2021 ICM
Problem F: Checking the Pulse and Temperature of Higher Education
What does it mean for a nation to have a healthy, sustainable higher education system? What issues matter? Is it cost, access, equity, funding, value of a degree, quality of education, level of research, exchange of ideas of the world’s brightest minds, some of the above, all of the above, or something else altogether?
一个国家拥有健康,可持续的高等教育体系意味着什么? 什么问题重要? 是成本,途径,公平性,资金,学位价值,教育质量,研究水平,交流世界上最聪明的人的想法,是以上的某些,是以上全部还是其他?
A system of higher education is an important element in a nation’s efforts to further educate its citizens beyond required primary and secondary education, and therefore has value both as an industry itself and as a source of trained and educated citizens for the nation’s economy. As we look around the world from Germany to the United States to Japan to Australia, we see a variety of national approaches to higher education, with each of these nations not only educating their own students, but also drawing large numbers of international students every year. Each of these national systems of higher education has its strengths and weaknesses, and in the wake of adjustments required during the current pandemic, nations have had the opportunity to reflect on what is working and what could be even better. However, change is often difficult. The institutional changes required to advance any system require policies implemented over an extended period of time in order to reach a more healthy and sustainable system.
高等教育系统是一国进一步努力对其公民进行超出必修的初等和中等教育的努力的重要组成部分,因此,它既具有产业本身的价值,又具有为该国经济提供训练有素的公民的价值。从德国到美国到日本到澳大利亚,我们环顾世界各地,我们看到了各种国家的高等教育方式,每个国家不仅教育自己的学生,而且每年都吸引大量的国际学生。 。这些国家的高等教育体系都有其优点和缺点,在当前的大流行中需要进行调整之后,各国才有机会思考什么是行之有效的,还有什么可以做得更好。但是,改变通常很困难。推进任何系统所需的体制变革都要求在较长时间内实施政策,以实现更健康,更可持续的系统。
In this problem, you are to develop a model to measure and assess the health of a system of higher education at a national level, to identify a healthy and sustainable state for a
given nation’s higher education system, and to propose and analyze a suite of policies to migrate a nation from its current state to your proposed healthy and sustainable state.
Specifically, you are being asked to:
1develop and validate a model or suite of models that allow you to assess the health of any nation’s system of higher education;
2apply your model to several countries, and then select a nation whose system of higher education has room for improvement based on your analysis;
3propose an attainable and reasonable vision for your selected nation’s system that supports a healthy and sustainable system of higher education;
4use your model to measure the health of both the current system and proposed, healthy, sustainable system for your selected nation;
5propose targeted policies and an implementation timeline that will support the migration from the current state to your proposed state;
6use your model(s) to shape and/or assess the effectiveness of your policies; anddiscuss the real-world impacts (e.g., on students, on faculty, on schools, on communities, on the nation) of implementing your plan both during the transition and in the end state, acknowledging the reality that change is hard.
The ICM-F Committee, an interdisciplinary and diverse group from the fields of policy, higher education, social and political science, and mathematics, looks forward to your final report.
Your PDF solution of no more than 25 total pages should include:
One-page Summary Sheet.
Table of Contents.
Your complete solution.
References list.
Note: New for 2021! The ICM Contest now has a 25-page limit. All aspects of your submission count toward the 25-page limit: Summary Sheet, Table of Contents, Main Body of Solution, Images and Tables, Reference List, and any Appendices.
2021年的新功能! 现在,ICM竞赛限制为25页。 提交的所有方面均计为25页的限制:摘要表,目录,解决方案主体,图像和表格,参考列表和任何附录。
Higher Education (post-secondary education, third-level, or tertiary education): an optional final stage of formal learning that occurs after completion of the required (many times secondary) level of education.
Sustainable System: a system that maintains its effectiveness over time.
System Health: a measure of the ability of an organization or system to align around a common vision, execute against that vision effectively, and renew itself through innovation and creative thinking.
System of Higher Education: an organizational structure that consists of higher educational institutions (colleges, universities, etc.) as well as personnel and infrastructure required to educate students beyond the secondary level.