如何在Python 3中使用Flask制作Web应用程序

介绍 (Introduction)

Flask is a small and lightweight Python web framework that provides useful tools and features that make creating web applications in Python easier. It gives developers flexibility and is a more accessible framework for new developers since you can build a web application quickly using only a single Python file. Flask is also extensible and doesn’t force a particular directory structure or require complicated boilerplate code before getting started.

Flask是一个小型轻量级的Python Web框架,提供有用的工具和功能,这些工具和功能使使用Python创建Web应用程序更加容易。 它为开发人员提供了灵活性,并且是新开发人员更易于访问的框架,因为您可以仅使用单个Python文件快速构建Web应用程序。 Flask也是可扩展的,在开始之前不需要强制特定的目录结构或需要复杂的样板代码。

As part of this tutorial, you’ll use the Bootstrap toolkit to style your application so it is more visually appealing. Bootstrap will help you incorporate responsive web pages in your web application so that it also works well on mobile browsers without writing your own HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code to achieve these goals. The toolkit will allow you to focus on learning how Flask works.

作为本教程的一部分,您将使用Bootstrap工具箱来设置应用程序的样式,从而在外观上更具吸引力。 Bootstrap将帮助您将响应性网页合并到Web应用程序中,从而使其在移动浏览器中也能很好地工作,而无需编写自己HTML,CSS和JavaScript代码来实现这些目标。 该工具包将使您可以专注于学习Flask的工作方式。

Flask uses the Jinja template engine to dynamically build HTML pages using familiar Python concepts such as variables, loops, lists, and so on. You’ll use these templates as part of this project.

Flask使用Jinja模板引擎使用熟悉的Python概念(例如变量,循环,列表等)动态构建HTML页面。 您将使用这些模板作为该项目的一部分。

In this tutorial, you’ll build a small web blog using Flask and SQLite in Python 3. Users of the application can view all the posts in your database and click on the title of a post to view its contents with the ability to add a new post to the database and edit or delete an existing post.

在本教程中,您将使用Python 3中的Flask和SQLite构建一个小型的Web博客。该应用程序的用户可以查看数据库中的所有帖子,并单击帖子标题以查看其内容并可以添加内容。将新帖子添加到数据库,然后编辑或删除现有帖子。

先决条件 (Prerequisites)

Before you start following this guide, you will need:


  • A local Python 3 programming environment, follow the tutorial for your distribution in How To Install and Set Up a Local Programming Environment for Python 3 series for your local machine. In this tutorial we’ll call our project directory flask_blog.

    在本地Python 3编程环境中,请按照如何为本地计算机上的Python 3系列安装和设置本地编程环境系列中的教程进行操作。 在本教程中,我们将项目目录flask_blog

  • An understanding of Python 3 concepts, such as data types, conditional statements, for loops, functions, and other such concepts. If you are not familiar with Python, check out our How To Code in Python 3 series.

    对Python 3概念的理解,例如数据类型 , 条件语句 , 循环 , 函数和其他此类概念。 如果您不熟悉Python,请查看我们的《 如何使用Python 3编码》系列。

第1步-安装Flask (Step 1 — Installing Flask)

In this step, you’ll activate your Python environment and install Flask using the pip package installer.


If you haven’t already activated your programming environment, make sure you’re in your project directory (flask_blog) and use the following command to activate the environment:

如果尚未激活编程环境,请确保您位于项目目录( flask_blog )中,并使用以下命令激活环境:

  • source env/bin/activate

    源ENV /斌/激活

Once your programming environment is activated, your prompt will now have an env prefix that may look as follows:


This prefix is an indication that the environment env is currently active, which might have another name depending on how you named it during creation.


Note: You can use Git, a version control system, to effectively manage and track the development process for your project. To learn how to use Git, you might want to check out our Introduction to Git Installation Usage and Branches article.

注意:您可以使用版本控制系统Git来有效管理和跟踪项目的开发过程。 要了解如何使用Git,您可能需要查看我们的《 Git安装用法和分支简介》文章。

If you are using Git, it is a good idea to ignore the newly created env directory in your .gitignore file to avoid tracking files not related to the project.


Now you’ll install Python packages and isolate your project code away from the main Python system installation. You’ll do this using pip and python.

现在,您将安装Python软件包,并将您的项目代码与主要的Python系统安装隔离开。 您将使用pippython进行此操作。

To install Flask, run the following command:


  • pip install flask


Once the installation is complete, run the following command to confirm the installation:


  • python -c "import flask; print(flask.__version__)"

    python -c“导入烧瓶;打印(flask .__ version__)”

You use the python command line interface with the option -c to execute Python code. Next you import the flask package with import flask; then print the Flask version, which is provided via the flask.__version__ variable.

您可以将python命令行界面与-c选项一起使用来执行Python代码。 接下来,使用import flask;导入flaskimport flask; 然后打印Flask版本,该版本通过flask.__version__变量提供。

The output will be a version number similar to the following:



You’ve created the project folder, a virtual environment, and installed Flask. You’re now ready to move on to setting up your base application.

您已经创建了项目文件夹,虚拟环境并安装了Flask。 现在您可以继续设置基本应用程序了。

第2步-创建基础应用程序 (Step 2 — Creating a Base Application)

Now that you have your programming environment set up, you’ll start using Flask. In this step, you’ll make a small web application inside a Python file and run it to start the server, which will display some information on the browser.

现在您已经设置了编程环境,您将开始使用Flask。 在此步骤中,您将在Python文件中创建一个小型Web应用程序,然后运行该应用程序以启动服务器,该服务器将在浏览器上显示一些信息。

In your flask_blog directory, open a file named hello.py for editing, use nano or your favorite text editor:


  • nano hello.py


This hello.py file will serve as a minimal example of how to handle HTTP requests. Inside it, you’ll import the Flask object, and create a function that returns an HTTP response. Write the following code inside hello.py:

hello.py文件将作为如何处理HTTP请求的最小示例。 在其中,您将导入Flask对象 ,并创建一个返回HTTP响应的函数。 在hello.py编写以下代码:

flask_blog / hello.py
from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)

def hello():
    return 'Hello, World!'

In the preceding code block, you first import the Flask object from the flask package. You then use it to create your Flask application instance with the name app. You pass the special variable __name__ that holds the name of the current Python module. It’s used to tell the instance where it’s located—you need this because Flask sets up some paths behind the scenes.

在前面的代码块中,您首先从flask包中导入Flask对象。 然后,您可以使用它来创建名为app Flask应用程序实例。 您传递包含当前Python模块名称的特殊变量__name__ 。 它用来告诉实例它的位置,您需要它,因为Flask在后台设置了一些路径。

Once you create the app instance, you use it to handle incoming web requests and send responses to the user. @app.route is a decorator that turns a regular Python function into a Flask view function, which converts the function’s return value into an HTTP response to be displayed by an HTTP client, such as a web browser. You pass the value '/' to @app.route() to signify that this function will respond to web requests for the URL /, which is the main URL.

创建app实例后,就可以使用它来处理传入的Web请求并将响应发送给用户。 @app.route是一个修饰器 ,它将常规的Python函数转换为Flask 视图函数 ,该函数将函数的返回值转换为HTTP响应,以由HTTP客户端(例如网络浏览器)显示。 您将值'/'传递给@app.route()表示此函数将响应Web对URL /请求,URL是主URL。

The hello() view function returns the string 'Hello, World!' as a response.

hello()视图函数返回字符串'Hello, World!' 作为回应。

Save and close the file.


To run your web application, you’ll first tell Flask where to find the application (the hello.py file in your case) with the FLASK_APP environment variable:


  • export FLASK_APP=hello

    出口FLASK_APP =你好

Then run it in development mode with the FLASK_ENV environment variable:


  • export FLASK_ENV=development

    出口FLASK_ENV =发展

Lastly, run the application using the flask run command:

最后,使用flask run命令运行该应用程序:

  • flask run


Once the application is running the output will be something like this:


* Serving Flask app "hello" (lazy loading) * Environment: development * Debug mode: on * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) * Restarting with stat * Debugger is active! * Debugger PIN: 813-894-335

The preceding output has several pieces of information, such as:


  • The name of the application you’re running.

  • The environment in which the application is being run.

  • Debug mode: on signifies that the Flask debugger is running. This is useful when developing because it gives us detailed error messages when things go wrong, which makes troubleshooting easier.

    Debug mode: on亮起表示Flask调试器正在运行。 这在开发时很有用,因为当出现问题时它会向我们提供详细的错误消息,这使故障排除更加容易。

  • The application is running locally on the URL, is the IP that represents your machine’s localhost and :5000 is the port number.


Open a browser and type in the URL, you will receive the string Hello, World! as a response, this confirms that your application is successfully running.

打开浏览器,输入URL ,您将收到字符串Hello, World! 作为响应,这确认您的应用程序已成功运行。

Warning Flask uses a simple web server to serve our application in a development environment, which also means that the Flask debugger is running to make catching errors easier. This development server should not be used in a production deployment. See the Deployment Options page on the Flask documentation for more information, you can also check out this Flask deployment tutorial.

警告 Flask使用简单的Web服务器在开发环境中为我们的应用程序提供服务,这也意味着Flask调试器正在运行,以使捕获错误变得更加容易。 此开发服务器不应在生产部署中使用。 有关更多信息,请参见Flask文档上的Deployment Options页面。您还可以查看此Flask部署教程 。

You can now leave the development server running in the terminal and open another terminal window. Move into the project folder where hello.py is located, activate the virtual environment, set the environment variables FLASK_ENV and FLASK_APP, and continue to the next steps. (These commands are listed earlier in this step.)

现在,您可以使开发服务器在终端中运行,并打开另一个终端窗口。 移入hello.py所在的项目文件夹,激活虚拟环境,设置环境变量FLASK_ENVFLASK_APP ,然后继续下一步。 (这些命令在本步骤的前面列出。)

Note: When opening a new terminal, it is important to remember activating the virtual environment and setting the environment variables FLASK_ENV and FLASK_APP.

注意 :打开新终端时,切记要激活虚拟环境并设置环境变量FLASK_ENVFLASK_APP ,这一点很重要。

While a Flask application’s development server is already running, it is not possible to run another Flask application with the same flask run command. This is because flask run uses the port number 5000 by default, and once it is taken, it becomes unavailable to run another application on so you would receive an error similar to the following:

当Flask应用程序的开发服务器已经在运行时,无法使用相同的flask run命令运行另一个Flask应用程序。 这是因为默认情况下, flask run使用端口号5000 ,一旦被占用,它将无法在其上运行另一个应用程序,因此您将收到类似于以下内容的错误:

OSError: [Errno 98] Address already in use

To solve this problem, either stop the server that’s currently running via CTRL+C, then run flask run again, or if you want to run both at the same time, you can pass a different port number to the -p argument, for example, to run another application on port 5001 use the following command:

要解决此问题,请停止通过CTRL+C停止当前正在运行的服务器,然后再次运行flask run ,或者如果要同时运行两者,则可以将不同的端口号传递给-p参数,例如,要在端口5001上运行另一个应用程序,请使用以下命令:

  • flask run -p 5001

    烧瓶运行-p 5001

You now have a small Flask web application. You’ve run your application and displayed information on the web browser. Next, you’ll use HTML files in your application.

您现在有了一个小的Flask Web应用程序。 您已经运行了应用程序,并在Web浏览器上显示了信息。 接下来,您将在应用程序中使用HTML文件。

第3步-使用HTML模板 (Step 3 — Using HTML templates)

Currently your application only displays a simple message without any HTML. Web applications mainly use HTML to display information for the visitor, so you’ll now work on incorporating HTML files in your app, which can be displayed on the web browser.

当前,您的应用程序仅显示一条简单的消息,没有任何HTML。 Web应用程序主要使用HTML来显示访问者的信息,因此您现在要在应用程序中合并HTML文件,该文件可以在Web浏览器上显示。

Flask provides a render_template() helper function that allows use of the Jinja template engine. This will make managing HTML much easier by writing your HTML code in .html files as well as using logic in your HTML code. You’ll use these HTML files, (templates) to build all of your application pages, such as the main page where you’ll display the current blog posts, the page of the blog post, the page where the user can add a new post, and so on.

Flask提供了render_template()帮助函数,该函数允许使用Jinja模板引擎 。 通过在.html文件中编写HTML代码以及在HTML代码中使用逻辑,这将使管理HTML更加容易。 您将使用这些HTML文件( 模板 )来构建所有应用程序页面,例如用于显示当前博客文章的主页,博客文章的页面,用户可以在其中添加新页面的页面。发布等等。

In this step, you’ll create your main Flask application in a new file.


First, in your flask_blog directory, use nano or your favorite editor to create and edit your app.py file. This will hold all the code you’ll use to create the blogging application:

首先,在flask_blog目录中,使用nano或您喜欢的编辑器来创建和编辑app.py文件。 这将包含您用于创建博客应用程序的所有代码:

  • nano app.py


In this new file, you’ll import the Flask object to create a Flask application instance as you previously did. You’ll also import the render_template() helper function that lets you render HTML template files that exist in the templates folder you’re about to create. The file will have a single view function that will be responsible for handling requests to the main / route. Add the following content:

在这个新文件中,您将像以前一样导入Flask对象以创建Flask应用程序实例。 您还将导入render_template()帮助函数,该函数使您可以呈现要创建的templates文件夹中存在HTML模板文件。 该文件将具有单个视图功能,该功能将负责处理对主/路由的请求。 添加以下内容:

flask_blog / app.py
from flask import Flask, render_template

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    return render_template('index.html')

The index() view function returns the result of calling render_template() with index.html as an argument, this tells render_template() to look for a file called index.html in the templates folder. Both the folder and the file do not yet exist, you will get an error if you were to run the application at this point. You’ll run it nonetheless so you’re familiar with this commonly encountered exception. You’ll then fix it by creating the needed folder and file.

index()视图函数返回以index.html作为参数调用render_template()的结果,这告诉render_template()模板文件夹中查找名为index.html文件 。 文件夹和文件都不存在,如果此时要运行该应用程序,则会出现错误。 尽管如此,您仍将运行它,因此您熟悉此常见遇到的异常。 然后,您将通过创建所需的文件夹和文件来修复它。

Save and exit the file.


Stop the development server in your other terminal that runs the hello application with CTRL+C.


Before you run the application, make sure you correctly specify the value for the FLASK_APP environment variable, since you’re no longer using the application hello:


  • export FLASK_APP=app

    导出FLASK_APP = app
  • flask run


Opening the URL in your browser will result in the debugger page informing you that the index.html template was not found. The main line in the code that was responsible for this error will be highlighted. In this case, it is the line return render_template('index.html').

在浏览器中打开URL将导致调试器页面通知您未找到index.html模板。 代码中负责此错误的主行将突出显示。 在这种情况下,它是return render_template('index.html')

If you click this line, the debugger will reveal more code so that you have more context to help you solve the problem.


To fix this error, create a directory called templates inside your flask_blog directory. Then inside it, open a file called index.html for editing:

要解决此错误,请在flask_blog目录中创建一个名为templates的目录。 然后在其中打开一个名为index.html的文件进行编辑:

  • mkdir templates

  • nano templates/index.html


Next, add the following HTML code inside index.html:


flask_blog / templates / index.html



Welcome to FlaskBlog

Save the file and use your browser to navigate to again, or refresh the page. This time the browser should display the text Welcome to FlaskBlog in an


保存文件,然后使用浏览器再次导航到http://或刷新页面。 这次,浏览器应在

标记中显示文本Welcome to FlaskBlog

In addition to the templates folder, Flask web applications also typically have a static folder for hosting static files, such as CSS files, JavaScript files, and images the application uses.

除了templates文件夹外,Flask Web应用程序通常还具有一个static文件夹,用于承载静态文件,例如CSS文件,JavaScript文件和应用程序使用的图像。

You can create a style.css style sheet file to add CSS to your application. First, create a directory called static inside your main flask_blog directory:

您可以创建一个style.css样式表文件,以将CSS添加到您的应用程序中。 首先,在主flask_blog目录中创建一个名为static目录:

  • mkdir static


Then create another directory called css inside the static directory to host .css files. This is typically done to organize static files in dedicated folders, as such, JavaScript files typically live inside a directory called js, images are put in a directory called images (or img), and so on. The following command will create the css directory inside the static directory:

然后在static目录中创建另一个名为css的目录,以承载.css文件。 通常这样做是为了将静态文件组织在专用文件夹中,因此,JavaScript文件通常位于一个名为js的目录中,图像放在一个名为images (或img )的目录中,依此类推。 以下命令将在static目录内创建css目录:

  • mkdir static/css

    mkdir静态/ css

Then open a style.css file inside the css directory for editing:


  • nano static/css/style.css


Add the following CSS rule to your style.css file:


flask_blog / static / css / style.css
h1 {
    border: 2px #eee solid;
    color: brown;
    text-align: center;
    padding: 10px;

The CSS code will add a border, change the color to brown, center the text, and add a little padding to




Save and close the file.


Next, open the index.html template file for editing:


  • nano templates/index.html


You’ll add a link to the style.css file inside the section of the index.html template file:


flask_blog / templates / index.html
. . .


. . .

Here you use the url_for() helper function to generate the appropriate location of the file. The first argument specifies that you’re linking to a static file and the second argument is the path of the file inside the static directory.

在这里,您可以使用url_for()帮助函数来生成文件的适当位置。 第一个参数指定您要链接到静态文件,第二个参数是文件在静态目录中的路径。

Save and close the file.


Upon refreshing the index page of your application, you will notice that the text Welcome to FlaskBlog is now in brown, centered, and enclosed inside a border.

刷新应用程序的索引页面后,您会注意到, Welcome to FlaskBlog文本现在为棕色,居中并包含在边框内。

You can use the CSS language to style the application and make it more appealing using your own design. However, if you’re not a web designer, or if you aren’t familiar with CSS, then you can use the Bootstrap toolkit, which provides easy-to-use components for styling your application. In this project, we’ll use Bootstrap.

您可以使用CSS语言来设计应用程序样式,并使用自己的设计使其更具吸引力。 但是,如果您不是Web设计人员,或者您不熟悉CSS,那么可以使用Bootstrap工具箱 ,该工具箱提供了易于使用的组件来设置应用程序的样式。 在这个项目中,我们将使用Bootstrap。

You might have guessed that making another HTML template would mean repeating most of the HTML code you already wrote in the index.html template. You can avoid unnecessary code repetition with the help of a base template file, which all of your HTML files will inherit from. See Template Inheritance in Jinja for more information.

您可能已经猜到制作另一个HTML模板将意味着重复您已经在index.html模板中编写的大多数HTML代码。 您可以借助基本模板文件避免不必要的代码重复,该模板文件将继承所有HTML文件。 有关更多信息,请参见Jinja中的模板继承 。

To make a base template, first create a file called base.html inside your templates directory:


  • nano templates/base.html


Type the following code in your base.html template:


flask_blog / templates / base.html



    {% block title %} {% endblock %}
{% block content %} {% endblock %}

Save and close the file once you’re done editing it.


Most of the code in the preceding block is standard HTML and code required for Bootstrap. The tags provide information for the web browser, the tag links the Bootstrap CSS files, and the
