简历怎么包装crm_家庭CRM,狂饮包装和PHP机器学习? Sourcehunt!


It’s time for our monthly hunt for new open source libraries to use and contribute to!

现在该是我们每月一次寻找使用新的开源库并做出贡献的时候了 !

If you’re new to Sourcehunt, it’s our monthly post for promoting open source projects that seem interesting or promising and could use help in terms of Github stars or pull requests.


It’s our way of giving back – promoting projects that we use (or could use) so that they gain enough exposure to attract a wider audience, a powerful community and, possibly, new contributors or sponsors.


简历怎么包装crm_家庭CRM,狂饮包装和PHP机器学习? Sourcehunt!_第1张图片

monicahq / monica [2,067★] (monicahq/monica [2,067 ★])

Monica blew up on Hacker News and ProductHunt the other day, and it was only fitting we mention it here despite having racked up well over 2000 stars already.

前几天,莫妮卡(Monica)在Hacker News和ProductHunt上大放异彩,尽管这里已经累积了2000颗星,但我们在这里提到它才算合适。

Monica is a Laravel-based single-user-CRM for personal relationships. Not for business, but literally for people in your life – tracking whom you haven’t bought gifts yet, money loans, birthdays, meetings, and more.

Monica是用于个人关系的基于Laravel的单用户CRM。 不是为了业务,而是为了您生活中的人们–跟踪您尚未购买礼物的人,金钱贷款,生日,会议等等。

简历怎么包装crm_家庭CRM,狂饮包装和PHP机器学习? Sourcehunt!_第2张图片

We think it’s half way through refreshing (because it’s something you don’t see often) and depressing (because do we really need apps to track the people in our life now?), but interesting nonetheless.


Due to the massive influx of interest from all over, Monica now has dozens of issues and several PRs ready for inspection, not to mention docs in need of fixing, a roadmap to plan, and more. If you want a popular project to contribute to, here it is!

由于来自各地的大量关注,Monica现在有几十个问题和几个PR准备检查,更不用说需要修复的文档,规划的路线等等。 如果您想为受欢迎的项目做贡献,那就来了!

genkgo /邮件 [3★] (genkgo/mail [3 ★])

Gengko/mail claims to be a modern reinvention of the PHP mailing libraries. In their own words:

Gengko / mail声称是PHP邮件库的现代改造。 用他们自己的话说:

While analyzing what mail library to use when refactoring a code base, we discovered that the available ones are mostly legacy libraries. Some do not use namespaces and every library we encountered were merely a collection of scalar property bags than objects using encapsulation. This is not a critique to these libraries. We all used them, and used them with joy. However, we think there is a need for new libraries that use modern principles.

在分析重构代码库时使用哪个邮件库时,我们发现可用的大部分是旧式库。 有些不使用命名空间,我们遇到的每个库都只是标量属性包的集合,而不是使用封装的对象。 这不是对这些库的批评。 我们都使用了它们,并快乐地使用了它们。 但是,我们认为需要使用现代原理的新图书馆。

Gengko’s mail is supposed to be used if you want to send e-mails over different transports and protocols using immutable messages and streams and if streams and Gengko in the same sentence sound familiar, it’s because we sourcehunted them before – only back then they were streaming zip files. Usage is dead simple and intuitive:

如果您想使用不可变的消息和流通过不同的传输和协议发送电子邮件,并且如果流和Gengko用相同的句子听起来很熟悉,则应该使用Gengko的邮件,这是因为我们之前曾搜过它们-仅在那时它们才开始流压缩文件 。 使用非常简单直观:

$message = (new FormattedMessageFactory())

Hello World

') ->withAttachment(new FileAttachment('/order1.pdf', new ContentType('application/pdf'))) ->createMessage() ->withHeader(new From(new Address(new EmailAddress('[email protected]'), 'name'))) ->withHeader(new Subject('Hello World')) ->withHeader(new To(new AddressList([new Address(new EmailAddress('[email protected]'), 'name')]))) ->withHeader(new Cc(new AddressList([new Address(new EmailAddress('[email protected]'), 'name')]))); $transport = new SmtpTransport( ClientFactory::fromString('smtp://user:pass@host/')->newClient(), EnvelopeFactory::useExtractedHeader() ); $transport->send($message);

This repo is in dire need of love: it needs stars, contributors, and mainly testers, so please dive in an help the team provide the PHP community with a new, modern, namespaced and encapsulated library ready for the PHP 7+ era.

这个仓库非常需要爱情:它需要明星,贡献者和主要的测试人员,所以请潜入帮助团队为PHP社区提供一个新的,现代的,命名空间和封装的库,以准备好PHP 7+时代。

风筝/ zttp [526★] (kitetail/zttp [526 ★])

If you’re not familiar with the evolution of Guzzle (a PHP HTTP client we explore in the premium Exploring PHP course that’s available for purchase now), the library has basically gotten more professional and less usable with each new version. New layers upon layers of specification-respecting abstractions and rules made Guzzle incredibly difficult to get started with. Coupled with further abstractions like HTTPlug designed to prevent the old-Guzzle vs new-Guzzle conflicts, the situation in general just isn’t a pleasant one to develop in.

如果您不熟悉Guzzle(我们已经在高级Exploring PHP课程(现在可以购买 )中探讨PHP HTTP客户端)的演变,则该库基本上已经变得更加专业,每个新版本的使用都更少。 遵循规范的抽象和规则的新层使得Guzzle上手非常困难。 再加上诸如HTTPlug之类的进一步的抽象(旨在防止旧的Guzzle与新的Guzzle冲突),一般情况下,这种情况都不是一件容易的事。

Enter ZTTP – a package that wraps Guzzle with some easy to use and approachable helper methods so that it once again becomes as usable as it once was. It was created by the testing god of Laravel: Adam Wathan, and knowing his code there’s not much to contribute with, but docs could use help and there’s always a need for usage examples and PRs with more convenient helper methods.

输入ZTTP –一个将Guzzle用一些易于使用和易于使用的帮助程序方法包装的软件包,使它再次变得像以前一样可用。 它是由测试者Laravel Adam Wathan创建的,并且知道他的代码没有多大贡献,但是文档可以使用帮助,并且总是需要使用示例和PR以及更方便的辅助方法。

viacreative / sudo-su [324★] (viacreative/sudo-su [324 ★])

There are many applications where being able to log in as a different user is a part of the business requirement – this is particularly popular in support, manuscript tracking, CRM, and similar applications where there’s a hierarchy of users. Sometimes, however, that functionality doesn’t end up in the final plans but would still be handy to have during development, just for testing the various permissions, UI options, etc.

在许多应用程序中,能够以不同的用户身份登录是业务需求的一部分–在支持,手稿跟踪,CRM以及具有用户层次结构的类似应用程序中,这尤其流行。 但是,有时,该功能并没有最终确定,但是在开发过程中仍然很方便,仅用于测试各种权限,UI选项等。

The viacreative/sudo-su package adds to any Laravel app a small floating clickable widget which lets the current user log in as any other user in the system.

viacreative / sudo-su软件包向任何Laravel应用添加了一个小的浮动可单击小部件,该小部件使当前用户可以像系统中的其他用户一样登录。

简历怎么包装crm_家庭CRM,狂饮包装和PHP机器学习? Sourcehunt!_第3张图片

The widget is disabled by default on all domains that don’t end in dev or .local – two telltale signs that a site isn’t in production, but this can be modified at will (our own Homestead Improved for example uses .app by default).


There are plenty of issues to tackle, so go ahead and jump in if you’re interested in finding out more about Laravel’s user authentication system!


IcyApril / WhatsChanged [22★] (IcyApril/WhatsChanged [22 ★])

The WhatsChanged tool is meant to assist in testing of large codebases with many tests. Since tests can take a while to execute, especially when dealing with the database or if there are hundreds of them, it’s handy to just re-run the tests that refer to the files that were changed.

WhatsChanged工具旨在帮助通过许多测试来测试大型代码库。 由于测试可能需要一段时间才能执行,尤其是在处理数据库或存在数百个测试时,因此重新运行引用已更改文件的测试非常方便。

This tool uses Git to track the changes on files and then reruns only the relevant ones – this includes changed tests. It has some rigid assumptions: it assumes your classes are in src and tests are mapped in the exact file structure in the tests folder. That sounds like a good thing to upgrade with a PR, no?

该工具使用Git跟踪文件上的更改,然后仅重新运行相关文件-包括更改的测试。 它有一些严格的假设:假设您的类位于src并且测试映射到tests文件夹中的确切文件结构中。 升级PR听起来不错,不是吗?

Contribute with things like Windows support or support for non-.php files and, of course, docs and examples!


php-ai / php-ml [3,497★] (php-ai/php-ml [3,497 ★])

Last but not least, the popular Machine Learning library for PHP. Not sure how we missed it earlier! This collection of ML algorithms ported to PHP comes with a comprehensive set of examples and explanations written in a way to be understandable by the intermediate-to-advanced PHP developer.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是流行PHP机器学习库。 不知道我们如何错过它! 这套移植到PHP的ML算法集合附带了一组完整的示例和说明,这些示例和说明以中级到高级PHP开发人员可以理解的方式编写。

简历怎么包装crm_家庭CRM,狂饮包装和PHP机器学习? Sourcehunt!_第4张图片

The library requires modern PHP (7+) and is well documented.

该库需要现代PHP(7+),并且有据可查 。

There’s help wanted on several issues and more algorithms need to be added still, so if machine learning is something you feel like you could get into, why not contribute and learn more at the same time?


That’s it for June. Found anything you could sink your teeth into?

六月就这样。 发现什么可以让您的牙齿陷入其中?

As always, please throw your links at us with the #sourcehunt hashtag! If you build something with the projects we’ve mentioned, or if you submit an elaborate pull request you’d like to talk about, give us a shout and we’ll make sure the world knows about it!

与往常一样,请使用#sourcehunt标签将您的链接扔给我们! 如果您使用我们提到的项目构建项目,或者提交您想谈论的详尽请求请求,请向我们喊叫,我们将确保全世界都知道!

Like last time, (that challenge remains unclaimed, by the way – there’s $500 in it for you if you do it!), we’re using the above packages for inspiration on creating a potentially useful app or two:


App+Tutorial idea(s) of the month:

本月的App + Tutorial想法:

This month’s challenge is to upgrade Monica to support email reminders with Genkgo/mail, and multiple users (use the viacreative/sudo-su package during development), but who can all see the same contacts. However, each has their own dashboard with private info. Imagine your close family, and the family of your mother’s sister (so your cousins and aunt). Your mother could see on her dashboard (apart from her own notes) the birthday dates of this family and her relationship with her sister, while you could see your relationship with your cousins and make a note on how much money you loaned them last time you saw each other. This upgrade in the form of a tutorial is worth $500, so jump in – first come, first served! Get in touch!

本月的挑战是升级Monica,以通过Genkgo / mail和多个用户(在开发过程中使用viacreative / sudo-su程序包)来支持电子邮件提醒,但所有人都可以看到相同的联系人。 但是,每个人都有自己的带有私人信息的仪表板。 想象一下您的近亲,以及您母亲姐姐的家人(所以您的表弟和姑姑)。 您的母亲可以在仪表板上(除了自己的笔记)看到这个家庭的生日以及她与妹妹的关系,而您可以看到与表兄弟的关系并记下您上次向他们借了多少钱见面了。 以教程形式进行的此次升级价值500美元,因此请跳入-先到先得! 保持联系!

Happy coding!


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/family-crms-guzzle-wrappers-php-machine-learning/

