小样儿想封我?WebOS 1.2.1再次突破iTunes同步限制

上个周发布的Palm WebOS 1.2.0未能突破iTunes 9同步的限制,可能让一些用户感到失望,多少让人觉得猫鼠游戏的胜负已分。不过,Palm的反映速度确实够快,WebOS 1.2.1已经正式推出。据Gizmodo网站报道,新版的Palm WebOS 1.2.1解决了与iTunes同步的问题,而该版本将在未来几天内向Palm手机用户推送。

除了解决与itunes的同步问题,新版的WebOS还修复了上一个版本的一些重要Bug,比如修正了在Exchange 2007中无法同步联系人,Email,日历的问题,改进了流媒体播放的延迟问题,同时修复了一些安全漏洞,具体更新内容如下:

* Resolved an issue where after installing the 1.2.0 webOS update some customers running Exchange 2007 could no longer synchronize with their Exchange account for Email, Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks.
小样儿想封我?WebOS 1.2.1再次突破iTunes同步限制

* Resolves an issue preventing media sync from working with latest version of iTunes (9.0.1).
* Media sync now synchronizes photo albums, maintaining the album structure in the Photos app.
* Media sync now allows for synchronizing photos without requiring the full-resolution originals. This provides faster display of high-quality full-screen images and enables users to store more photos on the phone.

* Resolved an issue where if a user tried to play streaming music or video, the media stream might drop out or have a long delay before starting.


This release implements several security fixes, including the following:
* Addresses a security issue encountered by webkit developers. This issue did not impact end users.
Individuals interested in contacting Palm to report suspected security issues can find more information at palm.com/security .
