


chapter 2


1.If I can’t get another job making as much money, my wife will be **furious** and she’ll leave me for someone else.


> If you've ever been so angry you'd swear you felt your blood boiling, you could reasonably say that you were furious. The word basically means "full of fury," so you get the picture.


英 ['fjʊəriəs]  美 ['fjʊriəs]

形容词. 狂怒的,暴怒的,激烈的,猛烈的

> Think about the angriest you've ever been. Now double it and you might be getting close to furious, from the Latin furiōsus, meaning "full of rage," which in turn comes from furia, "fury." Greek and Roman mythology had the Furies, who dispensed justice by harshly punishing criminals, sometimes driving them mad. They were merciless, fearsome, and feared, with snakes for hair and bloody eyes. When not on earth, they were tormenting the damned in Hell. Now, that's furious!

2.“In the middle of the night, things well up from the past that are not always cause for rejoicing—the unsolved, the painful encounters, the mistakes, the reasons for shame or **woe**.

**woe **英 [wəʊ]  美 [woʊ]

名词. 悲哀,痛苦,悲伤,苦恼

int. 咳

> O, woe is me!" This line is from Shakespeare. When Hamlet scorns Ophelia, she utters these words to express the grief and despair that will soon drive her to suicide.

> Another famously dejected figure, Job, echoes this unhappy cry in the Old Testament when he contemplates his sad fate, "If I be wicked, woe unto me." Today, woe generally means problem or worry. You may experience financial woes, if you spend too much on your credit card. And study hard for your classes or in addition to your academic woes, you may get grounded by your parents. Sometimes woe is used in a slightly ironic way. If your friends tell you to forget about your woes and go out with them, they think your problems are not too serious.

3.**Mindsets** Our observations about the perfectionism of procrastinators have been supported by the extensive research of Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck.


英 ['maɪn(d).set]  美 ['maɪn(d).set]

名词. 观念模式,思维倾向

> A person's usual attitude or mental state is his or her mindset. If you have an environmentalist mindset, you probably bring your own bags to the grocery store.

> Some examples of mindsets include an optimist's sunny perspective on life, a business owner's entrepreneurial way of thinking, or an Army general's military focus. Sometimes, a mindset spreads between people in a group and colors the entire group's outlook — psychologists call this groupthink. The noun mindset was first used in the 1930s to mean "habits of mind formed by previous experience."


In this chapter, we can know the reason of people like to put off something. Because the fear of failure. The auther lists many examples to prove it. There is an  equation are very natural among the procrastinator---self-worth =ability=performance. However, if you put off the things. You will be relived.




I can’t afford to let go of anything or anyone. If I show my real self, people won’t like me. There is a right answer, and I’ll wait until I find it.

Following someone else’s rules means that I’m giving in and I’m not in control.

That year, a group of girls in my class formed a club, and they wouldn’t let me join because I was the teacher’s pet. They made fun of me for being a goody-goody. I felt as though I was contaminated. And I remember making a conscious decision that I would never be the teacher’s pet again.

At this point you have to decide either to carry on to the bitter end or to abandon the sinking ship.

procrastinators try to distract themselves with pleasurable, immediately rewarding activities.
