快手上市,下一个TikTok? | 双语快报


比特币创新高;石油价格回升;快手上市股价上涨;拜登重申TikTok威胁;华为希望和拜登谈话;马士基(Maersk) 利润翻番。


The Economist, FEBRUARY 13TH-19TH 2021

快手上市,下一个TikTok? | 双语快报_第1张图片

Bitcoin surged to a record high, after Tesla revealed that it had bought $1.5bn-worth of the cryptocurrency and would accept it as payment for its cars. Elon Musk’s recent musings on digital money have bolstered the claims of bitcoin backers that it will one day be mainstream legal tender. Tesla’s investment in such a volatile market is a risky bet, however, and blemishes its green credentials. The amount of computer energy needed to mine bitcoin accounts for 0.56% of the world’s total electricity consumption, according to the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance.

在特斯拉(Tesla)透露已购买价值15亿美元的比特币,并将接受比特币作为购买汽车的付款后,比特币飙升至创纪录高点。埃隆•马斯克(Elon Musk)最近对数字货币的思考支持了比特币支持者的说法,他们认为,比特币终有一天会成为主流法定货币。然而,特斯拉在如此动荡的市场上投资是一场高风险的赌注,也会损害其绿色形象。根据剑桥大学新兴金融研究中心(Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance)的数据,挖掘比特币所需的计算机能量占世界总电力消耗的0.56%。

Oil prices were at their highest level in over a year. Brent crude rose above $60 a barrel; in April last year, the early days of the coronavirus crisis, it had dropped below $20. Prices have been on a steady ascent since October, fuelled in part by more curtailments to Saudi Arabia’s output and a pick-up in demand from China; oil imports there are thought to have jumped by a third in January, from December.

石油价格处于一年多来的最高水平。布伦特原油(Brent crude)升至每桶60美元以上;而在去年4月冠状病毒危机爆发之初,每桶跌破了20美元。自去年10月以来,油价一直在稳步上涨,部分原因是沙特阿拉伯持续的减产以及中国需求的回升。据信,1月份中国的石油进口较12月份跃升了三分之一。

Kuaishou’s share price continued climbing, days after its IPO in Hong Kong raised $5.4bn, the biggest stockmarket flotation in the tech industry since Uber. A rival to TikTok (known as Douyin in China), Kuaishou’s stock rose by 160% on the first day of trading.


Meanwhile, court filings in America suggested that the Justice Department under the new Biden administration is reviewing whether TikTok is a threat to national security, a claim the Trump administration made citing data-privacy issues. There were reports that the sale of TikTok’s American operations to Oracle and Walmart would not go ahead.


How do you say, Joe? 你怎么说,乔?

Huawei, a Chinese maker of network equipment, filed a new legal challenge to the American government’s designation of it as a national-security threat, this time against the Federal Communications Commission. Ren Zhengfei, Huawei’s boss, said he would welcome a call from Joe Biden to discuss the situation.

中国网络设备制造商华为(Huawei)对美国政府将其列为国家安全威胁的说法提出了新的法律挑战,这次是针对联邦通信委员会(Federal Communications Commission)。华为总裁任正非表示,他欢迎美国副总统乔•拜登(Joe Biden)打来电话,讨论目前的情况。

Higher rates to carry sea freight between Asia and Europe helped Maersk, the world’s biggest container shipping line, to almost double its quarterly profit. Freight prices jumped amid a resurgence in global demand for imports last year, and a shortage of empty containers to ship them in.


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