unity 启动协程_了解Unity启动

unity 启动协程_了解Unity启动_第1张图片

unity 启动协程

unity 启动协程_了解Unity启动_第2张图片

Today we announce the launch of the new Learn area of the Unity site. In Phase I this comprises our Documentation, an all new Tutorial area, plus links to our Live Training and Premium Support services. If you have been following the development of this new area, you’ll have seen that we’ve been working on it here in the UK office since last August.

今天,我们宣布启动Unity网站的新学习区域 。 在第一阶段,这包括我们的文档,一个全新的教程区域,以及指向我们的实时培训和高级支持服务的链接。 如果您一直在关注这一新领域的发展,那么您会发现,自去年八月以来,我们一直在英国办事处从事此工作。

Back then, we imagined an Island Facility called Unity Labs, a remote research base where Unity engineers create game scenarios and test new technologies. We set about creating this world and are shipping the first environment from this world – the Robot Lab, as part of Phase I of the Tutorials site.

那时,我们设想了一个称为Unity Labs的岛屿设施,这是一个远程研究基地,Unity工程师可以在该基地创建游戏场景并测试新技术。 我们着手创建这个世界,并正在交付来自这个世界的第一个环境-Robot Lab,这是Tutorials网站第一阶段的一部分。

The Unity Lab environments host all of our modular content, as you’ll see from this introductory video –

从这个入门视频中您将看到,Unity Lab环境托管了我们所有的模块化内容。


Another part of Unity labs is the Simulation zone, a top secret lab that can simulate any kind of game. Our first simulation is Stealth – accidentally triggered by Ethan, a teenager who strayed from the tour of our facility – you must build the tutorial and help him escape!

Unity实验室的另一部分是“模拟”区域,这是一个可以模拟任何游戏的最高机密实验室。 我们的第一个模拟是Stealth,它是由一个迷失了我们设施之旅的少年Ethan意外触发的,您必须构建教程并帮助他逃脱!

This is just the beginning, as you’ll see, we have a great framework here, and I’m excited at the kind of unique resource we can offer to help people get into game and content development. We warmly welcome your comments, so have at it!

正如您将看到的,这只是一个开始,我们在这里拥有一个不错的框架,我们为可以帮助人们参与游戏和内容开发而提供的独特资源使我感到兴奋。 我们热忱欢迎您提出意见,敬请期待!

更新: (UPDATE:)

Some of you are experiencing a lack of a fullscreen button on your video player, we have a fix for this we’ll be pushing tomorrow or Friday, in the meantime, as far as we know, Chrome does have this feature visible by default, so if in doubt, use it!


更新2: (UPDATE 2:)

We have now switched to Youtube as our video provider, this should mean better bandwidth and device support. We are also working on subtitles and translations, keep your eyes on the blog for more details!

我们现在已改用YouTube作为我们的视频提供商,这应该意味着更好的带宽和设备支持。 我们还致力于字幕和翻译,请关注博客以获取更多详细信息!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2013/03/19/learn-unity-launches/

unity 启动协程
