3 万水千山总是情

3 万水千山总是情_第1张图片

香蕉原产地为热度地区,但随着现代科技的高度发展,已经被搬迁到北方寒冷的温室之中,并且喜结硕果。研究人员在此缔造了一个称之为传统植物第二故乡的栖息地。They originally produce in tropical  regions but in highly technologically  contemporary times they have been removed to the cold northern greenhouses where they bear bunches of bananas . The researchers have built the atmosphere which is called the conventional plants’ second habitats.

3 万水千山总是情_第2张图片

一只鸵鸟正轻盈地在它的领地散步。它不能抵抗住我喂它青草的诱惑,紧随其后。鸟喙坚硬无比,所以我小心翼翼不被啄到。最后我和它惜别,它回身寻觅它的伙伴。An ostrich is bristly wandering in its kingdom and can’t resist my temptation to feed the weed.It chases my paces to eat the feast of the fresh grass. The beaks of the ostrich are so hard that I am cautious not to be bitten by it .Eventually I have to wave farewell to it, and it returns to seek its companion.

3 万水千山总是情_第3张图片

低矮结识的树杈间骑坐着一个天真无邪的小孩,笑容满满。我们每个人都曾经无忧无虑。我们人到中年归来仍旧是个少年。The short and strong branches can tolerate the innocent kid with broad smiles on her face.Each individual has such merry time when we have no concerns at all.Despite the fact that we are in the journey of middle ages,we return but still are teenagers.

3 万水千山总是情_第4张图片

在我们的星球上有的建筑别具一格,散发着别出心裁的魅力。In our planet the particular building exists giving off its peculiar attraction.

3 万水千山总是情_第5张图片

这是丹麦作家安徒生的代表人物,眺望大海。Overlooking the sea represents Andersen’s character in the fairy of Denmark.

3 万水千山总是情_第6张图片

早春嫩芽伸出头,羞怯地感受着万物复苏和这个世界的温度。In the early chilly spring ,the buds stretch their heads to feel the sense of spring of revival  and the temperature.

3 万水千山总是情_第7张图片

一次旅行源于候机和起飞。然而落地是最让人期盼的A trip set off the waiting and taking off.Whereas the landing is expected by the people.


玉兰在寒冬中孕育花苞,克服寒冷。Yulan magnolia brings up the new birth against the coldness.


蟹爪兰竞相绽放赞美成熟。Zygocactus truncatus is blooming competitively to praise the arrival of mature.


飞机穿越于云海之间仿佛穿越仙境。The flight crosses the layers of white clouds as if to go through the fairy world.


地球掩映于黛色的山脉,河流和高楼大厦之中。探索辽阔的星球我们感知万水千山总是情。The earth is surrounded by the  brown mountains ,rivers and blocks of buildings.Exploring  the vast planet we are inspired by the warmth everywhere.

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