每日译文-Will robot cars drive traffic congestion off a cliff?

Will robot cars drive traffic congestion off a cliff?


每日译文-Will robot cars drive traffic congestion off a cliff?_第1张图片

Self-driving cars are expected to usher in a new era of mobility, safety and convenience. Transportation researchers say the problem is that people will use them too much. Experts foresee robot cars chauffeuring children to school, dance class and baseball practice.


The disabled and elderly will also have new mobility and people may stay home more because they can send their cars to do things like pick up groceries they’ve ordered online. Researchers believe the number of miles driven will skyrocket, which may mean a corresponding surge in traffic congestion.


You are talking about a technology that promises to make travel safer, cheaper, more convenient. And when you do that, you’d better expect people are going to do more of it.

Don MacKenzie, a University of Washington transportation researcher


Don MacKenzie 华盛顿大学交通研究学者

It’s possible that congestion will be reduced because driverless cars and trucks are safer and can travel faster with reduced space between them. Highway lanes can be narrower because vehicles won’t need as much margin for error and there will be fewer accidents to tie up traffic. But those advantages will be limited as long as driverless cars share roads with conventional cars, which is likely to be the case for decades.


 This scenario depends on a societal shift from private vehicle ownership to commercial fleets of driverless cars that can be quickly summoned with a phone app. To make the shared-vehicle model work, government would have to impose congestion pricing on highways and take other measures to discourage people from traveling alone in their self-driving cars.



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