LeetCode: 267. Palindrome Permutation II


Given a string s, return all the palindromic permutations (without duplicates) of it. Return an empty list if no palindromic permutation could be form.

Example 1:

Input: "aabb"
Output: ["abba", "baab"]

Example 2:

Input: "abc"
Output: []




1. 判断给定字符串能否具备组成回文的条件(如果不具备,那么就不用往下算了)

2. 找出组成回文的其中一侧的字符都有哪些,并识别是否存在独立的中间分割字符(如果字符串长度是奇数的话)

3. 基于上一步找到的所有字符生成全排列(就把问题转换成了LeetCode的47题)

4. 将第3步生成的每一组排列的后面加上中间分割字符(如果有的话),然后翻转该组排列并接到后面,即可得到一个符合要求的回文字符串

public static List generatePalindromes(String s) {
		// 1. check possibility
		int[] map = new int[128] ;
		int count = 0;
		for(int i=0; i 1) {
			return new ArrayList<>() ;
		// 2. generate half palindrome string
		Map groups = new HashMap<>() ;
		// 2.1 grouping and find out the single char
		Character single = null ;
		for(int i=0; i generatePermutation(Map groups, Character single) {
		// calculate max len
		int max = groups.values().stream().reduce(Integer::sum).orElse(0) ;
		List ans = new ArrayList<>() ;
		backtrack(max, new LinkedList<>(), groups, single, ans);
		return ans ;

	private static void backtrack(int maxLen, LinkedList currList, Map groups, Character single, List ans) {
		if(currList.size() == maxLen) {
			// generate left half palindrome
			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();    
			Iterator iter = currList.iterator() ;
			while(iter.hasNext()) {
				sb.append(iter.next()) ;
			if(single != null) {
				sb.append(single) ;
			iter = currList.descendingIterator() ;
			while(iter.hasNext()) {
				sb.append(iter.next()) ;
			ans.add(sb.toString()) ;
		for(Map.Entry entry : groups.entrySet()) {
			char c = entry.getKey() ;
			int count = entry.getValue() ;
			if(count == 0) {
				continue ;
			currList.addLast(c) ;
			groups.put(c, count - 1) ;
			backtrack(maxLen, currList, groups, single, ans);
			groups.put(c, count) ;
			currList.removeLast() ;


