

There is a tweet from Naoki Tsutae which has some nice looking graphics and some rather cryptic looking code.

Naoki Tsutae发了一条推文,其中有一些漂亮的图形和一些相当隐秘的代码。

https://twitter.com/ntsutae/status/1268820823952916486 https://twitter.com/ntsutae/status/1268820823952916486

The visuals are from a sketch Noaki created on OpenProcessing:


The code to make all of this happen is this:


That's just 131 characters. Pretty amazing!

只有131个字符 相当了不起!

那么它是怎样工作的? (So how does it work?)

As is to be expected (as this is rather terse and complex code), not everyone understands how this code works.


The author isn’t much inclined to explain:


As I enjoy puzzles, graphics, and teaching, I thought it might attempt to explain what is going on myself.


解压代码 (Unpacking the code)

Before we can look at how this works, we need to make the code more readable. You see, the code uses some tricks and shorthand notations to shave off extra bytes.

在查看它如何工作之前,我们需要使代码更具可读性。 您会看到,代码使用了一些技巧和速记符号来删除多余的字节。

Spreading things out gives us more of an idea about what is going on:


The things that make this code so terse are the same things that makes it harder to read.


  1. Hardly any variables are used. In fact, there are only three. To make matters worse, t,w, and x aren’t really descriptive names.

    几乎没有使用任何变量。 实际上,只有三个 。 更糟的是, twx并不是真正的描述性名称。

  2. The Ternary Operator is used. It works like this: condition ? expresionIfTrue : expresionIfFalse. This is a shorthand alternative to more verbose (and often more readable) if and else statements.

    使用三元运算符 。 它的工作方式如下: condition ? expresionIfTrue : expresionIfFalse condition ? expresionIfTrue : expresionIfFalse 。 这是更冗长(且通常更易读)的ifelse语句的简写方式。

If we unpack the code further and rename some variables, it looks like this:


This code has exactly the same functionality. That in itself should give you an idea of how ingenious it is to fold all of that into so few characters.

此代码具有完全相同的功能。 这本身应该使您知道将所有内容折叠成很少的字符是多么的巧妙。

The verbose version, however, should make it easier to see what’s going on. Let's walk through it in more detail…

但是,冗长的版本应该可以更轻松地查看正在发生的情况。 让我们更详细地介绍一下…

开始 (Making a start)

The first things that happen are easy enough.


  • A counter t is declared.


  • The draw() function is created. This is a special function used by P5.js (The library used by OpenProcessing to draw sketches). It is called in a continuous loop (unless noloop() is called).

    创建了draw ()函数。 这是P5.js (OpenProcessing用于绘制草图的库)所使用的特殊功能。 在连续循环中调用它(除非noloop () )。

  • The counter is incremented. This will happen each time draw() is called in the loop provided by P5.js.

    计数器增加。 每当在P5.js提供的循环中调用draw()时,就会发生这种情况。

  • A variable w that sets the canvas width is defined.


  • A canvas is created.


The trick here is that the value of t is used to decide the outcome of the ternary operator before t is incremented. This makes sure the canvas is only created once. (As t is only equal to zero the first time draw() is called).

这里的技巧是价值t使用决定三元运算符的结果t递增。 这样可以确保画布仅创建一次。 (由于t仅等于零,因此第一次调用draw() )。

Comparing this to the verbose code, it would look like this:


Here createCanvas() has been placed in setup() , which also a special function defined by P5.js. It is only called once in order to set everything up.

这里createCanvas()已放置在setup ()setup ()也是P5.js定义的特殊功能。 为了设置所有内容,只调用一次。

画一条线 (Drawing a line)

The next thing that happens is that a row (or line) is drawn.



The line is drawn one pixel at a time using the point() function. The stroke() function determines which color the dot will be.

使用point ()函数一次将线绘制一个像素。 stroke ()函数确定点将是哪种颜色。

Each point is drawn in the forloop. The point() function draws a point at the given X and Y coordinates. As only one line is drawn, the Y is always zero. The X starts at the right-hand side of the image, where X is equal to the image width. It then moves to the right with each iteration of the for loop (as X keeps being decreased by one each iteration).

每个点都在for循环中绘制。 point()函数在给定的X和Y坐标处绘制一个点。 由于只画了一条线,所以Y始终为零。 X从图像的右侧开始,其中X等于图像的宽度。 然后,它在for循环的每次迭代中向右移动(因为X每次迭代都会减少一个)。

This continues until X is zero.


That is a small trick being used here… The final-expression of the for loop is omitted.

这是在这里使用的一个小技巧... for 循环的最终表达式被省略。

Adding this to our more verbose version of the code gives:


So how is the stroke (color) calculated?


第一块魔法 (The first piece of magic)

The first thing to understand is that the color will always be either black or white. This is because the value passed to stroke() is always either 0 or 720 (the value of w ). The zero value is interpreted as black, any value larger than 255 is interpreted as white.

首先要了解的是,颜色将始终为黑色或白色。 这是因为传递给stroke()值始终为0720 ( w的值)。 零值解释为黑色,大于255的任何值解释为白色。


Here things get a bit complicated. This is the part most people will find hard to understand, as it requires a firm grasp of mathematics, especially algebra.

在这里,事情变得有些复杂。 这是大多数人难以理解的部分,因为它需要牢固地掌握数学,尤其是代数 。

The logic that decides which color is picked does so using:


  • The bitwise XOR operator: ^ only outputstrue when one input is true and the other isfalse (called an exclusive “or”)

    按位XOR运算符 : ^只输出true当一个输入为true ,而另一个是false (称为排他性的“或” )

  • The exponentiation operator ** provides exponentiation (repeated multiplication), the same as Math.pow()

    幂运算符 **提供幂 (重复乘法),与Math.pow()相同

  • Math.abs() (through the abs() function) will always provide the absolute_value (i.e. positive, larger than zero) of a given integer

    Math.abs() (通过abs()函数)将始终提供给定整数的absolute_value (即正数,大于零)

  • The remainder operator % (also known as a Modulo operation)

    余数运算符 % (也称为模运算 )

  • The less-than operator <

    小于运算符 <

To understand the “how”, we’ll have to break the equation down into smaller parts. The full equation looks like this:

要理解“如何”,我们必须将等式分解为更小的部分。 完整的方程式如下所示:

Image for post

异或 (Xor)

Let’s we take the innermost part first, the “Xor”.

让我们首先介绍最里面的部分“ Xor”。

Image for post

For each line in the image, the x will be between 0 and 720. The t will start at 0 and just go up, and up, and up for each consecutive line. So the “minus” side of things will keep going further down as t rises and the “plus” will just keep rising.

对于图像中的每一行, x都将在0720之间。 t将从0开始,并且在每一行连续上升。 因此,事物的“负”面将随着t上升而进一步下降,而“正”数将不断上升。

So what happens ?


Remember, “Xor” means that the outcome will only be true when one side of the equation true (or 1) and the other isfalse (or 0). The thing to know, though, is that this does not work on integers (like 720 or 97) but on their binary representation (like 1011010000 or 1100001). So for instance (using 720 for xand 97 for t), we get 350.

请记住,“异或”表示仅当方程式的一侧为true (或1 )而另一侧为false (或0 )时,结果才为true 。 但是,要知道的是,它不适用于整数(如720或97),但不适用于整数的二进制表示形式 (如1011010000或1100001)。 因此,例如(对于x使用720,对于t使用97),我们得到350

(720 - 97) XOR (720 + 97) = (623) XOR (817) = 350

How? Convert the decimals to binary and you will see:

怎么样? 将小数转换为二进制,您将看到:

  1001101111      623
^ 1100110001 ^ 817
============ =====
0101011110 350

This creates some of the randomness you see in the image, but it is also fundamental to the structure in the image.


求幂 (Exponentiation)

The next thing that happens is pretty straightforward. The integer created by the Xor is raised to the power 3:

接下来发生的事情非常简单。 由Xor创建的整数被提高为幂3:

Image for post

So, using 350 from our previous example, this would give us:


350 * 350 * 350 = 42875000

That’s a pretty big number! Not to worry. That’s what the modulo is there for. But we’ll get to that later. First, something that might not be obvious…

这是一个很大的数字! 不要担心。 那就是模的用途。 但是我们稍后再讲。 首先,有些事情可能并不明显……

When the input is a positive integer, nothing special happens. The outcome will always be a positive integer. However, when the input is a negative number, the outcome will be negative for odd and positive for even exponents.

当输入为正整数时,不会发生任何特殊情况。 结果将始终为正整数。 但是,当输入为负数时,结果对奇数将为负,对偶数指数将为正。

Allow me to demonstrate:


-1^2 =                -1 * -1 =  1
-1^3 = -1 * -1 * -1 = -1
-1^4 = -1 * -1 * -1 * -1 = 1
-1^5 = -1 * -1 * -1 * -1 * -1 = -1

And so on.


Because the number is raised an odd amount of times (in this case 3), the outcome could also be a negative number! So now you can probably already gues why there is an abs() coming up soon.

由于该数字的增加是奇数次(在这种情况下为3),因此结果也可能是负数! 因此,现在您可能已经猜出了为什么很快就会出现abs()

加成 (Addition)

The next part just adds t to the outcome of the exponentiation:


Image for post

So continuing our example of x being 720 and t being 97, that gives us:


97 + 42875000 = 42875097

赦免 (Absolution)

The next part is another simple one. Remember that (because of the exponentation) we might have a negative number at this point?

下一部分是另一个简单的部分。 还记得(因为有指数)我们此时可能为负数?

The next bit fixes that for us:


Image for post

This is the Math.abs() I mentioned before. Now we finally reach that modulo I mentioned before, too.

这是我之前提到的Math.abs() 。 现在,我们终于也达到了我之前提到的模数。

模数 (Modulo)

I have noticed that a lot of people know the modulo (or “remainder”) operator, but not everyone knows what it is called.

我注意到很多人都知道 模 (或“余数”)运算符,但并不是每个人都知道它什么。

Image for post

What it does, however, is easy enough. It divides the first number by the second and returns the remainder. So we get: 42875097 % 997 = 109

但是,它所做的很容易。 它将第一个数字除以第二个数字,然后返回余数。 因此我们得到: 42875097 % 997 = 109

If you want to be real strict about it, it would be:


42875097 % 997 = 42875097

Only one more mathematical step to go!


少于 (Less than)

The very last thing that happens here is a comparison.


Image for post

This is what makes the final desicion whether we get a black or white pixel on our current line. If the output of the equation is less than 97 the result is black (or to be precise 0) otherwise it is white (through the value of w).

这就是最终决定我们在当前行上获得黑色还是白色像素的原因。 如果方程的输出小于97,则结果为黑色(准确地说是0 ),否则为白色(通过w的值)。

Pfew. That sure was a lot of math just to get one pixel, right?

f 可以肯定,要获得一个像素就需要很多数学运算,对吗?

If we were to put this in verbose code as a separate function, it would look like this:


The fact that there is so much math involved, is why the image gets the structure is has. Now you might be thinking, if all of that was for just one line how the hell much further do we have to go?

涉及大量数学的事实图像具有结构的原因。 现在您可能在想,如果所有这些仅是一行 ,我们还需要走多远?

Well, with all of that hard math out of the way, there is only one more line of code to explain…


创建下一行 (Creating the next line)

Once the line has been drawn, the loop provided by P5.js calls the draw() function again. The t++ happens and, from now on, createCanvas() will no longer be called. Instead, copy() is called.

绘制线条后,P5.js提供的循环将再次调用draw()函数。 t++发生了,从现在开始,将不再调用createCanvas() 。 相反, copy()调用copy()


So what does copy do? As the name implies, it copies something. What it copies depends on the parameters it is given:

那么复制有什么作用? 顾名思义,它复制了某些内容。 它复制的内容取决于给定的参数:

sourceX, sourceY, sourceWidth, sourceHeight,
destinationX, destinationY, destinationWidth, destinationHeight

Can you guess what copy(0, 0, w, w, 0, 1, w, w) does?

您能猜出copy(0, 0, w, w, 0, 1, w, w)是什么吗?

As you might have guessed, it copies the entire canvas from X and Y 0 up to X and Y w which is equal to the entire height and width (as the image is 720 square). So where does it copy it to? One line down.

您可能已经猜到了,它会将整个画布从X和Y 0复制到X和Y w ,这等于整个高度和宽度(因为图像为720平方)。 那么它将复制到哪里呢? 向下一行。

And then the next line is draw in the first row and the cycle repeats.


This mechanism is also a neat trick to produce the “scrolling” effect.


结语 (Wrapping up)

Now that we’ve gone through it, line by line, it should be clear what everything does. Did I miss anything? Do you have a question about something in this article? You are welcome to leave a comment or contact me on Twitter.

现在我们逐行进行了研究,现在应该清楚所有操作。 我想念什么吗? 您是否对本文有任何疑问? 欢迎您在Twitter上发表评论或与我联系。

I’ll be happy to explain!


In closing, I would like to leave you this slightly modified version of the verbose code. It has all the variables in a config object, so you can more easily play around with it:

最后,我想向您介绍此冗长代码的经过稍微修改的版本。 它在config对象中具有所有变量,因此您可以更轻松地使用它:

I’ve made a sketch on OpenProcessing with this code, so you can have some fun with it!


All code examples in this article were created using either GitHub Gist or Carbon. The mathematical equation were created using CodeCog’s Equation Editor. My gratitude goes out to Naoki Tsutae for taking a look at this article pre-publication and, ofcourse, for those awesome animations!

本文中的所有代码示例都是使用GitHub Gist或Carbon创建的。 数学方程式是使用CodeCog的方程式编辑器创建的 。 感谢Naoki Tsutae看了这篇文章的预发布,当然还有那些很棒的动画!

翻译自: https://medium.com/dev-genius/p5-js-animation-in-131-characters-of-code-explained-37cd8e1bb996

