链表 python 面试题_Python面试问题指南:如何编写链表

链表 python 面试题

by Anthony Sistilli

安东尼·西斯蒂里(Anthony Sistilli)

Python面试问题指南:如何编写链表 (Python interview question guide: how to code a linked list)

I always understood the core concept of Linked Lists, but I never put it into practice.


It wasn’t until my very first Amazon interview years ago when I realized that I had no idea how the concept of Linked Lists translated into code.


And that’s why I’m writing this guide!


My goal is to help you get a job as a Software Engineer.


I want to cover a lot of Linked Lists interview questions, and this article is the first step in that process. So let’s dive in.

我想介绍很多“链接列表”采访问题,而本文是该过程的第一步。 因此,让我们开始吧。

什么是链表? (What is a Linked List?)

A Linked List is a data structure that consists of many mini-data structures called ‘Nodes.’ The Nodes link together to form a list.

链表是一种数据结构,由许多称为“节点”的小型数据结构组成。 节点链接在一起形成一个列表。

每个节点包含2个属性 (Each node contains 2 attributes)

  1. Its value. This can be anything: integers, characters, strings, objects, and so on.

    它的价值。 可以是任何东西:整数,字符,字符串,对象等。
  2. A pointer to the next node in the sequence.


一些定义 (Some definitions)

The ‘Head Node’: The head node is simply the first node in the linked list. As we can see from the example above, the node containing ‘5’ is the first node, and therefore the head.

“头节点”:头节点只是链表中的第一个节点。 从上面的示例可以看出,包含“ 5”的节点是第一个节点,因此是头。

The ‘Tail Node’: The tail node is the last node in the sequence. Since it’s the last node, it points to null, because there is no next node in the sequence. In the example above, the node containing ‘3’ would be the tail node.

“尾节点”:尾节点是序列中的最后一个节点。 由于它是最后一个节点,因此它指向null,因为序列中没有下一个节点。 在上面的示例中,包含“ 3”的节点将是尾节点。

单链接vs双链接 (Singly Linked vs Doubly Linked)

When it comes to Linked Lists, there are two main kinds.


Those that are ‘singly’ linked, and those that are ‘doubly’ linked.


Singly linked means that each node only points to at most 1 other node, the node in front of it. This is exhibited in the example above.

单链接意味着每个节点最多仅指向另一个节点,即它前面的节点。 在上面的示例中展示了这一点。

Doubly linked means that each node can point to 2 other nodes, the node in front of it and the node behind it. As we can see from the example below, since there is no node preceding the head node (which is 5), one of its pointers points to null.

双链接意味着每个节点都可以指向另外2个节点,即它前面的节点和它后面的节点。 从下面的示例中可以看到,由于头节点之前没有节点(为5),因此其指针之一指向null。

好的,我了解所有这些。 但是代码如何工作? (Okay, I understand all of that. But how does the code work?)

Coding Linked Lists can be a 4 line problem or a 400 line problem. It depends on how you want to approach it.

编码链接列表可能是4行问题或400行问题。 这取决于您要如何处理它。

On the simplest level, like we discussed, a linked list is just a bunch of connected nodes.


Thus, all we really need to create this structure is a node object.


class linkedListNode:    def __init__(self, value, nextNode=None):        self.value = value        self.nextNode = nextNode

Here we can see we’ve simply created a class that has a value and nextNode attribute.


To create a node, we simply pass in a value.


node1 = linkedListNode("3") # "3"node2 = linkedListNode("7") # "7"node3 = linkedListNode("10") # "10"

Here, we’ve created 3 individual nodes.


The next step is simply to connect them together.


node1.nextNode = node2 node2.nextNode = node3

The first line above makes node1 point to node2:


“3” →“7”

“ 3”→“ 7”

The second line above makes node2 point to node3:



“ 7”→“ 10”

All together, we’re left with a Linked List that looks like this:



“ 3”→“ 7”→“ 10”→空

Note: “10” points to null, because there was no nextNode assigned to node3, and the default nextNode is Null.

注意:“ 10”指向null,因为没有将nextNode分配给node3,默认的nextNode为Null。

Like I mentioned earlier, there are a lot of different ways to do this. This is just the simplest.

就像我之前提到的,有很多不同的方法可以做到这一点。 这是最简单的。

If you are trying to make an entire LinkedList class, this video goes in depth on how to do that.


遍历链接列表 (Traversing A Linked List)

If you’re doing a programming interview, and you get asked a Linked List question, you’re not going to be given all the nodes.


All you’ll get is the head node.


From that head node, you have to get the rest of the list.


First let’s understand how to get the value and nextNode from a node in Python.


Let’s say we have a node simply named ‘node’.

假设我们有一个名为“ node”的节点。

Getting the value of the node:



Getting the nextNode of the node:



遍历 (Traversal)

This first thing we want to do is create a variable called “currentNode” that keeps track of the node we’re at. We want to assign this to our head node at first.

我们要做的第一件事是创建一个名为“ currentNode”的变量,以跟踪我们所在的节点。 我们首先要将此分配给我们的头节点。

currentNode = head

Now all we have to do is simply check whether or not our current node is Null. If it’s not, we make our ‘currentNode’ equal to the ‘nextNode’ of the ‘currentNode’.

现在,我们要做的就是简单地检查当前节点是否为Null。 如果不是,则使“ currentNode”等于“ currentNode”的“ nextNode”。

currentNode = node1while currentNode is not None:    currentNode = currentNode.nextNode

Let’s say we have the following Linked List: “3”→”7"→”10".

假设我们有以下链接列表:“ 3”→“ 7”→“ 10”。

Our head and first ‘currentNode’ is “3”.

我们的头和第一个“ currentNode”是“ 3”。

When we do


currentNode = currentNode.nextNode

We are reassigning ‘currentNode’ to our current node’s neighbor, which in this case is “7”.

我们正在将“ currentNode”重新分配给当前节点的邻居,在本例中为“ 7”。

This continues until the currentNode is pointed to None, in which case the loop stops.


And that is the basic way to traverse through a Linked List in Python.


Link to the code on Github.


插入元素 (Inserting elements)

When you insert an element into a linked list, you insert it into the back unless specified otherwise.


Let’s use the following example:



“ 3”→“ 7”→“ 10”→空

Let’s say we want to insert a “4”.

假设我们要插入“ 4”。

We would simply find the tail node, in this case “10”, and set its nextNode to our “4” node.

我们将简单地找到尾节点,在本例中为“ 10”,并将其nextNode设置为“ 4”节点。


“ 3”→“ 7”→“ 10”→“ 4”→空

node4 = linkedListNode("4")node3.nextNode = node4

Now let’s say we were in an interview, and all we had was the head node.


We simply traverse through the LinkedList to find the tail. Once we have the tail, we simply set its nextNode to our new node that we create.

我们只需遍历LinkedList即可找到尾部。 一旦有了尾巴,我们只需将其nextNode设置为我们创建的新节点即可。

def insertNode(head, valuetoInsert):    currentNode = head    while currentNode is not None:        if currentNode.nextNode is None:            currentNode.nextNode = linkedListNode(valuetoInsert)            return head        currentNode = currentNode.nextNode

删除元素 (Deleting elements)

Deleting can get a bit tricky.


Let’s take the same example.



“ 3”→“ 7”→“ 10”→空

If we wanted to delete the “7”, all we need to do is point the “3” to the “10” so that the “7” is never referenced.

如果要删除“ 7”,我们要做的就是将“ 3”指向“ 10”,这样就永远不会引用“ 7”。


“ 3”→“ 10”→空

To do this, we would have to traverse the list while not only keeping track of the currentNode, but also keeping track of the previousNode.


We would also have to account for the head node being the node we want to delete.


In the code below, we simply delete the first instance of the value we want to delete.


Note that there are many ways to accomplish this, and the solution below might not be the cleanest code you’ll see in your life. However, in the heat of an interview, the interviewer probably won’t expect textbook perfect code.

请注意,有许多方法可以完成此操作,并且下面的解决方案可能不是您一生中看到的最干净的代码。 但是,在面试时,面试官可能不会期望教科书上有完美的代码。

def deleteNode(head, valueToDelete):    currentNode = head    previousNode = None    while currentNode is not None:        if currentNode.value == valueToDelete:            if previousNode is None:                 newHead = currentNode.nextNode                currentNode.nextNode = None                return newHead # Deleted the head            previousNode.nextNode = currentNode.nextNode            return head        previousNode = currentNode        currentNode = currentNode.nextNode    return head # Value to delete was not found.

In the code above, once we find the node we want to delete, we set the previous node’s “nextNode” to the deleted node’s “nextNode” to completely cut it out of the list.

在上面的代码中,一旦找到要删除的节点,就将前一个节点的“ nextNode”设置为已删除节点的“ nextNode”,以将其完全从列表中删除。

大O时间复杂度分析 (Big O Time Complexity Analysis)

**NOTE** These are the time complexities for the node structure above, which is most likely to appear on an interview. In practical cases, you can store attributes in a LinkedList class to lower these complexities.

**注意**这些是以上节点结构的时间复杂性,最有可能出现在采访中。 在实际情况下,可以将属性存储在LinkedList类中以降低这些复杂性。

‘n’ = the amount of elements inside the Linked List.


Inserting to the back of the Linked List— We go through all n elements to find the tail and insert our new node. O(n)

在链接列表的后面插入-我们遍历所有n个元素以找到尾部并插入新节点。 上)

Inserting to the front of the Linked List — We simply create the new node and set its nextNode to the head. No need to traverse the list. O(1)

插入到链表的最前面—我们只需创建新节点并将其nextNode设置为最前面。 无需遍历列表。 O(1)

Traversing — We go through all n elements once. O(n)

遍历—我们遍历所有n个元素。 上)

Deleting — Worst case scenario, the node we’re deleting is the last node, causing us to traverse through the entire list. O(n)

删除-最坏的情况是,我们要删除的节点是最后一个节点,导致我们遍历整个列表。 上)

您现在可以解决“链接列表”面试问题! (You can now tackle Linked List interview questions!)

You now have the fundamental knowledge you need to start tackling Linked List interview questions!


They can start off easy, and get tough really quick.


In the next article, I’m going to go over a couple of common questions and techniques you can use to solve them.


If you’re a student looking to land your dream internship or full-time job within the next 2 years, start practicing now!


I’ve started a community (www.theforge.ca) where we connect students with mentors and industry experts that help them navigate their way to their dream job.

我已经建立了一个社区( www.theforge.ca ),在这里我们将学生与导师和行业专家联系起来,以帮助他们顺利完成自己的梦想工作。

Thanks for reading, and good luck!


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/python-interview-question-guide-how-to-code-a-linked-list-fd77cbbd367d/

链表 python 面试题
