Shell下的正则表达式 (鸟哥私房菜)

 1 "Open Source" is a good mechanism to develop programs.$

 2 apple is my favorite food.$

 3 Football game is not use feet only.$

 4 this dress doesn't fit me.$

 5 However, this dress is about $ 3183 dollars.^M$

 6 GNU is free air not free beer.^M$

 7 Her hair is very beauty.^M$

 8 I can't finish the test.^M$

 9 Oh! The soup taste good.^M$

10 motorcycle is cheap than car.$

11 This window is clear.$

12 the symbol '*' is represented as start.$

13 Oh!^IMy god!$

14 The gd software is a library for drafting programs.^M$

15 You are the best is mean you are the no. 1.$

16 The world <Happy> is the same with "glad".$

17 I like dog.$

18 google is the best tools for search keyword.$

19 goooooogle yes!$

20 go! go! Let's go.$

21 # I am VBird$

22 $


一. 搜寻特定字符串


二. 利用中括号[]搜寻集合字符




'[^a-z]oo' 或者 '[^[:lower:]]oo'


'[0-9]' 或者 '[[:digit:]]'

三. 行首^与行尾字符$


'^[a-z]' 或者 '^[[:lower:]]'




四. 任意一个字符.与重复字符*







'[0-9][0-9]*' 或 '[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]*'

五. 限定连续RE字符范围{}




六. 锚定词首词尾\b\b或\<\> (来自马哥)

'\bWORD\b' 或 '\<WORD\>'

七. 后向引用

\1: 第一个左括号以及与之对应的右括号所包含的所有内容


以下为扩展型正则表达式, 需配合egrep使用

Shell下的正则表达式 (鸟哥私房菜)
