2018,有哪些小众的旅游胜地值得一去?| 双语阅读原创 2018-01-28 英国《金融时报》 FT每日英语


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“With Mugabe going and a wave of optimism, lodges are opening up again and a new crop of guides are returning,” says Christopher Wilmot-Sitwell. “Zimbabwe has always had spectacular landscape and amazing game viewing, now its people want to show it off again and they deserve the world’s support.”

“随着穆加贝(Mugabe)的下台以及一股乐观情绪的兴起,不少度假屋重新开始营业,新一批旅行向导也回到了这里。”斯托弗•维尔默特-西特韦尔(Christopher Wilmot-Sitwell)表示。“津巴布韦一直有着壮丽的自然风景和令人惊叹的野生动物观赏资源,现在这里的人民想要再次展示这些瑰宝,他们应当得到全世界的支持。”

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As well as becoming more attractive to visitors, increased stability has encouraged greater inward investment from tourism businesses based elsewhere in southern Africa. New openings in 2018 include Verney’s Camp in Hwange national park (from owners who run camps in Botswana) as well as three new camps from South Africa-based Great Plains Conservation.

除了对游客的吸引力上升以外,日益稳定的局势也促进了南部非洲其他地区的旅游企业加大对津巴布韦的投资。将于2018年开始营业的包括万基(Hwange)国家公园境内的Verney’s Camp(其所有者也在博茨瓦纳境内经营野营地)以及属于总部位于南非的 Great Plains Conservation公司所属的三个新野营地。

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Interest in eastern European destinations is growing across the board, with Romania, Bulgaria and Slovenia all tipped by members of the panel. Georgia, though, looks set for particular growth in 2018 as it celebrates the centenary of its independence.


panel  [ˈpænəl] n. 专家咨询组

例句: He assembled a panel of scholars to advise him. 他组织了一个学者小组为他出谋划策。

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“Beyond its epic mountain scenery, it has a fascinating history; Arabs, Russians, Persians, Turks, Crusader knights and Silk Road traders have all left their mark.”


epic [ˈepɪk] adj. 宏大的,壮丽的,史诗般的

例句: It was during the reign of Queen Isabella that Christopher Columbus set forth on his epic voyage of discovery. 正是在伊莎贝拉女王统治时期克里斯托弗·哥伦布开始了他伟大的发现之旅。

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“You don’t have to be a diehard trekker to enjoy the Caucasus,” says Justin Wateridge of Steppes. “Take day walks among snow-capped peaks punctuated by sumptuous picnics, visits to vineyards, old villages and churches.


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Now several tour operators are launching trips for 2018, focusing on walking, wildlife, history and in particular, diving. “Known as the ‘Galápagos of the Atlantic’, it should be on every adventurous diver’s bucket list in 2018,” says Phil North of Dive Worldwide.

现在数家旅游公司推出了2018年的旅行项目,主要内容包括徒步行走、野生动物、历史古迹以及最具特色的潜水活动。“作为‘大西洋上的科隆群岛(Galápagos)’,2018年圣赫勒拿应被每一位热爱冒险的潜水爱好者列入愿望清单。”Dive Worldwide的菲尔•诺斯(Phil North)说。

bucket list 人生目标清单

例句: I need to remember to add skydiving to my bucket list. 我要记得把跳伞列入我的人生目标清单。

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“It offers a pristine, seldom dived underwater environment, home to a staggering variety of marine life and some great wreck diving too. The highlight, though, is the aggregation of whale sharks that happens each year between December and March.”


aggregation [ˌæɡrɪ'ɡeɪʃn] n. 集成,聚集体

例句: The people are a sea of wisdom and the aggregation of strength. 人民是智慧的海洋、力量的总汇。

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While adventurous, off-the-beaten track regions tend to create the most excitement, one of the key trends of recent years has been the retreat to “safe haven” destinations. Canada is a good example, helped in 2017 by events surrounding the 150th anniversary of its independence.


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Norman Howe, of Butterfield & Robinson, agrees: “British Columbia combines a dramatic coastline with soaring mountains and pristine wilderness, plus world class hotels, big animals, and a range of activities that thrust you deep into the outdoors.

Butterfield & Robinson公司的诺曼•霍韦(Norman Howe)赞同地表示:“英属哥伦比亚省既有惊险的海岸线,也有高耸的山峰和纯净的旷野,此外还拥有世界级的宾馆、大型动物以及一系列能让你深入体验户外世界的活动。

pristine  [ˈprɪsti:n] adj. 纯朴的,纯洁的

例句: Scandinavia, with its low population and vast open spaces, enjoys pristine forests and relatively little air pollution. 斯堪的纳维亚地区以他们的稀少人口和广阔的空间,享受着原始森林和相对少的空气污染。

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