后知后觉的我,Petri Net的提出者Carl Adam Petri已经去世了

今天翻起一本10年8月的ACM通信,突然发现有个红字Obituary,一看居然是Carl Adam Petri去世了。作为一个研究形式化技术的学生,感觉到一丝伤痛。

2010年7月2日,著名德国数学家、计算机科学家Carl Adam Petri与世长辞,享年83岁。他在计算机科学方面的主要成就,是提出了用于描述和建模分布式并发系统的Petri网模型和以此模型为基础发展出来的网论(net theory),在软件设计(尤其是模型驱动设计)、工作流管理、流程控制、协议验证、机械工程等领域都有广泛应用。


经典的Petri网是简单的过程模型,由两种节点:库所(place)和变迁(transition)、有向弧以及令牌(token)等元素组成的。后知后觉的我,Petri Net的提出者Carl Adam Petri已经去世了



1939年,他13岁那年,为了描述化学过程而产生了Petri网(这个名字当然是后来其他人命名的)的最初想法。但这一想法直到1962年他写作博士论文“Kommunikation mit Automaten”(用自动机通信)才第一次以文献形式公诸于世。(Petri的文章

1941年,父亲给他介绍了德国计算机先驱Konrad Zuse的工作,立即引起了他对计算机的兴趣。除了计算机理论研究之外,他甚至自己设计了一台小的模拟计算机。

1944年他刚刚高中毕业,就被迫加入了纳粹德军。后被英军俘虏,监禁在英国,直到1949年才被释放。(Wilfried Brauer, Wolfgang Reisig)在此期间,他一直在思考计算的本质,模拟计算和数字计算的差异等重大课题。他发现,已有的计算机理论如自动机和形式语言不适合描述物理系统,缺乏重要的并发概念。

1950年,他返回德国,在汉诺威工业大学( Technical University Hannover)学习数学,并曾在IBM接受一年培训。1956年获得学位,并留校任教。1959年转到波恩大学任教并攻读博士学位。


1989年他当选欧洲科学院院士。2008年他荣获计算机领域最高荣誉之一IEEE计算机先驱奖。他对计算机科学的贡献,可以在Milner 1991年图灵奖获奖演讲中的话得到充分证明:








吴哲辉的Petri网导论(此人还写过形式语言与自动机理论 2007 机械出的)





以下是摘自  Communications of the Acm的英文讣告

Carl Adam Petri, 1926–2010

Carl adam Petri, a german mathematical and computer scientist who invented Petri nets, a modeling language used to describe and document concurrent processes through the use of graph-based structures, died on July 2 at age 83.

Petri is considered a pioneer in advancing the fields of parallel computing and distributed computing. he also played a key role in developing methods of analysis for complex systems and workflow management.

“In the 1960s he had already developed ideas about modeling, distributed systems, and computers as a communication medium,” notes Wolfgang reisig, a professor at the computer Science institute,humboldt-University of Berlin. “the work was remarkable because it took decades for the computing science mainstream to accept his early vision.”

Born in leipzig, germany, Petri documented Petri nets as part of his dissertation, “communication with automata,” in 1962. he taught at several universities in germany, and served as scientific director for a research institute at the national center for Mathematics and computing, a research lab near Bonn.

In 1966, Petri was the recipient of the Werner von Siemens ring, a prestigious german award in technical sciences. In 2003, he received the Order of the netherlands lion award and was honored by the Queen of the netherlands. in 2007, Petri received the academy gold Medal of honor, a lifetime achievement award presented by the academy of transdisciplinary learning and advanced Studies. ieee presented Petri with its computer Pioneer award in 2008 for establishing Petri net theory,

“which not only was cited by hundreds of thousands of scientific publications but also significantly advanced the fields of parallel and distributed computing.”—Samuel Greengard
