
I am trying to sign PDF documents with Python and found something called MyPDFSigner.

It is well documented, however I found the documentation a bit confusing.

The only problem I am having is on how to install the mypdfsigner module to run the code to sign a document.

The documentation itself provided a code sample but while the module isn't installed I won't be able to run it:

inputPath = "/tmp/input.pdf"

outputPath = "/tmp/output.pdf"

location = "Chicago, Illinois"

reason = "Demo"

contactInfo = "+1 555-555-5555"

certify = True

visible = True

title = "Signing with MyPDFSigner"

author = "KryptoKoder"

subject = "Python Extension"

keywords = "PKCS#12, PDF, MyPDFSigner"

confFile = "" # defaults to /usr/local/mypdfsigner/mypdfsigner.conf if empty

timestamp = True

print mypdfsigner.sign(inputPath, outputPath, location, reason, contactInfo, certify, visible, title, author, subject, keywords, confFile, timestamp)

Does anyone already tried this tool and have any advice for me? Or if you know any other Python library that signs PDF files please tell me.


解决方案In Windows copy the file mypdfsigner.pyd from "C:\Program Files\MyPDFSigner" to C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages.

It also says you need to add the installation to your path:

To run the example in Windows add "C:\Program Files\MyPDFSigner" to the environment PATH variable

Additionally, you must configure it first:

Before using any of the extensions it is necessary to start with the graphical application to create a configuration file for the key store and alias one wants to use. The application creates a .mypdfsigner file in your home directory.
