About Me


About Me

My profile

Name: WangShide

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Undergraduate: Applied Mathematics at Chang'an University

Graduate: Computer Software and Theory at Northwestern Polytechnical University

My Interest: Mathematics and computer technology, algorithms, Linux, C, C#, Python, Object-oriented


I believe:

the software is a culture; software is a state of mind; software is a way of life; In fact, the software is beautiful.


1. C language, Linux system programming, Linux bash shell script, Python programming, C# programming, Object-oriented mind, tcl/tk 

2. vim, emacs, gcc, gdb, makefile, linux tools, LATEX


1. Carrier-Grade Middleware, Carrier-Grade Linux OS, ATCA, High Availability

2. OpenGL, OpenCL, OpenSAF

My bloghttp://www.cnblogs.com/wangshide

Sina weibo:  http://weibo.com/ahappyboy

My doubanhttp://www.douban.com/people/ahappyboy/


Valuable blog:

邹欣  刘未鹏  土摩托  方舟子  学而时嘻之  酷壳  Matrix67

善科文库  果壳网  科学松鼠会  译言网  图灵社区文章

白露非  陈广琛  陈梓瀚  冯大辉  霍炬  李笑来  李鑫  刘丰  

冒志鸿  莫枢  阮一峰  苏鹏  孙伟  王保平  王徐阳  

王远轩  西乔  徐宥  余晟  張琮翔  余波 
