jboss7 加载module过程

1. 调试类:





   2.1 初始化模块加载器(Module.getBootModuleLoader()



     * Construct a new instance, using the {@code module.path} system property or the {@code JAVA_MODULEPATH} environment variable

     * to get the list of module repository roots.


    public LocalModuleLoader() {

        final String modulePath = System.getProperty("module.path", System.getenv("JAVA_MODULEPATH"));

        if (modulePath == null) {

            //noinspection ZeroLengthArrayAllocation

            repoRoots = new File[0];

        } else {

            repoRoots = getFiles(modulePath, 0, 0);


        pathFilter = PathFilters.acceptAll();



2. 2 加载模块:(loadModule(ModuleIdentifier.create("org.jboss.vfs")


     * Load a module based on an identifier.  This method delegates to {@link #preloadModule(ModuleIdentifier)} and then

     * links the returned module if necessary.


     * @param identifier The module identifier

     * @return The loaded Module

     * @throws ModuleLoadException if the Module can not be loaded


    public final Module loadModule(ModuleIdentifier identifier) throws ModuleLoadException {

        final Module module = preloadModule(identifier);

        if (module == null) {

            throw new ModuleNotFoundException(identifier.toString());



        return module;


   2.2.1 预加载模块



     * Preload a module based on an identifier.  By default, no delegation is done and this method simply invokes

     * {@link #loadModuleLocal(ModuleIdentifier)}.  A delegating module loader may delegate to the appropriate module

     * loader based on loader-specific criteria (via the {@link #preloadModule(ModuleIdentifier, ModuleLoader)} method).


     * @param identifier the module identifier

     * @return the load result, or {@code null} if the module is not found

     * @throws ModuleLoadException if an error occurs


    protected Module preloadModule(ModuleIdentifier identifier) throws ModuleLoadException {

        return loadModuleLocal(identifier);


   2.2.2 加载本地模块


     * Try to load a module from this module loader.  Returns {@code null} if the module is not found.  The returned

     * module may not yet be resolved.  The returned module may have a different name than the given identifier if

     * the identifier is an alias for another module.


     * @param identifier the module identifier

     * @return the module

     * @throws ModuleLoadException if an error occurs while loading the module


    protected final Module loadModuleLocal(ModuleIdentifier identifier) throws ModuleLoadException {

        FutureModule futureModule = moduleMap.get(identifier);

        if (futureModule != null) {

            return futureModule.getModule();


        FutureModule newFuture = new FutureModule(identifier);

        futureModule = moduleMap.putIfAbsent(identifier, newFuture);

        if (futureModule != null) {

            return futureModule.getModule();


        boolean ok = false;

        try {

            final ModuleLogger log = Module.log;

            log.trace("Locally loading module %s from %s", identifier, this);

            final long startTime = Metrics.getCurrentCPUTime();

            final ModuleSpec moduleSpec = findModule(identifier);

            loadTimeUpdater.addAndGet(this, Metrics.getCurrentCPUTime() - startTime);

            if (moduleSpec == null) {

                log.trace("Module %s not found from %s", identifier, this);

                return null;


            if (! moduleSpec.getModuleIdentifier().equals(identifier)) {

                throw new ModuleLoadException("Module loader found a module with the wrong name");


            final Module module;

            if ( moduleSpec instanceof AliasModuleSpec) {

                final ModuleIdentifier aliasTarget = ((AliasModuleSpec) moduleSpec).getAliasTarget();

                try {

                    newFuture.setModule(module = loadModuleLocal(aliasTarget));

                } catch (RuntimeException e) {

                    log.trace(e, "Failed to load module %s (alias for %s)", identifier, aliasTarget);

                    throw e;

                } catch (Error e) {

                    log.trace(e, "Failed to load module %s (alias for %s)", identifier, aliasTarget);

                    throw e;


            } else {

                module = defineModule((ConcreteModuleSpec) moduleSpec, newFuture);


            log.trace("Loaded module %s from %s", identifier, this);

            ok = true;

            return module;

        } finally {

            if (! ok) {


                moduleMap.remove(identifier, newFuture);



    } 查找模块

    protected ModuleSpec findModule(final ModuleIdentifier moduleIdentifier) throws ModuleLoadException {

        final String child = toPathString(moduleIdentifier);

        if (pathFilter.accept(child)) {

            for (File root : repoRoots) {

                final File file = new File(root, child);

                final File moduleXml = new File(file, "module.xml");

                if (moduleXml.exists()) {

                    return parseModuleInfoFile(moduleIdentifier, file, moduleXml);




        throw new ModuleNotFoundException("Module " + moduleIdentifier + " is not found in " + this);

    } 解析模块


private ModuleSpec parseModuleInfoFile(final ModuleIdentifier moduleIdentifier, final File moduleRoot, final File moduleInfoFile) throws ModuleLoadException {
return ModuleXmlParser.parseModuleXml(moduleIdentifier, moduleRoot, moduleInfoFile);

    static ModuleSpec parseModuleXml(final ModuleIdentifier moduleIdentifier, final File root, final File moduleInfoFile) throws ModuleLoadException {

        final FileInputStream fis;

        try {

            fis = new FileInputStream(moduleInfoFile);

        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

            throw new ModuleLoadException("No module.xml file found at " + moduleInfoFile);


        try {

            return parseModuleXml(new ResourceRootFactory() {

                    public ResourceLoader createResourceLoader(final String rootPath, final String loaderPath, final String loaderName) throws IOException {

                        File file = new File(rootPath, loaderPath);

                        if (file.isDirectory()) {

                            return new FileResourceLoader(loaderName, file);

                        } else {

                            final JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(file, true);

                            return new JarFileResourceLoader(loaderName, jarFile);



                }, root.getPath(), new BufferedInputStream(fis), moduleInfoFile.getPath(), moduleIdentifier);

        } finally {



    static ModuleSpec parseModuleXml(final ResourceRootFactory factory, final String rootPath, InputStream source, final String moduleInfoFile, final ModuleIdentifier moduleIdentifier) throws ModuleLoadException {

        try {

            final XMLInputFactory inputFactory = INPUT_FACTORY;

            setIfSupported(inputFactory, XMLInputFactory.IS_VALIDATING, Boolean.FALSE);

            setIfSupported(inputFactory, XMLInputFactory.SUPPORT_DTD, Boolean.FALSE);

            final XMLStreamReader streamReader = inputFactory.createXMLStreamReader(source);

            try {

                return parseDocument(factory, rootPath, streamReader, moduleIdentifier);

            } finally {



        } catch (XMLStreamException e) {

            throw new ModuleLoadException("Error loading module from " + moduleInfoFile, e);


    private static ModuleSpec parseDocument(final ResourceRootFactory factory, final String rootPath, XMLStreamReader reader, final ModuleIdentifier moduleIdentifier) throws XMLStreamException {

        while (reader.hasNext()) {

            switch (reader.nextTag()) {

                case START_DOCUMENT: {

                    return parseRootElement(factory, rootPath, reader, moduleIdentifier);


                case START_ELEMENT: {

                    final Element element = Element.of(reader.getName());

                    switch (element) {

                        case MODULE: {

                            final ModuleSpec.Builder specBuilder = ModuleSpec.build(moduleIdentifier);

                            parseModuleContents(factory, rootPath, reader, specBuilder);


                            return specBuilder.create();


                        case MODULE_ALIAS: {

                            final ModuleSpec moduleSpec = parseModuleAliasContents(reader, moduleIdentifier);


                            return moduleSpec;


                        default: {

                            throw unexpectedContent(reader);




                default: {

                    throw unexpectedContent(reader);




        throw endOfDocument(reader.getLocation());



   private static void parseModuleContents(final ResourceRootFactory factory, final String rootPath, final XMLStreamReader reader, final ModuleSpec.Builder specBuilder) throws XMLStreamException {

        final int count = reader.getAttributeCount();

        String name = null;

        String slot = null;

        final Set<Attribute> required = EnumSet.of(Attribute.NAME);

        for (int i = 0; i < count; i ++) {

            final Attribute attribute = Attribute.of(reader.getAttributeName(i));


            switch (attribute) {

                case NAME:    name = reader.getAttributeValue(i); break;

                case SLOT:    slot = reader.getAttributeValue(i); break;

                default: throw unexpectedContent(reader);



        if (! required.isEmpty()) {

            throw missingAttributes(reader.getLocation(), required);


        if (! specBuilder.getIdentifier().equals(ModuleIdentifier.create(name, slot))) {

            throw invalidModuleName(reader.getLocation(), specBuilder.getIdentifier());


        // xsd:all

        MultiplePathFilterBuilder exportsBuilder = PathFilters.multiplePathFilterBuilder(true);

        Set<Element> visited = EnumSet.noneOf(Element.class);

        while (reader.hasNext()) {

            switch (reader.nextTag()) {

                case END_ELEMENT: {

                    specBuilder.addDependency(DependencySpec.createLocalDependencySpec(PathFilters.acceptAll(), exportsBuilder.create()));



                case START_ELEMENT: {

                    final Element element = Element.of(reader.getName());

                    if (visited.contains(element)) {

                        throw unexpectedContent(reader);



                    switch (element) {

                        case EXPORTS:      parseFilterList(reader, exportsBuilder); break;

                        case DEPENDENCIES: parseDependencies(reader, specBuilder); break;

                        case MAIN_CLASS:   parseMainClass(reader, specBuilder); break;

                        case RESOURCES:    parseResources(factory, rootPath, reader, specBuilder); break;

                        case PROPERTIES:   parseProperties(reader, specBuilder); break;

                        default: throw unexpectedContent(reader);




                default: {

                    throw unexpectedContent(reader);




        throw endOfDocument(reader.getLocation());


