
ORM Tips

More and more people are using Object to Relational Mapping (ORM) tools to jump the divide between application code that is object oriented and a database that is storing information in a relational manner. These tools are excellent and radically improve development speed. But, there are a few ‘gotchas’ to know about.


(42)Avoid following the ‘Hello World’ examples provided with your ORM tool that turns it into an Object to Object Mapping. Database storage is not the same as objects for a reason. You should still have a relational storage design within a relational storage engine such as SQL Server.


避免按照你的ORM工具提供的‘Hello World’ 示例以至于把他变成对象到对象的映射。数据库存储和对象存储不一样是有原因的。你应该还有一个在关系型存储引擎比如:SQL Server的设计。


(43)Parameterized queries are exactly the same as stored procedures in terms of performance and memory management. Since most ORM tools can use either stored procedures or parameterized queries, be sure you’re coding to these constructs and not hard-coding values into your T-SQL queries.




(44)Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) queries can all be generated from the ORM tool without the need for intervention. But, the Read queries generated are frequently very inefficient. Consider writing a stored procedure for complex Read queries.




(45)Since the code generated from the ORM can frequently be ad hoc, ensure that the SQL Server instance has ‘Optimize for Ad Hoc’ enabled. This will store a plan stub in memory the first time a query is passed, rather than storing a full plan. This can help with memory management.


由于从ORM生成的代码可以经常被 ad hoc,确保SQL服务器实例已经开启了‘对Ad Hoc优化’。在第一次获得查询后,将在内存中存储一个计划存根,而不是存储一个完整的计划。这样有利于内存管理。


(46)Be sure your code is generating a parameter size equivalent to the data type defined within table in the database. Some ORM tools size the parameter to the size of the value passed. This can lead to serious performance problems.


