vue 组件库发布
Component libraries are all the rage these days. They make it easy to maintain a consistent look and feel across an application.
如今,组件库风行一时。 它们使在整个应用程序中保持一致的外观和感觉变得容易。
I've used a variety of different libraries in my career so far, but using a library is very different than knowing exactly what goes into making one.
I wanted a more in depth understanding of how a component library is built, and I want to show you how you can get a better understanding too.
To create this component library, we're going to use the vue-sfc-rollup
npm package. This package is a very useful utility when starting a component library.
npm软件包。 启动组件库时,此软件包是一个非常有用的实用程序。
If you have an existing library that you want to use the utility with, refer to the documentation they provide.
如果您有要使用该实用程序的现有库,请参考它们提供的文档 。
This package creates a set of files for the project to start out. As their documentation explains, the files it creates includes the following (SFC stands for Single File Component):
该软件包为项目创建了一组文件。 正如他们的文档所解释的那样,它创建的文件包括以下内容(SFC代表“单个文件组件”):
a minimal rollup config
The utility supports both Single File Components as well as a library of components. It is important to note this sentence from the documentation:
该实用程序支持“单个文件组件”以及组件库。 请务必注意文档中的这一句话:
In library mode, there is also an 'index' which declares the components exposed as part of your library.
All this means is that there is some extra files generated in the setup process.
First you'll want to install the vue-sfc-rollup
npm install -g vue-sfc-rollup
npm install -g vue-sfc-rollup
Once that is installed globally, from the command line, go into the directory where you want your library project to be located. Once you are in that folder, run the following command to initialize the project.
将其全局安装后,从命令行进入要在其中放置库项目的目录。 进入该文件夹后,运行以下命令来初始化项目。
Choose the following options within the prompts:
Is this a single component or a library? Library
这是单个组件还是库? 图书馆
What is the npm name of your library? (this will need to be unique on npm. I used brian-component-lib)
您的图书馆的npm名称是什么? (这在npm上必须是唯一的。我使用brian-component-lib )
Will this library be written in JavaScript or TypeScript? JavaScript (feel free to use TypeScript if you know what you're doing)
该库将用JavaScript或TypeScript编写吗? JavaScript(如果您知道自己在做什么,则可以随意使用TypeScript)
Enter a location to save the library files: This is the folder name you want your library to have. It will default to the npm name you gave it above so you can just hit enter.
输入保存库文件的位置:这是您希望库具有的文件夹名称。 它将默认为您在上面提供的npm名称,因此您只需按Enter键即可。
After the setup is complete, navigate to your folder and run an npm install.
cd path/to/my-component-or-lib
npm install
Once that is done, you can open the folder up in your editor of choice.
As stated above, there is a sample Vue component built for us. You can find it inside of the /src/lib-components
folder. To see what this component looks like, you can run npm run serve
and navigate to http://localhost:8080/
如上所述,为我们构建了一个示例Vue组件。 您可以在/src/lib-components
文件夹中找到它。 要查看此组件的外观,可以运行npm run serve
并导航至http:// localhost:8080 /
Now let's add our own custom component. Create a new Vue file inside of the lib-components
folder. For this example, I am going to imitate the button used in the freeCodeCamp assignment sections, so I'll name it FccButton.vue
现在,让我们添加自己的自定义组件。 在lib-components
文件夹内创建一个新的Vue文件。 对于此示例,我将模仿freeCodeCamp分配部分中使用的按钮,因此将其命名为FccButton.vue
You can copy and paste this code into your file:
You can see we have the basic template section at the top with the class we want it to have. It also uses the text that the user will pass in.
您可以看到我们的顶部有基本模板部分,以及我们想要的类。 它还使用用户将传递的文本。
Inside the script tag we have the Component name and the props that the component will take in. In this case there is only one prop called text
that has a default of "Run the Tests".
We also have some styling to give it the look we want it to have.
To see how the component looks, we'll need to add it to the index.js
file located in the lib-components
folder. Your index.js file should look like this:
文件中。 您的index.js文件应如下所示:
You'll also need to import the component into the serve.vue
file inside of the dev
folder to look like this:
You might need to run npm run serve
again to be able to see the button, but it should be visible when you navigate to http://localhost:8080/ in your browser.
您可能需要再次运行npm run serve
才能看到该按钮,但是当您在浏览器中导航到http:// localhost:8080 /时,该按钮应该可见。
So, we've built the component we wanted. You will follow this same process for any other component you want to build. Just make sure you are exporting them in the /lib-components/index.js
file in order to make them available from the npm package we are about to publish.
因此,我们已经构建了所需的组件。 对于要构建的任何其他组件,您将遵循相同的过程。 只需确保将其导出到/lib-components/index.js
Now that we're ready to publish the library to NPM, we need to go through the build process for it to be packaged up and ready to go.
Before we run the build command, I recommend changing the version number in the package.json
file to be 0.0.1
since this is the very first publish event for our library. We will want more than just one component in the library before we release the official 'first' version. You can read more about semantic versioning here.
因为这是我们库的第一个发布事件。 在发布正式的“第一个”版本之前,我们将需要库中不止一个组件。 您可以在此处阅读有关语义版本控制的更多信息。
To do this, we run npm run build
为此,我们运行npm run build
As the documentation states:
Running the build script results in 3 compiled files in the
directory, one for each of themain
, andunpkg
properties listed in your package.json file. With these files are generated, you're ready to go!运行构建脚本会在
属性一个。 生成这些文件后,就可以开始了!
With this command run, we are ready to publish to NPM. Before we do that, make sure you have an account on NPM (which you can do here if you need to).
运行此命令后,我们准备发布到NPM。 在执行此操作之前,请确保您已经在NPM上拥有一个帐户(如果需要,可以在此处进行操作)。
Next we'll need to add your account to your terminal by running:
npm adduser
npm adduser
When we publish to npm, we use the package.json file to control what files are published. If you look at the package.json
file that was created when we initially set up the project you'll see something like this:
当发布到npm时,我们使用package.json文件来控制发布哪些文件。 如果您查看在最初设置项目时创建的package.json
"main": "dist/brian-component-lib.ssr.js",
"browser": "dist/brian-component-lib.esm.js",
"module": "dist/brian-component-lib.esm.js",
"unpkg": "dist/brian-component-lib.min.js",
"files": [
The section under files
tells npm to publish everything in our dist
folder as well as any .vue
files inside of our src
folder. You can update this as you see fit, but we'll be leaving it as is for this tutorial.
文件。 您可以根据自己的需要进行更新,但我们将保留本教程的内容。
Because we aren't changing anything with the package.json file, we are ready to publish. To do that we just need to run the following command:
因为我们没有使用package.json文件进行任何更改,所以我们准备发布了。 为此,我们只需要运行以下命令:
npm publish
npm publish
And that is it! Congratulations! You've now published a Vue component library. You can go to and find it in the registry.
就是这样! 恭喜你! 您现在已经发布了Vue组件库。 您可以转到npmjs.com并在注册表中找到它。
vue 组件库发布