

Meet without regret, no regret in the past, since then, one other two wide, bridge back to bridge road back, each well.


For the rest of your life, I wish you happiness and peace to each other.


Don't hate, thank you for letting me grow up, just ask for one other two leniency, each well.


Since then, one other two wide, each well, do not disturb each other.

希望我们彼此都能变得更优秀 ,遇到心仪的那个他,各自安好。

I hope we can become better each other, meet the right one, each well.

喜欢你是真的 ,但这次放下你也是真的 ,往后余生,祝你幸福,各自安好 。

It's true to like you, but it's true to put you down this time. I wish you happiness and safety for the rest of your life.

祝你前程似锦 ,祝你拥有更好的生活 。

I wish you a bright future and a better life.
