开始 Sencha Touch 2 之旅之四


//We've added a third and final item to our tab panel - scroll down to see it


    name: 'Sencha',


    launch: () {

        Ext.create("Ext.TabPanel", {

            fullscreen: true,

            tabBarPosition: 'bottom',


            items: [


                    title: 'Home',

                    iconCls: 'home',

                    cls: 'home',

                    html: [

                        '<img width="65%" src="http://staging.sencha.com/img/sencha.png" />',

                        '<h1>Welcome to Sencha Touch</h1>',

                        "<p>You're creating the Getting Started app. This demonstrates how ",

                        "to use tabs, lists and forms to create a simple app</p>",

                        '<h2>Sencha Touch (2.0.0pr1)</h2>'




                    xtype: 'list',

                    title: 'Blog',

                    iconCls: 'star',


                    itemTpl: '{title}',

                    store: {

                        fields: ['title', 'url'],

                        data: [

                            {title: 'Ext Scheduler 2.0', url: 'ext-scheduler-2-0-upgrading-to-ext-js-4'},

                            {title: 'Previewing Sencha Touch 2', url: 'sencha-touch-2-what-to-expect'},

                            {title: 'Sencha Con 2011', url: 'senchacon-2011-now-packed-with-more-goodness'},

                            {title: 'Documentation in Ext JS 4', url: 'new-ext-js-4-documentation-center'}




                //this is the new item


                    title: 'Contact',

                    iconCls: 'user',

                    xtype: 'formpanel',

                    url: 'contact.php',

                    layout: 'vbox',


                    items: [


                            xtype: 'fieldset',

                            title: 'Contact Us',

                            instructions: '(email address is optional)',

                            items: [


                                    xtype: 'textfield',

                                    label: 'Name'



                                    xtype: 'emailfield',

                                    label: 'Email'



                                    xtype: 'textareafield',

                                    label: 'Message'





                            xtype: 'button',

                            text: 'Send',

                            ui: 'confirm',

                            handler: () {











在第三个tab中,我们添加了一个包含三个字段和一个提交按钮的表格。在该页面我们使用了VBOX布局,布局来定位下方的提交按钮。fieldset本身配置了一个title 和一些 instructions(提示信息)。提示。最后,我们用了一个 textfield,一个emailfield 还有一个 textareafield

关于本入门级文章的例子源代码你可以从下载的 Sencha Touch 2.0 SDK的开发包的 examples/getting_started文件目录中找到。



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