zcash Sapling 使用BLS12-381
椭圆曲线,采用的安全多方计算协议是基于论文《Scalable Multi-party Computation for zk-SNARK Parameters in the Random Beacon Model》及 https://github.com/arielgabizon/sapling-security-analysis/blob/master/secondmpc.pdf
Each of these phases has the property that only one of its participants must be honest for the final parameters to be secure. Each phase is also highly scalable, allowing us to have as many participants as time allows.
The Powers of Tau
parameter,与circuit无关的参数,可宫其他项目使用(可借助phase2库)。The Powers of Tau ceremony aimed to produce partial public parameters that can be used by all projects that wish to use zk-SNARKs — small and flexible zero-knowledge proofs which require a parameter setup.Zcash的``The Powers of Tau`阶段自2017年11月至2018年4月,共收到87个贡献者(包括社区成员及密码学专家),可保证只要有一个贡献者是忠诚的,则该该阶段生成的参数是安全的。87个贡献者清单。
zcash在 The Powers of Tau
Sapling MPC
parameter,应该是专门针对zcash的circuit相关参数。zcash的Saling MPC
zcash在 Saling MPC
摘自 https://electriccoin.co/blog/the-design-of-the-ceremony :
As we’ve mentioned in a previous blog post, the private transactions in Zcash “Sprout” 1.0 rely on SNARK public parameters for constructing and verifying zero-knowledge proofs. (When we upgrade the Zcash protocol and change the zero-knowledge proofs — which we intend to do within about a year — then we’ll have to generate new SNARK public parameters from scratch.) Generating SNARK public parameters is basically equivalent to generating a public/private keypair, keeping the public key, and destroying the private key.
The problem is, if an attacker were to get a copy of that corresponding private key, they could use it to create counterfeit Zcash. That is the only harm they could do with it — they could not violate anyone else’s privacy nor steal other people’s Zcash.
We call the private key “the toxic waste”, and our protocol is designed to ensure that the toxic waste never comes into existence at all.
In zCash, the circuit (the transaction verifier) is fixed, and thus the polynomials for the QSP are fixed which allows the setup to be performed only once and re-used for all transactions, which only vary the input u.