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* 本篇文章难度系数6.9,由《小仙英语伴读》人工智能难度分析系统提供评分。
25 degrees (C) is a nice warm day, yet 25 degrees is a horribly cold bath by comparison, why does water at the same temperature as air feel so significantly colder?
【单词】nice [nahys][naɪs] adj. 好的;美妙的;友好的;令人愉快的
【单词】warm [wawrm][wɔːm] adj. 温暖的;暖和的
【单词】horribly ['hɒrəbli] adv. 可怕地;极其
【单词】bath [bath, bahth][bɑːθ] n. 洗澡;沐浴 v. 洗澡
【单词】comparison [kuhm-'par-uh-suhn][kəm'pærɪsn] n. 比较;比喻
【单词】temperature ['tem-per-uh-cher]['temprətʃə] n. 气温;体温;温度
【单词】significantly [sig-'nif-i-kuhnt][sɪɡ'nɪfɪkəntli] adv. 意味深长地;意义深远地;重要地;较大地
And the reverse..
I can get in a bath at 38 degrees (C) and it's relaxing but the hottest day of the year at 32•C is unbearable!?
【单词】relaxing 原型:relax [ri-'laks][rɪ'læks] v. 休息;放松;使... 放松
【单词】unbearable [uhn-'bair-uh-buhl][ʌn'beərəbl] adj. 无法忍受的
We don't feel a specific temperature, but rather, how quickly heat is moving out of us.
【单词】heat [heet][hiːt] n. 热度;热
Humans produce a certain amount of heat in a certain amount of time, as do all warm blooded mammals.
【单词】blooded ['bluhd-id]['blʌdɪd] adj. 有血的
【单词】mammals 原型:mammal ['mam-uhl]['mæml] n. 哺乳动物
At about 25 degrees Celsius, air pulls away heat at just the right rate that we don't get any warmer ourselves.
【单词】pulls 原型:pull [pool][pʊl] v. 拉;拖;牵;拔;吸引 n. 拉;拉力;引力;划船;影响力
【单词】ourselves [ahr-'selvz][ɑː'selvz] pron. 我们自己
【专有名词】Celsius ['sel-see-uhs]['selsiəs] adj. 摄氏的 n. 摄氏
Water has the capacity to hold much more heat than air, so at 25 degrees Celsius, it pulls away significantly more heat in the same amount of time.
【单词】capacity [kuh-'pas-i-tee][kə'pæsəti] n. 容量;容积;能力
This means our core temperature is actually getting lower in the water.
【单词】core [kawr, kohr][kɔː] n. 核心;要点
Water is 1000 times more dense than air.
【单词】dense [dens][dens] adj. 密集的;稠密的;浓密的
This allows it to conduct heat far more efficiently than air.
【短语】far more 多得多的,更...的多的;例句:A bicycle's often far more convenient than a car in busy cities. 在热闹的都市里骑自行车往往比坐汽车方便得多。
【单词】conduct [kuhn-'duhkt][kən'dʌkt] v. 引导;指挥 vt. 导电;传热
【单词】efficiently [ih-'fish-uhnt][ɪ'fɪʃntli] adv. 高效率地;有效地
So if you're in a position where you are hotter than the water, it will drain your heat far faster than air of the same temperature.
【单词】drain [dreyn][dreɪn] v. 排出;排干;喝光;耗尽
This causes you to feel like the water is very cold.
As for the hot example, you're not spending 22 hours a day in your hot bath tub.
【短语】as for 关于,至于,就……方面来说,比如为了……;例句:As for me, I teach art. 至于我自己,我教艺术。What are you going to dress up as for Halloween? 比如到了万圣节你会穿什么?
【单词】spending 原型:spend [spend][spend] v. 花费;浪费;度过
【单词】tub [tuhb][tʌb] n. 桶;浴盆
If you did, it would get horribly uncomfortable to do anything that you would normally do in air.
【单词】uncomfortable [uhn-'kuhmf-tuh-buhl][ʌn'kʌmftəbl] adj. 不舒服的;不自在的
【单词】normally ['nawr-muh-lee]['nɔːməli] adv. 通常;正常地
Likewise, you can take an hour in high heat air decently well.
【单词】Likewise 原型:likewise ['lahyk-wahyz]['laɪkwaɪz] adv. 同样地;此外;(表示感觉相同)我也是
【单词】decently ['dee-suhnt]['diːsntli] adv. 正派地;体面地;大方地;有礼地
Water transmits heat approximately 20 times faster that air does.
【单词】transmits 原型:transmit [trans-'mit, tranz-][træns'mɪt] vt. 传达;传送
【单词】approximately [uh-'prok-suh-mit-lee][ə'prɒksɪmətli] adv. 大约;近似地
Hence why just a wet patch on a t-shirt will feel colder that the rest of the t-shirt.
【单词】Hence 原型:hence [hens][hens] adv. 因此
【单词】patch [pach][pætʃ] n. 小片;补丁
【单词】t-shirt ['tee-shurt]['ti:,ʃɜ:t] n. T恤衫