Windows Phone 7 XDE 介绍

XDE: x86 Device Emulator. Windows Phone 7 平台上新支持的模拟器类型,替代了原有的ARM Device Emulator.

Why XDE? 更快,更强

在安装了Windows Phone 7 Developer Tool 以后,你在以下目录能找到:

(1) XDE image: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\WindowsPhone\v7.0\Emulation\Images\WM70C1.bin

(2) XDE.exe: C:\Program Files\Microsoft XDE\1.0

(3) WP.exe: C:\Program Files\Microsoft XNA\XNA Game Studio\v4.0\Tools


Windows Phone Emulator XDE.exe 命令行参数

binfile - Filename of the binfile to be loaded by the emulator.
@responsefile - Filename to XML response file.
/a - Keeps emulator window always on top.
/battery - Emulates running from a battery instead of AC.
/batterycharge percentage - Emulated battery charge percentage.
/c - Creates and displays a console window to show output from Serial Port 1.

/cpucore - ARMv4 or ARMv5 or ARMv6. Default is ARMv4.
/cpuoptions - A combination of (T)humb, D(ebug), I(nternetworking), M (Long Multiply), E (DSP). Of these,T,D,I will always be set.
/defaultsave - Use the VMID as the saved state name and place the saved state file in the per user directory.
/flash filename - Enables flash-memory emulation and specifies flash-memory storage filename.
/h - Sets host-only routing for network packets.
/hostkey keyname - Specifies host key, where keyname can be ‘None’, ‘Left-Alt’, or ‘Right-Alt’.
/language LangID - Specifies the UI language, where LangID is a decimal.
/memsize size - Sets emulated RAM size, where size is in megabytes.
/nosecurityprompt - Do not prompt when enabling potentially unsafe peripherals when restoring from saved state.
/n [macaddress] - Enables CS8900 network adapter where optional macaddress specifies which host adapter the card will bind to,
/p [macaddress] - Enables NE2000 PCMCIA network adapter, where optional macaddress specifies which host adapter the card will bind to.
/r address - Specifies ROM file base address(in hexadecimal).
/rotate angle - Rotates the display by degrees, where angle can be 0, 90, 180, or 270.
/s filename - Specifies the save-state filename.
/sharedfolder directoryname - Mounts directoryname as a storage card.
/skin filename - Loads the specified skin file.
/speakerphone - {[SpeakerPhone][Headset][Carkit]} - Bitmapped number between 0-7 specifying Speakerphone, Headset Carkit mode.
/Itooltips state - Enables or disables tooltips, where state is ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’.
/u0 serialport /u1 serialport /u2 serialport - Maps guest serial ports 0-2 to Windows serial ports.
/vfp - Vector Floating Point coprocessor true or false. Default is false.
/video <width>x< height>x< bit-depth> - Specifies screen size and bit-depth.

/vmid {GUID) - Specifies the VMID GUID.
/vmname name - Specifies the window title.
/z - Zooms the display to 2x normal size.


WP.exe 命令行参数

help       Displays detailed information about individual commands.
platforms  Lists Windows Phone platforms.
devices    Lists Windows Phone devices.
default    Gets or sets the default device.
apps       Lists installed applications on a device.
install    Installs an application on a device.
launch     Launches an application on a device.
uninstall  Uninstalls an application from a device.

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