一分钟英语趣问答 16

Which word is both a noun and a verb: hammer or screwdriver?


一分钟英语趣问答 16_第1张图片

hammer  /'hæmɚ/

n. 铁锤, 音锤, 链球

vi.& vt.  敲打,锤击,重复


n. striker, hand tool, sports equipment, power tool

v. beat


electric hammer 电锤

hammer at 敲打;致力于

hammer head 锤头;弦槌

air hammer 气锤

hammer throw 链球;掷链球


• We hammer metal with a hammer.


• He bashed his finger with a hammer.


• He hammered the nails into the wall.


screwdriver /'skrʊ'draɪvɚ/

n.  螺丝刀;螺丝起子; 改锥

[近义词] n. hand tool


air screwdriver 风动螺丝刀

screwdriver set 成套螺丝刀

philips screwdriver 十字螺丝刀


• A coin can act as a screwdriver.


• Have you brought my screwdriver back yet?




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