (二) : 引入中间层NotificationCenter。
第一个有趣的地方是,yield return可以返回任意YieldInstruction,所以我们可以在这里加上一些条件判断:
YieldInstruction y; if(something) y = null;else if(somethingElse) y = new WaitForEndOfFrame();else y = new WaitForSeconds(1.0f); yield return y;
IEnumerator DoSomething(){ /* ... */} IEnumerator DoSomethingUnlessInterrupted(){ IEnumerator e = DoSomething(); bool interrupted = false; while(!interrupted) { e.MoveNext(); yield return e.Current; interrupted = HasBeenInterrupted(); }}
IEnumerator UntilTrueCoroutine(Func fn){ while(!fn()) yield return null;} Coroutine UntilTrue(Func fn){ return StartCoroutine(UntilTrueCoroutine(fn));} IEnumerator SomeTask(){ /* ... */ yield return UntilTrue(() => _lives < 3); /* ... */}