



Why settle for mediocre ratings on your otherwise perfect Plex Media Server? With a simple trick, you can add IMDB or Rotten Tomatoes movie ratings to Plex and enjoy more accurate movie scores.

为什么要在您原本完美的Plex Media Server上获得中等评级呢? 通过一个简单的技巧,您可以将IMDB或Rotten Tomatoes电影评分添加到Plex中,并享受更准确的电影评分。

Plex在哪里获得电影分级(以及为什么要调整内容) (Where Plex Gets Movie Ratings (and Why You Should Tweak Things))

If you’ve taken a look at the star ratings of the movies in your Plex library, you may have noticed something a little peculiar: there’s a remarkable number of 3/5 star movies. In fact, except for exceptionally well-known and loved movies (like The Godfather) or really awful movies, very few movies have a 5 star or 1 star rating. What’s the deal?

如果您已经查看了Plex库中电影的星级,您可能会注意到一些奇特的东西:有很多3/5星级电影。 实际上,除了非常著名和喜欢的电影(例如The Godfather )或非常糟糕的电影,很少有电影获得5星或1星评级。 这是怎么回事?

The deal is that Plex movie media agent, the little bit of software that pulls metadata about your movies from internet database, uses The Movie Database by default.

达成的协议是,Plex电影媒体代理(从互联网数据库中提取电影相关元数据的少量软件)默认情况下使用电影数据库 。


While we love The Movie Database, and it’s great for getting most metadata (like artwork and direction/cast information), the rating side of things simply isn’t as well developed the ratings on sites like IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes. This is how you end up with so many movies in Plex that have 3/5 stars—many of the rated movies on The Movie Database only have a few reviews and average 5-6 out of 10, which translates to 3/5 in the Plex interface.

虽然我们喜欢电影数据库,但对于获取大多数元数据(例如艺术品和方向/广播信息)非常有用,但在IMDb和Rotten Tomatoes等网站上,收视率方面却远远不够。 这样一来,您最终会在Plex中获得如此多的拥有3/5颗星的电影-电影数据库中许多额定的电影只有少数评论,平均5-6分(满分10分),在电影中转化为3/5 Plex接口。

If you want more accurate ratings pulled from a broader pool of movie reviewers, there are two ways you can go about it. You can take the easy route and tweak the existing Plex Movies scraper, or you can take the (very slightly) harder route and install a totally new scraper that pulls ratings from IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes by way of The Open Movie Database.

如果您想从更广泛的电影评论者群体中获得更准确的评分,可以采用两种方法。 您可以采用简单的方法来调整现有的Plex Movies刮板,也可以采用(非常轻微的)较硬的方法并安装一个全新的刮板,该刮板通过The Open Movie Database从IMDb和Rotten Tomatoes中获得收视率。

Why choose one over the other? While tweaking the Plex scraper works fine now, historically Plex has had a thorny relationship with IMDb, because IMDb has argued that Plex’s use of the ratings is commercial use (even though the rating data is downloaded by individuals at home and not the actual Plex company). We’re outlining both methods here so that, should the simple method fail in the future before of pressure put on Plex by either IMDb or Rotten Tomatoes, you can still pull rankings from those sites into your Plex ecosystem.

为什么要选择一个? 调整Plex刮板现在可以正常工作时,从历史上看,Plex与IMDb有着棘手的关系,因为IMDb认为Plex的评级使用是商业用途(即使评级数据是由个人下载而不是实际的Plex公司下载的) )。 我们在这里概述了这两种方法,以便在将来简单的方法在IMDb或烂番茄给Plex施加压力之前失败时,您仍然可以将这些网站的排名拉入Plex生态系统。

选项一:调整默认刮板以使用新来源 (Option One: Adjusting the Default Scraper to Use New Sources)

To adjust the default ratings scraper on your Plex Media Server, open the web-based interface for your server and navigate to Settings > Server > Agents. Within the Agents menu, select “Movies” and then “Plex Movie”. Next to the entry for “Plex Movie” within the list of scrapers, click on the settings icon, as seen below.

要调整Plex Media Server上的默认评级刮板,请打开服务器的基于Web的界面,然后导航到“设置”>“服务器”>“代理”。 在“代理”菜单中,选择“电影”,然后选择“ Plex电影”。 在刮板列表中“ Plex Movie”条目旁边,单击设置图标,如下所示。


Scroll down until you see “Ratings Source” in the settings menu and then select, from the drop down menu, which ratings source you would like to use.



Once you’ve made the change, click “Save” at the bottom of the menu. Jump ahead to the last section of this article entitled “How to Refresh Your Metadata” to finish the process.

进行更改后,点击菜单底部的“保存”。 跳到本文的最后一部分,标题为“如何刷新元数据”,以完成该过程。

选项二:添加用于第三方访问的新刮板 (Option Two: Adding in the New Scraper for Third Party Access)

Thanks to the work of Plex community members and the plugin system, we can easily pop a new scraper right into our Plex Media Server to expand upon or outright replace the default moving rankings.

借助Plex社区成员和插件系统的工作,我们可以轻松地将一个新的抓取器弹出到我们的Plex Media Server中,以扩展或完全替换默认的移动排名。

First things first, you need to grab the plugin file here. Save the file to your computer. Extract the zip file, inside you will find a folder labeled “OpenMovieDatabase.bundle-master”. Rename that folder to “OpenMovieDatabase.bundle”.  This renamed folder is the whole plugin, part and parcel, so don’t muck around with anything inside.

首先,您需要在此处获取插件文件 。 将master.zip文件保存到您的计算机。 解压缩该zip文件,您将在其中找到一个标有“ OpenMovieDatabase.bundle-master”的文件夹。 将该文件夹重命名为“ OpenMovieDatabase.bundle”。 这个重命名的文件夹是整个插件,零件和包裹的一部分,因此请不要在其中存放任何东西。

With the plugin folder in hand, simply drop it into the Plex plugin directory. Here’s where you’ll find that directory on various operating systems:

拥有plugin文件夹后,只需将其放到Plex插件目录中即可。 在各种操作系统上都可以找到该目录:

  • Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Plex Media Server\Plug-ins\

    Windows%LOCALAPPDATA%\Plex Media Server\Plug-ins\

  • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins

    macOS~/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins

  • Linux: $PLEX_HOME/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins

    Linux$PLEX_HOME/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-ins

  • FreeNAS Jail: /usr/pbi/plexmediaserver-amd64/share/plexmediaserver/Resources/Plug-ins/


Copy the whole folder “OpenMovieDatabase.bundle” into that directory. On Linux, FreeNAS, and other operating systems with stricter permission systems, you may need to grant access to folder for the user “plex” by using an appropriate permissions command on the folder, e.g. chown -R plex:plex OpenMovieDatabase.bundle .

将整个文件夹“ OpenMovieDatabase.bundle”复制到该目录中。 在Linux,FreeNAS和具有更严格权限系统的其他操作系统上,您可能需要使用文件夹上的适当权限命令(例如chown -R plex:plex OpenMovieDatabase.bundle为用户“ plex”授予对文件夹的访问权限。

Once you’ve copied the file over, restart your Plex Media server by shutting down the Plex application (if you’re on Windows or macOS) or issuing the command sudo service plexmedia server restart if you’re on a Linux or unix-like system.

复制完文件后,请通过关闭Plex应用程序(如果您使用的是Windows或macOS)来重新启动Plex Media服务器,或者如果您使用的是Linux或类似Unix的操作系统,请发出命令sudo service plexmedia server restart系统。

After the restart, open up the web interface for your Plex Media Server and navigate to Settings > Server > Agents. Within the Agents menu, select Movies and then The Movie Database. You’ll see a list of available agents, including our freshly added “Open Movie Database” agent. Before you do anything else, click on the gear on the right hand side of the Open Movie Database entry.

重新启动后,打开Plex Media Server的Web界面,然后导航到“设置”>“服务器”>“代理”。 在“代理”菜单中,选择“电影”,然后选择“电影数据库”。 您将看到可用代理的列表,包括我们新添加的“ Open Movie Database”代理。 在执行其他任何操作之前,请单击“打开电影数据库”条目右侧的齿轮。


The settings menu for the plugin is a lengthy one with toggles for every bit of metadata that can be pulled from the Open Movie Database. It is at your discretion whether you want to pull down general data (like release dates, plot summaries, etc.) in addition to the IMDB or Rotten Tomatoes ratings. Check or uncheck the general metadata entries as you see fit. If you like the way things are setup in Plex, except for the ratings, then you can play it safe and uncheck everything.

插件的设置菜单是一个冗长的菜单,其中包含可从“开放电影数据库”中提取的元数据的每一位的切换功能。 除IMDB或烂番茄评级外,您还可以自行决定是否要提取常规数据(如发布日期,情节摘要等)。 如果合适,请选中或取消选中常规元数据条目。 如果您喜欢Plex中除等级之外的其他设置方式,则可以放心地使用它,并取消选中所有内容。


The part we care about is all the way down at the bottom, so scroll down until you see the entry for “Rating”. Here you want to check “Rating”, selecting which ratings you want IMDB or Rotten Tomatoes, and optionally, you can have the plugin write the rating to the summary. In the screenshot below, you can see we’ve opted for Rotten Tomatoes with the summary feature.

我们最关心的部分一直在底部,所以向下滚动直到您看到“ Rating”(评分)条目。 在这里,您要检查“等级”,选择想要IMDB或Rotten Tomatoes的等级,并且可以选择让插件将等级写到摘要中。 在下面的屏幕截图中,您可以看到我们选择了具有摘要功能的烂番茄。


Why would you want to have the rating added to the summary when you already have the star system? Precision: the value written to the summary slot won’t be the rounded-to-the-nearest-star value, but the actual points or percentage from the service you selected. When you’ve decided for or against that feature, be sure to click “Save”.

当您已经拥有星级系统时,为什么要在摘要中添加评分? 精度:写入摘要位置的值不会四舍五入到最接近的星号,而是您选择的服务中的实际点数或百分比。 当您决定支持或反对该功能时,请务必单击“保存”。

Next, check the entry for “Open Movie Database” in the list of agents and drag it up above the other databases (if you have local media assets enabled, you can leave that at that top like we did).

接下来,检查代理列表中“打开电影数据库”的条目并将其向上拖动到其他数据库上方(如果启用了本地媒体资产 ,则可以像我们一样将其保留在顶部)。


At this point, you’re read to refresh your metadata and enjoy the new ratings.


如何刷新您的元数据以显示新的评分 (How to Refresh Your Metadata to Display New Ratings)

Even if you’ve previously set up your Plex library to automatically update, you still need to perform a library refresh, as Plex will not scrape updated data for existing entries (the old Open Movie Database ratings will not be overwritten by library updates even though we’ve changed the scraper settings).

即使您之前已将Plex库设置为自动更新 ,您仍然需要执行库刷新,因为Plex不会为现有条目抓取更新的数据(即使库更新不会覆盖旧的Open Movie Database评分,即使我们已经更改了刮板设置)。

To force an update simply open up the main interface of your Plex library in your web browser and click on the “…” menu icon next to your Movie library (if you have multiple movie libraries, you will need to repeat this step for all of them). Within the expanded menu, select “Refresh All” to rerun the scraper on your movies.

要强制进行更新,只需在Web浏览器中打开Plex库的主界面,然后单击电影库旁边的“…”菜单图标(如果您有多个电影库,则需要对所有他们)。 在展开的菜单中,选择“全部刷新”以重新运行电影中的刮板。


Once the refresh is complete all your movies will now have updated ratings from the rating source of your choice.



