
1月26日,Protocol Labs加密经济学负责人Zixuan Zhang (ZX)连发16条twitter,以一种简洁明了的方式解读了Filecoin的经济模型和网络设计,其中包含了Filecoin目前的网络状态,以及ZX对未来发展的思索和期望。




Filecoin is about storage but it 's commonto misunderstand storage onFilecoin.


Filecoin是区块链支持的协议和平台经济,Filecoin 挖矿更像 Airbnb 托管而不是传统的加密货币挖矿,这也是区块链成为主流的关键。

Filecoin is a protocol and a platform economy enabled by a blockchain.Filecoin mining is more like Airbnb hosting than traditional cryptocurrency mining.That 's alsoa key to making blockchain mainstream.



Miners offer cloud storage on Filecoin in"sectors".Sectors arelike shipping containers with predetermined space and time dimensions.Miners are expected to honor their sector promises.Unreliable storage on Filecoin will result in heavy but still reasonablepenalties


Filecoin网络上有三种内容类型的扇区:承诺容量,常规交易和Filecoin Plus交易。并非所有扇区都是平等的,并且根据内容的不同,激励也有所不同。

There are three types of sector content, Committed Capacity, Regular Deal, and Filecoin Plus Deal. Not all sectors are equal and are incentivized differently based on content.


承诺容量(Committed Capacity,CC)是矿工向网络承诺并证明存储容量。请注意,矿工完全有可能使用承诺容量中的一些私有工具存储数据,比如个人备份或其他人要求他们存储的数据。

Committed Capacity (CC) is for storage providers to commit and prove storage capacity to the network. Note that it is entirely possible for miners to store data with some private utility in CC, such as personal backup or data that someone else asks them to store.


常规交易和Filecoin Plus交易是在Filecoin上使用CID索引和检索的交易。Filecoin Plus的不同之处在于,像承诺容量这样的常规交易并不会带来额外的激励,因为协议无法在算法上区分存储空间中保存的是有用的数据,还是纯粹的存储空间。

Regular Deals and Filecoin Plus Deals are deals on Filecoin with CID for indexing and retrieval. The difference is that Regular Deals, like CC, do not carry additional incentive since the protocol can’t algorithmically distinguish between useful data and mere capacity.


然而,Filecoin Plus 交易区块奖励份额是10倍。Filecoin Plus交易是来自 Filecoin Plus客户的交易,Filecoin Plus正在去中心化治理方面开辟新的领域。

Filecoin Plus Deals, however, carry a 10x multiple in the share of block reward. Filecoin Plus Deals are deals from Filecoin Plus clients and Filecoin Plus is charting new territory in decentralized governance.


Filecoin Plus(Filecoin Plus social trust)是一个去中心化的项目,客户通过社区选择的公证人进行公证。公证人是根据一个由社区管理的规则选出的。欺骗机器很容易,但欺骗整个社区就难多了。

Filecoin Plus, Filecoin plus social trust, is a decentralized program where clients are notarized by a network of community-selected Notaries. Notaries are selected based on a rubric governed by the community. It’s easy to fool a machine but much harder to fool a community.


Filecoin Plus是一种实用的方式,使Filecoin更加有用和去中心化,并将代币生产能力交到Filecoin上的存储客户端和应用程序开发人员手中。

Filecoin Plus is a pragmatic way to make Filecoin more useful and decentralized and put token production power in the hands of storage clients and application developers on Filecoin.


矿工有强烈的动机接受Filecoin Plus协议,并提供不同的增值服务和激励,如带宽服务和复制服务。如今,许多这样的服务都是免费的。

Storage providers are strongly incentivized to take Filecoin Plus deals and offer different value added services and incentives, such as bandwidth and replication. Many of these offers are free today.


更多的矿工正在通过Filecoin Plus为网络构建应用程序、提供工具并吸引新的用户。

Many more miners are building applications, providing tooling, and onboarding users for the network through Filecoin Plus.



Continuously proving storage trustlessly carries cryptographic overhead. However, this cost is small relative to operating a cloud business and going down over time as hardware and software mature. More importantly, this cost may not be the cost that end consumers pay.



When using storage on Filecoin, clients are using storage provided on Filecoin. Fast retrieval and warm storage are possible today. So are redundancy and encryption. The cost of storage that consumers experience depends on providers and many are offering free storage.



The design is to give miners and clients options and flexibility to compose new modes of interactions as opposed to prescribing a monolithic and rigid pattern. Prescriptions sometimes feel good but hurt emergence and evolution in the long run. Emergence takes time too.



Filecoin is about storage and is well suited for both Web2 and Web3 style interactions. Composability of interactions and content addressing create a path from storage to provenance, delivery, trade, and attribution. The journey of building data supply chain has just begun.



While the cost of storage on Filecoin can be very competitive for clients, Filecoin storage is not just about cost. Storage on Filecoin is about experience. Hundreds of teams are working to improve that experience and create new experiences that the world has never seen.
