Zabbix5.0 安装 on Ubuntu20.04 Server

Make sure you have an Internet connection on your Ubuntu Server and it is up-to-date as well. Run the following commands to update/upgrade the list of available packages.

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade


1 选择您Zabbix服务器的平台

Zabbix5.0 安装 on Ubuntu20.04 Server_第1张图片


2 选择您Zabbix服务器的平台

  • a. 安装 数据库

# wget
# dpkg -i zabbix-release_5.0-1+focal_all.deb
# sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
  • b. 安装Zabbix server,Web前端,agent

# sudo apt install -y zabbix-server-mysql zabbix-frontend-php zabbix-apache-conf zabbix-agent mysql-server


3. Check Versions

Check all the software versions you have installed. Here you can check the supported versions

  • MySQL server version

sudo mysql -V
  • Apache version(因架构architecture 'i386'不同官方支持的focal,异常处理)

sudo apache2 -V

     N: Skipping acquire of configured file 'main/binary-i386/Packages' as repository ' focal InRelease' doesn't support architecture 'i386'


cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d
vim zabbix.list

   Zabbix5.0 安装 on Ubuntu20.04 Server_第2张图片

  • PHP Version

sudo php --version


4. 创建初始数据库 Configure MySQL Server

# mysql -uroot -p
mysql> create database zabbix character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
mysql> create user zabbix@localhost identified by 'password';
mysql> grant all privileges on zabbix.* to zabbix@localhost;
mysql> quit;



# zcat /usr/share/doc/zabbix-server-mysql*/create.sql.gz | mysql -uzabbix -p zabbix 

Verify the schema is imported successfully to database zabbix.

  • In order to do that, we have to log in to MySQL server with MySQL user root and provide the password when prompted
sudo mysql -u root -p
  • Use database zabbix, where we imported initial schema and data
use zabbix;
  • So we are now in database zabbix. Let’s see the tables
show tables;

Zabbix5.0 安装 on Ubuntu20.04 Server_第3张图片

Zabbix5.0 安装 on Ubuntu20.04 Server_第4张图片

  • You should see the tables on the screen. Let’s get out of MySQL server


6. 为Zabbix server配置数据库

编辑配置文件 /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf

vi /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf



编辑配置文件 /etc/zabbix/apache.conf, uncomment and set the right timezone for you.

# php_value date.timezone Europe/Riga 替换为

# php_value date.timezone Asia/Shanghai


8.启动Zabbix server和agent进程

启动Zabbix server和agent进程,并为它们设置开机自启

# systemctl restart zabbix-server zabbix-agent apache2
# systemctl enable zabbix-server zabbix-agent apache2 



连接到新安装的Zabbix前端: http://server_ip_or_name/zabbix

The default credentials are as follows:
Username: Admin
Password: zabbix

Zabbix5.0 安装 on Ubuntu20.04 Server_第5张图片

