Rule #1 of string classes
void SomeFunc ( LPCWSTR widestr ); main() { SomeFunc ( (LPCWSTR) "C:\\foo.txt" ); // WRONG! }肯定会失败。它可以被编译,因为cast操作会撤消编译器的类型检查。但是,编译可以通过并不能说明代码是正确的。
C-style strings and typedefs
正如我在第一部分中提到的,windows APIs 是用TCHARs来定义的,在编译时,它可以根据你是否定义_MBCS或者_UNICODE被编译成MBCS或者Unicode字符。你可以参看第一部分中对TCHAR的完整描述,这里为了方便,我列出了字符的typedefs
Type | Meaning |
WCHAR | Unicode character (wchar_t) |
TCHAR | MBCS or Unicode character, depending on preprocessor settings |
LPSTR | string of char (char*) |
LPCSTR | constant string of char (const char*) |
LPWSTR | string of WCHAR (WCHAR*) |
LPCWSTR | constant string of WCHAR (const WCHAR*) |
LPTSTR | string of TCHAR (TCHAR*) |
LPCTSTR | constant string of TCHAR (const TCHAR*) |
Type | Meaning |
OLECHAR | Unicode character (wchar_t) |
LPCOLESTR | constant string of OLECHAR (const OLECHAR*) |
还有两个用于包围字符串和字符常量的宏定义,它们可以使同样的代码被用于MBCS和Unicode builds :
Type | Meaning |
_T(x) | Prepends L to the literal in Unicode builds. |
OLESTR(x) | Prepends L to the literal to make it an LPCOLESTR. |
在文档或例程中,你还会看到好多_T的变体。有四个等价的宏定义,它们是TEXT, _TEXT, __TEXT和__T,它们都起同样的做用。
BSTR 是 Pascal-style 字符串(字符串长度被明确指出)和C-style字符串(字符串的长度要通过寻找结束符来计算)的混合产物。一个BSTR是一个Unicode字符串,它的长度是预先考虑的,并且它还有一个0字符作为结束标记。下面是一个BSTR的示例:
06 00 00 00 | 42 00 | 6F 00 | 62 00 | 00 00 |
--length-- | B | o | b | EOS |
在 C++ 中,一个 BSTR 实际上就是一个指向字符串中第一个字符的指针。它的定义如下:
BSTR bstr = NULL; bstr = SysAllocString ( L"Hi Bob!" ); if ( NULL == bstr ) // out of memory error // Use bstr here... SysFreeString ( bstr );自然的,各种各样的BSTR封装类为你实现内存管理。
// Constructing _bstr_t bs1 = "char string"; // construct from a LPCSTR _bstr_t bs2 = L"wide char string"; // construct from a LPCWSTR _bstr_t bs3 = bs1; // copy from another _bstr_t _variant_t v = "Bob"; _bstr_t bs4 = v; // construct from a _variant_t that has a string // Extracting data LPCSTR psz1 = bs1; // automatically converts to MBCS string LPCSTR psz2 = (LPCSTR) bs1; // cast OK, same as previous line LPCWSTR pwsz1 = bs1; // returns the internal Unicode string LPCWSTR pwsz2 = (LPCWSTR) bs1; // cast OK, same as previous line BSTR bstr = bs1.copy(); // copies bs1, returns it as a BSTR // ... SysFreeString ( bstr );注意_bstr_t也提供char*和wchar_t*之间的转换操作符。这是一个值得怀疑的设计,因为即使它们是非常量字符串指针,你也一定不能使用这些指针去修改它们指向的缓冲区的内容,因为那将破坏内部的BSTR结构。
// Constructing _variant_t v1 = "char string"; // construct from a LPCSTR _variant_t v2 = L"wide char string"; // construct from a LPCWSTR _bstr_t bs1 = "Bob"; _variant_t v3 = bs1; // copy from a _bstr_t object // Extracting data _bstr_t bs2 = v1; // extract BSTR from the VARIANT _bstr_t bs3 = (_bstr_t) v1; // cast OK, same as previous line注意:
// Specializations typedef basic_string不像_bstr_t,一个basic_string变量不能在字符集之间直接转换。然而,你可以传递由c_str()返回的指针给另外一个类的构造函数(如果这个类的构造函数接受这种字符类型)。例如:tstring; // string of TCHARs // Constructing string str = "char string"; // construct from a LPCSTR wstring wstr = L"wide char string"; // construct from a LPCWSTR tstring tstr = _T("TCHAR string"); // construct from a LPCTSTR // Extracting data LPCSTR psz = str.c_str(); // read-only pointer to str''s buffer LPCWSTR pwsz = wstr.c_str(); // read-only pointer to wstr''s buffer LPCTSTR ptsz = tstr.c_str(); // read-only pointer to tstr''s buffer
// Example, construct _bstr_t from basic_string _bstr_t bs1 = str.c_str(); // construct a _bstr_t from a LPCSTR _bstr_t bs2 = wstr.c_str(); // construct a _bstr_t from a LPCWSTRATL 类
// Sample interface: struct IStuff : public IUnknown { // Boilerplate COM stuff omitted... STDMETHOD(SetText)(BSTR bsText); STDMETHOD(GetText)(BSTR* pbsText); };CComBSTR有一个操作符--BSTR方法,所以它能直接被传给SetText()函数。还有另外一个操作--&,这个操作符返回一个BSTR*。所以,你可以对一个CComBSTR对象使用&操作符,然后把它传给需要BSTR*参数的函数。
CComBSTR bs1; CComBSTR bs2 = "new text"; pStuff->GetText ( &bs1 ); // ok, takes address of internal BSTR pStuff->SetText ( bs2 ); // ok, calls BSTR converter pStuff->SetText ( (BSTR) bs2 ); // cast ok, same as previous lineCComBSTR有和_bstr_t相似的构造函数,然而却没有内置的向MBCS字符串转换的函数。因此,你需要使用一个ATL转换宏。
// Constructing CComBSTR bs1 = "char string"; // construct from a LPCSTR CComBSTR bs2 = L"wide char string"; // construct from a LPCWSTR CComBSTR bs3 = bs1; // copy from another CComBSTR CComBSTR bs4; bs4.LoadString ( IDS_SOME_STR ); // load string from string table // Extracting data BSTR bstr1 = bs1; // returns internal BSTR, but don''t modify it! BSTR bstr2 = (BSTR) bs1; // cast ok, same as previous line BSTR bstr3 = bs1.Copy(); // copies bs1, returns it as a BSTR BSTR bstr4; bstr4 = bs1.Detach(); // bs1 no longer manages its BSTR // ... SysFreeString ( bstr3 ); SysFreeString ( bstr4 );注意在上个例子中使用了Detach()方法。调用这个方法后,CComBSTR对象不再管理它的BSTR字符串或者说它对应的内存。这就是bstr4需要调用SysFreeString()的原因。
std::list< CAdapt> bstr_list;
// Constructing CComVariant v1 = "char string"; // construct from a LPCSTR CComVariant v2 = L"wide char string"; // construct from a LPCWSTR CComBSTR bs1 = "BSTR bob"; CComVariant v3 = (BSTR) bs1; // copy from a BSTR // Extracting data CComBSTR bs2 = v1.bstrVal; // extract BSTR from the VARIANT不像_variant_t,这里没有提供针对VARIANT包含的各种类型的转换操作符。正如上面介绍的,你必须直接访问VARIANT的成员并且确保这个VARIANT变量保存着你期望的类型。如果你需要把一个CComVariant类型的数据转换成一个BSTR类型的数据,你可以调用ChangeType()方法。
CComVariant v4 = ... // Init v4 from somewhere CComBSTR bs3; if ( SUCCEEDED( v4.ChangeType ( VT_BSTR ) )) bs3 = v4.bstrVal;像_variant_t一样,CComVariant也没有提供向MBCS字符串转换的转换操作。你需要创建一个_bstr_t类型的中间变量,使用提供从Unicode到MBCS转换的另一个字符串类,或者使用一个ATL的转换宏。
A: MBCS string, char* (A for ANSI) W: Unicode string, wchar_t* (W for wide) T: TCHAR string, TCHAR* OLE: OLECHAR string, OLECHAR* (in practice, equivalent to W) BSTR: BSTR (used as the destination type only)
// Functions taking various strings: void Foo ( LPCWSTR wstr ); void Bar ( BSTR bstr ); // Functions returning strings: void Baz ( BSTR* pbstr ); #include正如你所看见的,当你有一个和函数所需的参数类型不同的字符串时,使用这些转换宏是非常方便的。main() { using std::string; USES_CONVERSION; // declare locals used by the ATL macros // Example 1: Send an MBCS string to Foo() LPCSTR psz1 = "Bob"; string str1 = "Bob"; Foo ( A2CW(psz1) ); Foo ( A2CW(str1.c_str()) ); // Example 2: Send a MBCS and Unicode string to Bar() LPCSTR psz2 = "Bob"; LPCWSTR wsz = L"Bob"; BSTR bs1; CComBSTR bs2; bs1 = A2BSTR(psz2); // create a BSTR bs2.Attach ( W2BSTR(wsz) ); // ditto, assign to a CComBSTR Bar ( bs1 ); Bar ( bs2 ); SysFreeString ( bs1 ); // free bs1 memory // No need to free bs2 since CComBSTR will do it for us. // Example 3: Convert the BSTR returned by Baz() BSTR bs3 = NULL; string str2; Baz ( &bs3 ); // Baz() fills in bs3 str2 = W2CA(bs3); // convert to an MBCS string SysFreeString ( bs3 ); // free bs3 memory }
// Constructing CString s1 = "char string"; // construct from a LPCSTR CString s2 = L"wide char string"; // construct from a LPCWSTR CString s3 ( '' '', 100 ); // pre-allocate a 100-byte buffer, fill with spaces CString s4 = "New window text"; // You can pass a CString in place of an LPCTSTR: SetWindowText ( hwndSomeWindow, s4 ); // Or, equivalently, explicitly cast the CString: SetWindowText ( hwndSomeWindow, (LPCTSTR) s4 );你可以从你的字符串表中装载一个字符串,CString的一个构造函数和LoadString()函数可以完成它。Format()方法能够从字符串表中随意的读取一个具有一定格式的字符串。
// Constructing/loading from string table CString s5 ( (LPCTSTR) IDS_SOME_STR ); // load from string table CString s6, s7; // Load from string table. s6.LoadString ( IDS_SOME_STR ); // Load printf-style format string from the string table: s7.Format ( IDS_SOME_FORMAT, "bob", nSomeStuff, ... );第一个构造函数看起来有点奇怪,但是这实际上是文档说明的装入一个字符串的方法。 注意,对一个CString变量,你可以使用的唯一合法转换符是LPCTSTR。转换成LPTSTR(非常量指针)是错误的。养成把一个CString变量转换成LPTSTR的习惯将会给你带来伤害,因为当你的程序后来崩溃时,你可能不知道为什么,因为你到处都使用同样的代码而那时它们都恰巧正常工作。正确的得到一个指向缓冲区的非常量指针的方法是调用GetBuffer()方法。下面是正确的用法的一个例子,这段代码是给一个列表控件中的项设定文字:
CString str = _T("new text"); LVITEM item = {0}; item.mask = LVIF_TEXT; item.iItem = 1; item.pszText = (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR) str; // WRONG! item.pszText = str.GetBuffer(0); // correct ListView_SetItem ( &item ); str.ReleaseBuffer(); // return control of the buffer to strpszText成员是一个LPTSTR变量,一个非常量指针,因此你需要对str调用GetBuffer()。GetBuffer()的参数是你需要CString为缓冲区分配的最小长度。如果因为某些原因,你需要一个可修改的缓冲区来存放1K TCHARs,你需要调用GetBuffer(1024)。把0作为参数时,GetBuffer()返回的是指向字符串当前内容的指针。
// Converting to BSTR CString s5 = "Bob!"; BSTR bs1 = NULL, bs2 = NULL; bs1 = s5.AllocSysString(); s5.SetSysString ( &bs2 ); SysFreeString ( bs1 ); SysFreeString ( bs2 );COleVariant
// Constructing CString s1 = _T("tchar string"); COleVariant v1 = _T("Bob"); // construct from an LPCTSTR COleVariant v2 = s1; // copy from a CString像CComVariant一样,你必须直接访问VARIANT的成员。如果需要把VARIANT转换成一个字符串,你应该使用ChangeType()方法。然而,COleVariant::ChangeType()如果失败会抛出异常,而不是返回一个表示失败的HRESULT代码。
// Extracting data COleVariant v3 = ...; // fill in v3 from somewhere BSTR bs = NULL; try { v3.ChangeType ( VT_BSTR ); bs = v3.bstrVal; } catch ( COleException* e ) { // error, couldn''t convert } SysFreeString ( bs );
// Constructing String* ms = S"This is a nice managed string";你可以传递一个非受控的字符串来创建一个String对象,但是样会比使用受控字符串来创建String对象造成效率的微小损失。这是因为所有以S作为前缀的相同的字符串实例都代表同样的对象,但这对非受控对象是不适用的。下面的代码清楚地阐明了这一点:
String* ms1 = S"this is nice"; String* ms2 = S"this is nice"; String* ms3 = L"this is nice"; Console::WriteLine ( ms1 == ms2 ); // prints true Console::WriteLine ( ms1 == ms3); // prints false正确的比较可能没有使用S前缀的字符串的方法是使用String::CompareTo()
Console::WriteLine ( ms1->CompareTo(ms2) ); Console::WriteLine ( ms1->CompareTo(ms3) );上面的两行代码都会打印0,0表示两个字符串相等。 String和MFC 7 CString之间的转换是很容易的。CString有一个向LPCTSTR的转换操作,而String有两个接收char* 和 wchar_t*的构造函数,因此你可以把一个CString变量直接传给一个String的构造函数。
CString s1 ( "hello world" ); String* s2 ( s1 ); // copy from a CString反方向的转换也很类似
String* s1 = S"Three cats"; CString s2 ( s1 );这也许会使你感到一点迷惑,但是它确实是起作用的。因为从VS.NET 开始,CString 有了一个接收String 对象的构造函数。
CStringT ( System::String* pString );对于一些快速操作,你可能想访问底层的字符串:
String* s1 = S"Three cats"; Console::WriteLine ( s1 ); const __wchar_t __pin* pstr = PtrToStringChars(s1); for ( int i = 0; i < wcslen(pstr); i++ ) (*const_cast<__wchar_t*>(pstr+i))++; Console::WriteLine ( s1 );PtrToStringChars()返回一个指向底层字符串的const __wchar_t* ,我们需要固定它,否则垃圾收集器或许会在我们正在管理它的内容的时候移动了它。
_bstr_t bs = L"Bob!"; ATLTRACE("The string is: %s in line %d\n", (LPCSTR) bs, nLine);
Class |
_bstr_t | BSTR | yes cast1 | yes cast |
yes2 |
_variant_t | BSTR | no | no | no | cast to _bstr_t3 |
_bstr_t3 |
string | MBCS |
yes c_str() method |
no | no |
no |
wstring | Unicode |
no | no |
yes cast to BSTR | yes cast |
CComVariant |
yes4 |
CString | TCHAR |
in MBCS builds, cast |
in Unicode builds, cast |
no5 |
COleVariant |
builds |
builds |