java nio ServerSocketChannel源码分析





package java.nio.channels;

import java.nio.channels.spi.AbstractSelectableChannel;
import java.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider;

 * 面向流的监听套接字的可选通道。

通过调用该类的open方法创建服务器-套接字通道。 * 不能为任意预先存在的ServerSocket创建通道。 * 新创建的服务器-套接字通道是打开的,但尚未绑定。 * 尝试调用未绑定的服务器套接字通道的accept方法将导致抛出NotYetBoundException。 * 可以通过调用这个类定义的一个bind方法来绑定服务器-套接字通道。 * *

套接字选项使用setOption方法进行配置。Server-socket通道支持以下选项: *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Option NameDescription
{@link SO_RCVBUF} socket接收缓冲区的大小
{@link SO_REUSEADDR} 重用地址
* 还可能支持其他(特定于实现的)选项。 * *

服务器-套接字通道对于多个并发线程来说是安全的。 *

* * @author Mark Reinhold * @author JSR-51 Expert Group * @since 1.4 */ public abstract class ServerSocketChannel extends AbstractSelectableChannel implements NetworkChannel

java nio ServerSocketChannel源码分析_第1张图片


     * 创建新实例
     * @param  provider
     *         The provider that created this channel
    protected ServerSocketChannel(SelectorProvider provider) {

     * 打开服务器套接字通道。

新通道是通过调用系统范围默认java.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider的openServerSocketChannel方法创建的。 * *

新通道的套接字最初是未绑定的; * 它必须通过它的套接字的一个绑定方法绑定到特定的地址,然后连接才能被接受。 * * @return A new socket channel * * @throws IOException * If an I/O error occurs */ public static ServerSocketChannel open() throws IOException { return SelectorProvider.provider().openServerSocketChannel(); } /** * 返回一个操作集,标识此通道支持的操作。 * *

服务器-套接字通道仅支持接受新连接,因此此方法返回SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT。 *

* * @return The valid-operation set */ public final int validOps() { return SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT; } // -- ServerSocket-specific operations -- /** * 将通道的套接字绑定到本地地址,并将套接字配置为侦听连接。 * *

此方法的调用等价如下: *

     * bind(local, 0);
* * @param local * The local address to bind the socket, or {@code null} to bind * to an automatically assigned socket address * * @return This channel * * @throws AlreadyBoundException {@inheritDoc} * @throws UnsupportedAddressTypeException {@inheritDoc} * @throws ClosedChannelException {@inheritDoc} * @throws IOException {@inheritDoc} * @throws SecurityException * If a security manager has been installed and its {@link * SecurityManager#checkListen checkListen} method denies the * operation * * @since 1.7 */ public final ServerSocketChannel bind(SocketAddress local) throws IOException { return bind(local, 0); } /** * 将通道的套接字绑定到本地地址,并将套接字配置为侦听连接。 * *

此方法用于建立套接字与本地地址之间的关联。一旦建立了关联,套接字就会一直绑定,直到通道关闭。 * *

backlog参数是套接字上挂起的最大连接数。它的确切语义是特定于实现的。 * 具体来说,实现可以设置最大长度,也可以选择完全忽略参数。 * 如果backlog参数的值为0,或者为负值,则使用实现的指定默认值。 * * @param local * The address to bind the socket, or {@code null} to bind to an * automatically assigned socket address * @param backlog * The maximum number of pending connections * * @return This channel * * @throws AlreadyBoundException * If the socket is already bound * @throws UnsupportedAddressTypeException * If the type of the given address is not supported * @throws ClosedChannelException * If this channel is closed * @throws IOException * If some other I/O error occurs * @throws SecurityException * If a security manager has been installed and its {@link * SecurityManager#checkListen checkListen} method denies the * operation * * @since 1.7 */ public abstract ServerSocketChannel bind(SocketAddress local, int backlog) throws IOException; /** * @throws UnsupportedOperationException {@inheritDoc} * @throws IllegalArgumentException {@inheritDoc} * @throws ClosedChannelException {@inheritDoc} * @throws IOException {@inheritDoc} * * @since 1.7 */ public abstract ServerSocketChannel setOption(SocketOption name, T value) throws IOException; /** * 检索与此通道相关联的服务器套接字。 * *


* * @return A server socket associated with this channel */ public abstract ServerSocket socket(); /** * 接受到此通道套接字的连接。 * *

如果该通道处于非阻塞模式,那么如果没有挂起的连接,该方法将立即返回null。 * 否则,它将无限期阻塞,直到有新的连接可用或发生I/O错误。 * *

此方法返回的套接字通道(如果有的话)将处于阻塞模式,而不管该通道的阻塞模式是什么。 * *

此方法执行与类的accept方法完全相同的安全检查。 * 也就是说,如果已经安装了安全管理器,那么对于每个新连接, * 此方法都会验证安全管理器的checkAccept方法是否允许连接的远程端点的地址和端口号。 * * @return The socket channel for the new connection, * or null if this channel is in non-blocking mode * and no connection is available to be accepted * * @throws ClosedChannelException * If this channel is closed * * @throws AsynchronousCloseException * If another thread closes this channel * while the accept operation is in progress * * @throws ClosedByInterruptException * If another thread interrupts the current thread * while the accept operation is in progress, thereby * closing the channel and setting the current thread's * interrupt status * * @throws NotYetBoundException * If this channel's socket has not yet been bound * * @throws SecurityException * If a security manager has been installed * and it does not permit access to the remote endpoint * of the new connection * * @throws IOException * If some other I/O error occurs */ public abstract SocketChannel accept() throws IOException; /** * {@inheritDoc} *

* 如果设置了安全管理器,则使用本地地址和-1作为参数调用其checkConnect方法,以查看是否允许该操作。 * 如果不允许该操作,则返回一个表示环回地址和通道套接字的本地端口的SocketAddress。 * * @return The {@code SocketAddress} that the socket is bound to, or the * {@code SocketAddress} representing the loopback address if * denied by the security manager, or {@code null} if the * channel's socket is not bound * * @throws ClosedChannelException {@inheritDoc} * @throws IOException {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public abstract SocketAddress getLocalAddress() throws IOException;

