Q about websphere mq v6 clustering

Does it support vertical clustering in one mq server (on one machine) with different qmanagers ?
I tried it in the below senario :
simple two qmanagers QM1 and QM2
QM1 has sender(conname('ip(1416)')) and receiver(conname('ip(1415)')) channel and a listener(port 1415)

QM2 has sender(conname('ip(1415)')) and receiver(conname('ip(1416)')) channel and a listener(port 1416)

qlocal named testq in QM1

this two qm in the same cluster named "testcluser"

when i put some message using command "put TESTQ QM2" ,an error occured:

"put from MQOPEN ended with reason code 2189 unable to open queue for output"
