private void start() {
// It could be initialized multiple times, so you need to control that.
if (RUNNING.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
// fetch all group configs.
int threadSize = serverList.size();
this.executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(threadSize, threadSize, 60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS,
new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(),
SoulThreadFactory.create("http-long-polling", true)); //2
// start long polling, each server creates a thread to listen for changes.
this.serverList.forEach(server -> this.executor.execute(new HttpLongPollingTask(server)));
} else {
log.info("soul http long polling was started, executor=[{}]", executor);
public static ThreadFactory create(final String namePrefix, final boolean daemon, final int priority) {
return new SoulThreadFactory(namePrefix, daemon, priority);
public Thread newThread(final Runnable runnable) {
Thread thread = new Thread(THREAD_GROUP, runnable,
THREAD_GROUP.getName() + "-" + namePrefix + "-" + THREAD_NUMBER.getAndIncrement());
return thread;
private void fetchGroupConfig(final ConfigGroupEnum... groups) throws SoulException {
for (int index = 0; index < this.serverList.size(); index++) {
String server = serverList.get(index);
try {
this.doFetchGroupConfig(server, groups);
} catch (SoulException e) {
// no available server, throw exception.
if (index >= serverList.size() - 1) {
throw e;
log.warn("fetch config fail, try another one: {}", serverList.get(index + 1));
private void doFetchGroupConfig(final String server, final ConfigGroupEnum... groups) {
StringBuilder params = new StringBuilder();
for (ConfigGroupEnum groupKey : groups) {
String url = server + "/configs/fetch?" + StringUtils.removeEnd(params.toString(), "&");
log.info("request configs: [{}]", url);
String json = null;
try {
json = this.httpClient.getForObject(url, String.class);
} catch (RestClientException e) {
String message = String.format("fetch config fail from server[%s], %s", url, e.getMessage());
throw new SoulException(message, e);
// update local cache
boolean updated = this.updateCacheWithJson(json);
if (updated) {
log.info("get latest configs: [{}]", json);
// not updated. it is likely that the current config server has not been updated yet. wait a moment.
log.info("The config of the server[{}] has not been updated or is out of date. Wait for 30s to listen for changes again.", server);
ThreadUtils.sleep(TimeUnit.SECONDS, 30);
private boolean updateCacheWithJson(final String json) {
JsonObject jsonObject = GSON.fromJson(json, JsonObject.class);
JsonObject data = jsonObject.getAsJsonObject("data");
// if the config cache will be updated?
return factory.executor(data);
public boolean executor(final JsonObject data) {
final boolean[] success = {
ENUM_MAP.values().parallelStream().forEach(dataRefresh -> success[0] = dataRefresh.refresh(data));//1
return success[0];
public void run() {
while (RUNNING.get()) {
for (int time = 1; time <= retryTimes; time++) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
// print warnning log.
if (time < retryTimes) {
log.warn("Long polling failed, tried {} times, {} times left, will be suspended for a while! {}",
time, retryTimes - time, e.getMessage());
ThreadUtils.sleep(TimeUnit.SECONDS, 5);
// print error, then suspended for a while.
log.error("Long polling failed, try again after 5 minutes!", e);
ThreadUtils.sleep(TimeUnit.MINUTES, 5);
log.warn("Stop http long polling.");
private void doLongPolling(final String server) {
MultiValueMap<String, String> params = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>(8);
for (ConfigGroupEnum group : ConfigGroupEnum.values()) {
ConfigData<?> cacheConfig = factory.cacheConfigData(group);
String value = String.join(",", cacheConfig.getMd5(), String.valueOf(cacheConfig.getLastModifyTime()));
params.put(group.name(), Lists.newArrayList(value));
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
HttpEntity httpEntity = new HttpEntity(params, headers);
String listenerUrl = server + "/configs/listener";
log.debug("request listener configs: [{}]", listenerUrl);
JsonArray groupJson = null;
try {
String json = this.httpClient.postForEntity(listenerUrl, httpEntity, String.class).getBody();
log.debug("listener result: [{}]", json);
groupJson = GSON.fromJson(json, JsonObject.class).getAsJsonArray("data");
} catch (RestClientException e) {
public void doLongPolling(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) {
// compare group md5
List<ConfigGroupEnum> changedGroup = compareChangedGroup(request); //1
String clientIp = getRemoteIp(request);
// response immediately.
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(changedGroup)) {
this.generateResponse(response, changedGroup);
log.info("send response with the changed group, ip={}, group={}", clientIp, changedGroup);
// listen for configuration changed.
final AsyncContext asyncContext = request.startAsync(); //2
// AsyncContext.settimeout() does not timeout properly, so you have to control it yourself
// block client's thread.
scheduler.execute(new LongPollingClient(asyncContext, clientIp, HttpConstants.SERVER_MAX_HOLD_TIMEOUT)); //3
public HttpLongPollingDataChangedListener(final HttpSyncProperties httpSyncProperties) {
this.clients = new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(1024);
this.scheduler = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1,
SoulThreadFactory.create("long-polling", true));
this.httpSyncProperties = httpSyncProperties;
class LongPollingClient implements Runnable {
public void run() {
this.asyncTimeoutFuture = scheduler.schedule(() -> {
List<ConfigGroupEnum> changedGroups = compareChangedGroup((HttpServletRequest) asyncContext.getRequest());
}, timeoutTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
private List<ConfigGroupEnum> compareChangedGroup(final HttpServletRequest request) {
List<ConfigGroupEnum> changedGroup = new ArrayList<>(ConfigGroupEnum.values().length);
for (ConfigGroupEnum group : ConfigGroupEnum.values()) {
// md5,lastModifyTime
String[] params = StringUtils.split(request.getParameter(group.name()), ',');
if (params == null || params.length != 2) {
throw new SoulException("group param invalid:" + request.getParameter(group.name()));
String clientMd5 = params[0];
long clientModifyTime = NumberUtils.toLong(params[1]); //1
ConfigDataCache serverCache = CACHE.get(group.name());
// do check.
if (this.checkCacheDelayAndUpdate(serverCache, clientMd5, clientModifyTime)) {
return changedGroup;
private boolean checkCacheDelayAndUpdate(final ConfigDataCache serverCache, final String clientMd5, final long clientModifyTime) {
// is the same, doesn't need to be updated
if (StringUtils.equals(clientMd5, serverCache.getMd5())) {
return false;
// if the md5 value is different, it is necessary to compare lastModifyTime.
long lastModifyTime = serverCache.getLastModifyTime();
if (lastModifyTime >= clientModifyTime) {
// the client's config is out of date.
return true;
// the lastModifyTime before client, then the local cache needs to be updated.
// Considering the concurrency problem, admin must lock,
// otherwise it may cause the request from soul-web to update the cache concurrently, causing excessive db pressure
boolean locked = false;
try {
locked = LOCK.tryLock(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); //3
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return true;
if (locked) {
try {
ConfigDataCache latest = CACHE.get(serverCache.getGroup());
if (latest != serverCache) {
// the cache of admin was updated. if the md5 value is the same, there's no need to update.
return !StringUtils.equals(clientMd5, latest.getMd5());
// load cache from db.
latest = CACHE.get(serverCache.getGroup());
return !StringUtils.equals(clientMd5, latest.getMd5());
} finally {
// not locked, the client need to be updated.
return true;