

How many times has this happened to you? You have a graphic. You're trying to find an exciting new way to prepare it for your blog or website.

这件事发生了几次? 您有一个图形。 您正在尝试寻找一种令人兴奋的新方法来为其博客或网站做准备。

You could scale the graphic, remove the graphic's tail, head and bones, and serve the graphic as you would any other graphic dinner. But why bother, now that you can use Rovco's amazing new computer tool, the Super Shrink O'Matic '08.

您可以缩放图形,删除图形的尾巴,头部和骨头,然后像处理其他图形晚餐一样提供图形。 但是,既然现在您可以使用Rovco令人惊叹的新型计算机工具Super Shrink O'Matic '08, 那就麻烦了 。

Yes, graphic user, the days of troublesome scaling, cutting and gutting are over, because Super Shrink O'Matic '08 is the tool that lets you use the graphic with no gif waste, and without scaling, cutting or gutting.

是的,图形用户,麻烦的缩放,裁切和剪切中断的日子已经过去,因为Super Shrink O'Matic '08是使您可以使用图形而不会产生gif浪费,没有缩放,裁切或剪切破坏的工具。

Here's how it works: Catch a graphic, remove the hook, and drop the graphic - that's the whole graphic - into the Super Shrink O'Matic '08. Now, adjust the control dial so that the graphic is blended just the way you like it.

它是这样工作的:捕获图形,除去钩子,然后将图形-就是整个图形-放到Super Shrink O'Matic '08中。 现在,调整控制转盘,以便按照您喜欢的方式融合图形。

Yes, it's that simple!


With apologies to fellow Canadian, Dan Aykroyd, and the legendary Bass-O-Matic.

向加拿大同胞Dan Aykroyd和传奇的Bass-O-Matic致歉。

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2008/08/27/batch-resize-graphics-with-shrink-omatic/

