流利说懂你英语笔记要点句型·核心课·Level 6·Unit 3·Part 4· Listening·Rent or Buy 1

Rent or Buy 1

John and Linda have been arguing about whether to buy a house for a long time.

They have been renting a small flat for several years, and the rent keeps going up.


flat水平的; 平坦的; 平滑的; 一套房间; 公寓; 单元房; 平面部分; 平地; 低洼地; 平直地,平躺地; 断然; 直截了当地; 低于标准音高; 住公寓; 合住公寓

several years几年

rent租金; 破裂处; 裂口; 撕裂; 租用,租借; 出租; 将…租给

Last year, John wasn’t sure about his job situation, so they agreed to delay the decision.

They also invested some money in the stock market, and their investments are doing well.

Linda really wants to have a place of her own.

She is growing impatient and doesn’t want to wait any longer.

She wants to sell some of their investments and put the money into a nice house.


1.what have they been renting about?

 whether to buy a house 

2. Where do they invest some money last year?

They put some money in the stock market.

3. Why didn't they decide to buy a house last year?

John was uncertain about his job.

Put the sentences below in order:

John and Linda have been arguing about whether to buy a house for a long time.They have been renting a small flat for several years, and the rent keeps going up.Last year, John wasn’t sure about his job situation, so they agreed to delay the decision.They also invested some money in the stock market, and their investments are doing well.

Fill in the blanks:

John and Linda have been arguing about whether to buy a house for a long time.They have been renting a small flat for several years, and the rent keeps going up.Last year, John wasn’t sure about his job situation, so they agreed to delay the decision.They also invested some money in the stock market, and their investments are doing well.Linda really wants to have a place of her own.She is growing impatient and doesn’t want to wait any longer.

John is against buying now because he thinks prices are too high.

He is also worried about the high cost of living in the area.

This is beginning to make the area less attractive to companies.

Unless a company is innovative and successful, it can’t afford to do business in the area.


innovative引进新思想的; 采用新方法的; 革新的; 创新的

successful达到目的; 有成效的; 获得成功的; 有成就的

afford to得起; 负担得起; 付得起

area地区,地域; 地方,场地,区; 区,部位

Salary levels have risen so quickly that companies can no longer afford to attract good workers.



levels数量,程度,浓度; 标准; 水平; 质量; 品级; 层次; 级别; 使平坦; 使平整; 摧毁,夷平; 使相等; 使平等; 使相似; level的第三人称单数和复数

risen上升; 攀升; 提高; 达到较高水平; 起床; 起立; 站起来; 升起; rise的过去分词

quickly迅速地; 很快地; 不久; 立即

no longer不再

afford to得起; 负担得起; 付得起

attract吸引; 使喜爱; 引起…的好感; 招引; 引起

workers工作者; 人员; 雇员; 劳工,工人; 干活…的人; worker的复数

Good workers won’t come unless they are paid enough to buy a house.

So many companies are relocating or moving overseas where costs are lower.


relocating搬迁,迁移; relocate的现在分词

moving动人的; 令人感动的; 移动的; 运动的; 改变位置,移动; 变化; 改变; 转变; 前进; 进步; 进展; move的现在分词

overseas外国的; 海外的; 在国外; 在海外

costs费用; 花费; 价钱; 成本; 努力,代价,损失; 需付费; 价钱为; 使丧失; 使损失; 使付出努力; 使做不愉快的事; cost的第三人称单数和复数

lower下面的,下方的; 在底部的; 近底部的; 朝海岸的; 低洼的; 向南的; 把…放低; 使…


1.Why are many companies relocating or moving overseas?

They can't afford to stay because of the high cost of living.

Fill in the blanks:

Salary levels have risen so quickly that companies can no longer afford to attract good workers. Good workers won’t come unless they are paid enough to buy a house.

Repeat Sentences:

1.She is growing impatient and doesn’t want to wait any longer.

2. They invested some money in the stock market.

3.The high cost of living is beginning to make the area less attractive to companies.

4.Linda really wants to have a place of her own.

5. Unless a company is innovative and successful, it can’t afford to do business in the area.

John is worried that once companies start to leave, housing prices will come down.

Only fools are buying now, paying prices that are probably 10 to 20 percent higher than they should be.

He wants to buy when prices have fallen to a more reasonable level.

Until then, it doesn’t make sense to buy.


1. what is john waiting for?

he is waiting for prices to fall.

2.what can cause the house prices to come down?

if companies leave the area, people will lose their jobs and the demand for housing will decline.

3.What does John think it will happen to housing prices?

He thinks they'll come down.

4. Why does he think that housing prices will come down?

 He thinks that companies will move out of the area, causing prices to weaken.

He remembers what happened in other countries, just a few years ago, when prices climbed and then fell 50%.

Many people lost their homes because they owed more on their homes than the homes were worth.


lost迷路的; 迷失的; 失去的; 丢失的; 丧失的; 无法恢复的; 得不到的; 无法再找到的; 无法再造的; 遗失; 丢失; 损失,丧失,失去; 被…夺去; lose的过去分词和过去式

their他们的; 她们的; 它们的; 在提及性别不详的人时,用以代替his或her

homes家; 住所; 房子,住宅,寓所; 家乡; 故乡; 定居地; 归巢,回家; home的第三人称单数和复数


owed欠; 归因于; 归功于; 起源于; owe的过去分词和过去式

than比; 多于,小于,少于; 就

werebe 的过去时复数和第二人称单数形式; 有时代替 was,用于条件从句、动词 wish 之后等

worth有…价值; 值…钱; 值得,有价值; 值得; 价值(十元、40英镑等)的东西; 能用的东西; 

When they lost their jobs, they couldn’t pay the mortgage.


mortgage 英 [ˈmɔːɡɪdʒ] 美 [ˈmɔːrɡɪdʒ] n. 按揭(由银行等提供房产抵押借款);按揭贷款 v. (向银行等)抵押(房产) 第三人称单数: mortgages复数: mortgages现在分词: mortgaging过去式: mortgaged过去分词: mortgaged

They couldn’t sell either, because the selling price was less than what they owed to the bank.

So they had to move out and the banks took possession.

Now prices are rising again, so the same thing could happen again.

A cycle of boom and bust, which people tend to forget.


boom and bust繁荣与萧条 英 [ˌbuːm ən ˈbʌst] 美 [ˌbuːm ən ˈbʌst]

which哪一个; 哪一些; …的那个,…的那些; 那个,那些

people人; 人们; 大家; 人民,国民; 民族; 种族; 居住在; 把…挤满人; 住满居民; person的复数

tend to倾向于; 有助于

forget忘记; 遗忘; 忘记做; 不再想; 不再把…放在心上


1.what happen if you try to sell your home when the market value of home is less than what  you paid for it?

you get a loss.

2.When people buy a house or a flat, why do they go to a bank?

Unless they can pay cash, they'll need to get a loan from a bank to help pay for it.

3. A cycle of boom and bust when an economy grows too fast, then takes a rapid fall, and the cycle begins again.

Linda has a different view.

She thinks he worries too much.

She thinks if they buy now, prices will continue to rise.

If they don’t buy now, they will miss the opportunity and regret it later.

She isn’t worried by the possibility that prices may drop in the future.


1.If they don’t buy now, what does she think they will regret?

they will regret not having bought it.

2.What does Linda think about housing prices?

They will continue to rise.

Repeat Sentences:

1. She isn't sure, but she thinks prices will continue to rise.

2. If they don’t buy now, they will miss the opportunity and regret it later.

3. She isn’t worried by the possibility that  prices may drop in the future.

4. She thinks they will regret it later if they don't buy now.

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