The health test result for DATA_NODE_FREE_SPACE_REMAINING has become bad: Space free on data volume

The health test result for DATA_NODE_FREE_SPACE_REMAINING has become bad: Space free on data volumes: 128.8 MiB. Capacity of data volumes: 4.2 TiB. Percentage of capacity free: 0.00%. Critical threshold: 10.00%. This health test is currently suppressed.

The health test result for DATA_NODE_FREE_SPACE_REMAINING has become bad: Space free on data volume_第1张图片
分析 : 由于secondarynamenode没有执行checkpoint的原因所导致,查看secondarynamenode的日志,发现真正的错误是:ERROR: Exception in doCheckpoint Inconsistent checkpoint field

结论 :主要是secondarynamenode没有执行检查点的操作,导致会产生上面的错误,上面的错误说明的是你一直没有执行检查点的操作。

解决方式 :删除secondarynamenode执行检查点的目录,即hdfs-site.xml中参数fs.checkpoint.dir, dfs.namenode.checkpoint.dir的值的路径。
