Palabos User Guide中文解读 | 第一章 | 介绍

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Palabos User Guide
Release 1.0 r1
Copyright © 2019 University of Geneva
Jul 05, 2019

Chapter One

1.1 什么是Palabos?


1.2 Palabos涵盖的功能
1.2.1 目前实现的


Physics: Incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, weakly compressible, non-thermal Navier-Stokes equations, flows with body-force term, thermal flows with Boussinesq approximation, single-component multi-phase fluids (Shan/Chen model), multi-component multi-phase fluids (Shan/Chen model, He/Lee model), free surface flows (volume-of-fluid approach), static Smagorinsky model for fluid turbulence.
Basic fluid models: BGK (and its “incompressible” counterpart), a given MRT model (and its “incompressible” coun-terpart), regularized BGK, LW-ACM (and its “incompressible” counterpart), a given entropic model.
Straight-wall boundary conditions: Zou/He, Inamuro, Skordos, regularized BC, simple equilibrium, bounce-back, periodic. All boundary conditions work for straight walls with interior/exterior corners, and can be used to implement a Dirichlet or Neumann condition for the velocity or the pressure. The bounce-back condition is also used for curved boundaries, represented by a stair-case shape.
Off-lattice boundary conditions: GUO model, and generalized off-lattice boundary condition. Automatic, and mas-sively parallel, voxelization of STL file and instantiation of off-lattice walls.
Particles: Massively parallel (billions of particles are no problem on a parallel machine) simulation of passive scalars, or interacting particles.
Grid: The implemented grids are D2Q9, D3Q13, D3Q15, D3Q19, and D3Q27. In all cases, the domain is either a regular matrix or a sparse domain, approximated by a multi-grid pattern.
Parallelism: All mentioned models and ingredients are parallelized with MPI for shared-memory and distributed-memory platforms, including I/O operations that are implemented in terms of MPI’s Parallel I/O API.
Pre-processing: The domain of a simulation can be constructed manually, or automatically from a corresponding STL-file.
Post-processing: The code has the ability to save the data in ASCII or binary files or to directly produce GIF images. Furthermore, the data can be saved in VTK format and further post-processed with an appropriate tool. For better efficiency, Palabos can natively post-process data, producing streamlines and iso-surfaces.
Check-pointing: At every moment, the state of the simulation can be saved, and loaded at a later point.

1.2.2 在开发的


1.3 项目

Scientific and Parallel Computing Group SPC 提供了palabos的理论背景,也在不断开发新模型和方法。这些上乘的代码都是日内瓦大学在管。

1.4 作者

项目大佬:Jonas Latt
贡献者:Orestis Malaspinas, Dim-itrios Kontaxakis, Andrea Parmigiani, Daniel Lagrava, Yann Thorimbert, Christos Kotsalos, Francesco Marson, Joel Beny, and Bastien Chopard

1.5 找帮助

初学者建议去看Tutorial 1,在这里你能看到palabos的程序结构构成和了解palabos内部是怎样工作的。


——2020.02.10 锡瓦,埃及
