No essay

I'm so happy from then to now.

Liam said: My boss talks to me, no essay. This essay will be the last essay.

红枫叶的plan被Liam毙掉以后,一直没有灵感,昨晚熬到快三点才写三百来词关于mariguana的观点。今天一个中午加半个下午终于东拼西凑满了两面A4,却感觉都是fact没有opinion,带着下次写四面A4 Australia的心情去上课。Liam一如既往地气喘吁吁地跑到教室,but this time, he carrys a good news, no essay.Anyway, no essay in the future.折磨了我大半个学期的essay终于不用写啦!

No full of two A4.

A little fact, just opinion.

Some quotes and so on.

你可能感兴趣的:(No essay)